
11 Fashionable Mean Girls We Hate To Love

Are they positive moral examples? No. But are they fashion inspo? Definitely.

By Hana Tilksew3 min read
Twentieth Century Fox/The Devil Wears Prada/2006

It must be the law in Hollywood: the more evil a character is, the more fabulously a costume department has to dress her. Some of the most recognizable looks of our generation have been worn by the cattiest characters. Good girls may win in the end, but mean girls always have the sartorial upper hand.

Blair Waldorf of Gossip Girl

I’d be lying if I said that 15-year-old me didn’t buy a bunch of collared shirts and pleated skirts as a direct result of Blair’s preppy influence. But the polished schoolgirl look wasn’t the only one she pulled off with ease. She could do high-society glam too, as proven by her ruffled red Oscar de la Renta gown. And who could forget that boldly creative wedding dress? It’s a surprise that traditional Blair chose to stray from the conventional white bridal look, but her beaded blue Elie Saab gown was definitely worth waiting six seasons for.

Vivian Kensington of Legally Blonde

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios/Legally Blonde/2001
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios/Legally Blonde/2001

Before there was Blair, there was Vivian Kensington, the OG hyper-competitive preppy brunette. She was doing the old money look before it was a trend (Sofia Richie who?) and had the academic record to back up her smart style (hello, Harvard Law School). While Elle Woods is rightfully the most visible fashion icon of Legally Blonde, methinks we should give Vivian her flowers too.

Regina George of Mean Girls

Publicity still for Mean Girls, 2004. Paramount Pictures
Publicity still for Mean Girls, 2004. Paramount Pictures
Publicity still for Mean Girls, 2004. Paramount Pictures
Publicity still for Mean Girls, 2004. Paramount Pictures

Perhaps the mean girl to end all mean girls, Regina George’s style is forever immortalized in pop culture. If you have your own “A Little Bit Dramatic” tee or have dressed up as a bunny for Halloween, you might owe some credit to Regina. And who could forget her most significant contribution to modern fashion: setting the precedent that on Wednesdays, we wear pink!

Betty Rizzo of Grease

Paramount Pictures/Grease/1978
Paramount Pictures/Grease/1978

Decades before Regina George had her own army of pink-clad minions, Betty Rizzo was head of the Pink Ladies. Her edgy style, careless mannerisms, and sarcastic personality set her up as the narrative opposite of sweet, sunny-faced Sandy. But while Sandy lives on in our memories as a likable character, it’s Betty who endures as a fashion icon.

Emily Charlton of The Devil Wears Prada

Twentieth Century Fox/The Devil Wears Prada/2006
Twentieth Century Fox/The Devil Wears Prada/2006

I once saw a tweet that said Emily Charlton is the only Emily who deserved to be in Paris, and I can’t argue with that. From her jewel-toned eyeshadow to her refusal to wear anything other than black, she was the ultimate fashion insider sophisticate. While I don’t envy Emily’s stressful job at all, I do wish I could rummage through her closet.

Miranda Priestly of The Devil Wears Prada

Twentieth Century Fox/The Devil Wears Prada/2006
Twentieth Century Fox/The Devil Wears Prada/2006
Twentieth Century Fox/The Devil Wears Prada/2006
Twentieth Century Fox/The Devil Wears Prada/2006

Never have the traits of evil and fashionable collided more dramatically than in the character of Miranda Priestly. The formidable editor of Runway was never without a killer coat, statement earrings, and of course, her signature black sunglasses. Since 2006, she’s been inspiring young women to look forward to middle age not as an inevitable decline in their style, but as an opportunity to serve more than ever before.

Sharpay Evans of High School Musical

Ashley Tisdale in Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure (2011). Photo by Ben Mark Holzberg - © 2010 Disney Enterprises, Inc.
Ashley Tisdale in Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure (2011). Photo by Ben Mark Holzberg - © 2010 Disney Enterprises, Inc.
Disney Channel/High School Musical/2006
Disney Channel/High School Musical/2006

No matter the occasion, there’s a Sharpay outfit to serve as inspo for your own. There’s no silhouette, color palette, or fabric type that she hasn’t already styled (and pulled off). Say what you will about her passive-aggressive tendencies, but Sharpay was definitely right when she predicted that she would be a star. How could anyone with the guts to wear a pink sequin coat be anything but notorious?

Carla Santini of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen

Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. Photo by George Kraychyk - © 2004 Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. Photo by George Kraychyk - © 2004 Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. Photo by George Kraychyk - © 2004 Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.
Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. Photo by George Kraychyk - © 2004 Buena Vista Pictures Distribution.

Carla is one of Megan Fox’s lesser-known roles, but iconic nonetheless. The aughts were a distinct time in fashion, and Carla’s looks are a fully immersive portal to the era. Business casual blazers! “J’adore Dior” tees! Velour sweatsuits galore! With the resurgence in popularity of Y2K fashion, it’s no surprise that Carla’s style has been getting Gen Z’s attention on TikTok lately.

Massie Block of The Clique

The Clique. Photo by Eric Lee - © 2008 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc.
The Clique. Photo by Eric Lee - © 2008 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc.
The Clique. Photo by Eric Lee - © 2008 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc.
The Clique. Photo by Eric Lee - © 2008 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc.

If you were obsessed with Lisi Harrison’s bestselling The Clique books, chances are that you were equally obsessed with the movie adaptation too. Not only was Massie her school’s biggest trendsetter, but she was also wickedly funny (“Claire, did I invite you to my BBQ? Then why are you all up in my grill?”). From her equestrian chic look to the humiliating (but ultimately iconic!) “I Heart Chris Abeley” top, Massie embodied everything I thought I’d be in middle school: bold, daring, and never caught in the same outfit twice.

Cressida Cowper of Bridgerton

Bridgerton. Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX - © 2024 Netflix, Inc.
Bridgerton. Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX - © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

Cressida’s inventive hairstyles and bold shoulders may not have landed her a fiancé yet, but she definitely sports the most interesting looks of London’s ton. And it seems to run in the family – just look at the dramatic shoulders on Mama Cowper’s dress! The game of courting starts with being noticed, and in that element of catching a husband, Cressida is surely succeeding.

Alicent Hightower of House of the Dragon

HBO/House of the Dragon/2022
HBO/House of the Dragon/2022
HBO/House of the Dragon/2022
HBO/House of the Dragon/2022
HBO/House of the Dragon/2022
HBO/House of the Dragon/2022

Though she became Queen of the Seven Kingdoms reluctantly, Alicent definitely knows how to dress the regal part. For a show that centers around power and royalty, not many characters are dressed too lavishly. But Alicent delivers every time. From the intricate embroidery and gold detailing of her dresses to the lush fabrics of each silhouette, every element of her style screams majesty! She may be a political schemer, but at least she looks incredible while she plots.

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