11 Places To Meet Men That Aren't Bars
Maybe you’re single and ready to mingle, but don’t want to find your man at the bar. Thankfully, going out drinking isn’t your only option for finding your future husband.

I was single for a very long time, so I understand the frustration of wanting to be in a relationship but feeling like it’s slim pickings. TV shows and movies give the idea that the best way to find a man is going out to the bar, but do you really want the foundation of your relationship to be around drinking? Not to say you won’t meet anyone good at a bar, but there are plenty of other places to look that don’t include being drunk. Here are some places you might want to hang out if you’re active in the dating scene and want to meet someone IRL.
1. Fitness Facilities
Think about the types of places you’d want your future man to go. Try getting into the gym. Along with getting active and bettering yourself, you might come across a single guy who is doing the same thing.

2. A Store That Sells Tools
I always tell my single guy friends that if they want to know where all the girls spend their free time, go to places like Target and HomeGoods. Single guys aren’t as likely to go to these places, but you might find them at a store that sells all things tools, sports, and supplies.

3. Sporting Events
Sports are life to some men. Attend a sporting event with some friends and see if you meet anyone new. Maybe pick a sport that you don’t mind watching, and give it a go!

4. Your College
If you’re in college, keep an eye out for the men who seem like they might be future scholars and not just frat boys. A guy who parties all the time probably isn’t ready to settle down.

5. The Library
Maybe your future boo is reading books at the local library. And what a wholesome way to meet someone, talking about books you both enjoy!

6. Driving Range at a Golf Course
You will find plenty of single men at the driving range. Maybe they can give you some pointers if you’re new to the sport!

7. Recreational Sports League
One way to get out and try new things and potentially meet new people is to join a recreational sports team. You don’t have to be great at the sport to do it, and whether you meet someone you like or not, it’s a way to have fun and get active.

8. Volunteer Activities
Give your time to a soup kitchen, animal shelter, community center, or anywhere that you can volunteer. If you meet someone at one of these places, it’s likely that they are caring and considerate, and who wouldn’t want someone like that? And if you don’t meet anyone, you still helped someone in need.

9. Your Church
Faith is a big part of my life, so I knew before getting married that the person I'm with has to share the same beliefs. If you’re very involved with your church, get plugged in somewhere with more people around your age. Serve at the church, find someone else serving there, and get to know them better.

10. The Park
Go soak in the sunlight at the park! Bring your dog if you have one, and take them for a walk. Maybe you’ll bump into someone else who is spending some time there.

11. A Coffee Shop
There are songs written about this type of meet-up. Read a book or hang with some friends at your local coffee shop, and see if anyone catches your eye.

Closing Thoughts
Don’t waste your single years worrying about being in a relationship. Make the most of this time and work on yourself so you can become the best future wife to someone. With that being said, you definitely won’t meet anyone if you don’t get out there. Hang out with friends and try new things, and along the way, you might meet someone amazing. There are plenty of places outside a bar where you could potentially meet someone.
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