11 Tried And True Tips For Going On A First Date From Our Editors
First dates can be nervewracking, but they don’t have to feel like the end of the world. We’re here to help.

Even those of us who haven’t been on a first date in a while can attest to the fact that going out with a new guy for the very first time can give you major anxiety. There’s a lot riding on this night, on things going well. Choosing the right outfit is essential; keeping the flirty banter going over text before you see him is crucial; putting your best foot forward is of the utmost importance.
Needless to say, if you have a first date coming up any time soon, there’s a lot on your mind right now – not to mention the butterflies you feel every time you think about it. And while it’s perfectly normal to feel a bit nervous before a first date, you shouldn’t have to feel totally overwhelmed.
This is where we come in. Our Editors at Evie are here to help you prepare for your first date, offering tips, wisdom, and some peace of mind before the big night. Here’s the best first date advice we have to offer.
Wear Something You Feel Confident In
It’s tempting to whip out something extra special to wear, something you’ve been excited to try out, for a first date. But now is not the time to reach for that one dress that’s been hanging in your closet for a few months but haven’t worn yet. There’s no predicting how an outfit will feel once you’re out and about, and you want to set yourself up for success.
Instead, opt for an outfit you know you’ll feel confident, lovely, and yourself in – one you’ve worn before. What’s more important than wowing him with a new dress or trend is feeling comfortable. You have enough things competing for your attention, so let your getup be something that doesn’t keep you from being in the moment.

Go for a Soft Girl Makeup Look
First dates are all about making a good, lasting impression. You want to wow him, for him to like what he sees, and to feel beautiful. And often enough, we mistakenly believe that the more makeup we pile on, the better.
For a first date, we’d advise you to go for a more natural, no-makeup, soft girl look. Instead of swiping on a whole palette of eyeshadow, stick to a light, neutral shade. Rather than using full coverage foundation and thick concealer, try a light to medium coverage BB cream. Instead of a bold red lip you'll be worried about touching up all night, opt for a nude or light pink shade with a clear gloss. Don’t cover up your natural beauty under a pound of makeup – seek to enhance it.
The more natural your makeup is, the more confident you’ll end up feeling, because he’s seeing and liking what you actually look like, not your handiwork and makeup artistry.

Go All Out To Primp Beforehand
A first date is the time to do all that’s within your power to put your best foot forward, and one of the best ways to do that is to primp to your heart’s desire. Spritz yourself with some nice perfume, give yourself a fresh manicure, take the time to do something special with your hair, and do anything else that will make you feel gorgeous (whether that’s exfoliating, using teeth whitening strips, or getting rid of unwanted facial hair). Let yourself have fun getting ready and indulging in all that is feminine.

Create a Pre-Date Playlist
There’s nothing like a good playlist to help set the mood of the night. If you’re feeling anxious before your date, put on a fun, upbeat music playlist that will raise your spirits. Whether you choose some classic Taylor Swift tunes, play some of Ariana’s hits, or just put on a random pop compilation from Spotify, the point is to let loose and allow your anxiety to melt away. Jam to it while you’re getting ready and sing along in the car while you’re on the way, and we promise, you’ll have a little hop in your step by the time you get to your date.

Make Sure Your Friends Know Your Plans
And now it’s time for a piece of advice that’s decidedly less fun, but still necessary nonetheless. If you don’t know this guy very well, it’s wise to tell a trusted friend or two about your plans with him. Let her know where you’ll be, when you’ll be there, and who you’ll be with. While this might feel overly cautious, it’s always better to be safe rather than sorry.

Plan an Activity Rather Than Just Going to a Movie
Sure, going to a movie is a classic date, but isn’t it kind of awkward to silently sit in a dark theatre next to a guy you’re supposed to be getting to know? For a first date, it's a better idea to plan something a bit more creative and out-of-the-box.
You might consider going mini golfing or to a museum, or attending a trivia night at your local pub or a paint and sip class. Planning something besides dinner or a movie for your first date will help you have a chance to get to know him while offering you an activity to bond over.

Focus on Whether You Like Him, Not the Other Way Around
We’d all be lying if we said how we were coming across wasn’t at the forefront of our mind during a first date. What is he thinking? Are we making a good impression? Does he like us? Have we done or said anything he might have thought was weird? This leads us into a tailspin of attempting to gain his approval instead of asking ourselves if we approve of him.
It’s understandable to get caught up in this line of thinking, but it’s far more important to honestly explore what you feel about him. Has he shown himself to be a guy worth getting a second date with you? Do you actually like him? Remember, as much as he’s assessing if you’re girlfriend material, you’re assessing if he’s the right guy to call your boyfriend.

Let Yourself Take Things Slow
There’s something about a first date that allows for our dreamer side to take over. We feel all the butterflies, enchanted with the possibilities that lay ahead, captivated by this new person we’ve yet to discover much about. And of course, as Pride and Prejudice’s Mr. Darcy says, “A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.”
There’s nothing wrong with dating with intention, but we’d also advise taking things slow – it’s just a date. Maybe it’ll lead to something long-term, and maybe it won’t. Do your best to take the pressure off having the best date of your life and feeling a spark, and just try to have fun getting to know a new person.

Prepare Conversation-Sparking Questions Beforehand
Sometimes, you oddly feel like you’ve known your date for years. The conversation flows, awkward pauses aren’t even a concern, and the connection between you two is undeniable. But other times, it’s a bit more challenging to keep things moving along. Even if you’re both into each other, there may be moments when the conversation lulls.
Prepare yourself for this scenario by preparing a few questions that will help revive the conversation. You could ask him what he’s been reading, about the people in his life, or which podcast he’d most want to be a guest on.

Handle the Bill Strategically
Going out for dinner or drinks is a classic date, but it often leads to an awkward question that doesn’t always have a clear answer: Who’s paying the bill? If he didn’t explicitly say dinner was on him, it’s never wise to make assumptions when it comes to paying for dinner. So how do you handle the question of how to handle the bill well?
One tip from an Evie editor? Once dinner is over and it’s clear the date is coming to a close, excuse yourself to the restroom. This gives him the opportunity to go ahead and pick up the check while you’re gone without any awkwardness. However, if when you return, he hasn’t paid the bill, offer to split the check with him. While it’s common courtesy for the person who initiated the date to pay, it’s also understandable that a guy might feel taken advantage of if he’s expected to pay for every date.

Leave Him Wanting More
The first date is, ideally, the first of many, many more. This means that it’s in your best interest to take your time and proceed slowly when it comes to the relationship’s “firsts” – namely, your first kiss with him. We get it – a good first date with a guy you really like creates a whirlwind of emotions, ones that tell you it’s important to keep him interested.
But even if you’re feeling like a second date is a sure thing, try waiting to have your first kiss with him until after the first date. It’s a challenge for sure, but it’ll undoubtedly give both of you something to look forward to.

Closing Thoughts
First dates are sure to stir up some anxiety, but the editors of Evie have your back. Try incorporating a few of these tips for your next first date, and we promise you’ll feel all the more prepared.
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