15 Women Share How They Knew Their Husband Was "The One"
How do you know when you’ve met “the one”?

Some people claim they knew the moment they laid eyes on each other. Some claim it was one defining moment that changed everything, while others say it was a series of moments that proved their man was the one for them. And some just knew. It wasn’t anything they did in particular; it was a gut feeling they had.
How we get to that answer can look vastly different for everyone, so we asked Evie readers about when they realized they had found Mr. Right. Here are their responses!
I Knew He Was “The One” When...
“I knew my husband was the one because he always kept his word. He never made excuses, he always made me feel safe, and he always had my best interest at heart. He showed up every single time. He makes an effort with my family, who live on the other side of the world, and I also know he'll be a great father to our future children. He understands me, which allows me to be vulnerable and open up to him. We're both creative types, and we just get each other.” - Juliana S.
"He never made excuses, he always made me feel safe, and he always had my best interest at heart."
“I’m going to get married in October, but my fiancé and I both knew we were “the one” within our first week of dating. I remember realizing before we even dated that he was quite special when we had a three-hour conversation over dinner. We were both committed to dating with purpose and he told me point-blank in our first week that he intended to marry me and I agreed, lol. That basically sealed the deal for me because I didn’t want to date anyone else again, and I was impressed with his honesty and commitment. Now I realize even more that he is ‘the one’ every single day.” - Caitlyn B.
“I had a moment where everything was completely right. I looked at him and knew that was it. Everything else around us faded away. It was like we were in a picture and he was the only one I wanted to look at for the rest of my life.” - Katherine H.
“From the very beginning, he was genuinely kind to not just me but to my family, friends, strangers, and young children. He did things like open the door for me, pull out dining chairs and open my car door before I would get in (and still does these things). I liked that he was very communicative with me (not too early on) with what he wanted out of life (a family, spiritually, a hold on finances). Because he was open and honest about these things fairly early on in our relationship we had very clear and realistic expectations of one another. We are on the same page on many important facets of life and truly just enjoy one another’s company. We have been together 10 years, married for 3, but are loving every day of it, especially since we are expecting our first baby girl in August!” - Morgan C.
"He was genuinely kind to not just me but to my family, friends, strangers, and young children."
“I could talk to him about anything and be myself with him! I felt at ease with him. Also, he had the balls to actually ask me out AND get friend-zoned, staying respectful until I woke up to the fact I wanted to be with him when I thought he moved on.” - Lydia V.
“I told him right away that I was saving myself till marriage. I had very bad experiences with men having a problem with it. Either by pouting about it or not thinking I was serious or getting mad. He didn’t think it was strange, he accepted it. He asked me what my requirements are, and I said that in other words that he become a Christian. So he made a decision to pursue his faith, and he made his way to become baptized in the Catholic Church. On the third date, he told me he wanted to marry me, and I knew it. It was a very peaceful, calm knowing. It was more than a feeling.” - Rebekah M.
“Because he admired his parents and their marriage so much. He wanted exactly what they had — married with 5 children and growing old together. His goals for the future and values were right where they needed to be.” - Rachel
“He was everything I was looking for: hardworking, kind, thoughtful, funny, but most importantly he always showed up when I needed him and he has always protected me. He is the quintessential strong and honorable man.” - Brittany E.
“I felt comfortable and at home around him from the first time I met him. He also was consistently caring and considerate to me, even on my bad days, and wasn’t afraid to be the first to apologize when we had a disagreement. I’m happy to say that I don’t regret my decision at all, and if anything, he has gotten even more amazing and my love for him has grown.” - Micaela L
“I felt comfortable and at home around him from the first time I met him."
“When I realized I could not live without him. He has an ability to keep me calm and open-minded. The thought of marrying him and living the rest of my life with him made me feel at peace.” - Melanie Rose S.
“I knew because I felt 100% comfortable being around him. And I found myself focusing on what was so amazing about him, and how much we got along just being together. I also didn’t have this list in the back of my mind of negative attributes, which I found happening in previous relationships.” - Christina Marie B.
“He was truly a traditional masculine man — other men had said they were but fell short. I knew because he had a heart of gold. He would give the shirt off his back to anyone in need without asking for a return. He is family orientated and loyal as can be. I feel peaceful with him, and we both share the same vision in life.” - Maya
“We met through mutual friends, and from the very beginning, I knew there was something special about him. As we got to know each other we realized we had a lot in common. Everything felt so natural and easy. When I met his family that’s when I knew I definitely wanted to marry him.” - Linda S.
"He was such a gentleman and always did little things to make me smile."
“I met my husband when I was traveling in New Zealand. We were visiting the same places and both loved hiking in nature so we instantly bonded. He was such a gentleman and always did little things to make me smile, whether that was sharing his food while we were hiking or helping me get to the next place. We parted halfway through my travels and met up again in Scotland. We dated for a few weeks, and I knew soon after that he was the one. We’ve been married for 24 years!” - Carolyn H.
“We were high school sweethearts, but broke up after we graduated. A few years later we bumped into each other at a friend’s house party and that’s when I realized how much I missed him. We got back together, and my soul felt peace and joy again. I knew he was the one. We dated for about a year, got married, and have two beautiful children.” - Brianna W.
Closing Thoughts
While everyone’s story is a little different, there are some common themes of shared values, of virtue, and of feeling a deep peace and security.
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