3 Signs Your Man Might Be As Toxic As Chase Andrews In ‘Where The Crawdads Sing’
If you haven’t seen “Where the Crawdads Sing” yet, then you should remedy that as soon as possible.

It has been several years since I have genuinely enjoyed a movie in the theater (though I have yet to see Miles Tellers’ abs in Top Gun: Maverick), and after crying multiple times and swooning each glorious time Tate entered the screen, I felt convicted that it was worth every cent I paid for it.
***Warning, major spoilers ahead***
Though each character was perfectly cast for the role they played, one character in particular stuck out to me: Chase Andrews. Preppy, entitled, rich boy Chase befriends lonely Kya, known to the town as the “Marsh Girl,” with one goal in mind: She’s beautiful and mysterious, and he wants a casual hook-up. The fact that Kya lives in the wilderness and is a town pariah is convenient for Chase as he pursues a romantic relationship with her. Why? Because unbeknownst to trusting Kya, he has a fiancée.

This inconvenient detail doesn’t prevent Chase from taking Kya on dates (far away from town eyes), taking her virginity, and promising her that he will marry her someday. When Kya eventually discovers the truth, she dumps Chase, who refuses to let her go. In a disturbing and heartbreaking turn of events, he rapes and beats Kya, leaving her afraid for days that he might come back and strike again.
Throughout this upsetting ordeal, you can’t help but wonder why Kya didn’t see the major red flags Chase was exuding the entire time they were dating. Unfortunately, Chase’s behavior is not very different from the behavior of some narcissistic men in 2022. So how do you know that a guy you’re seeing is toxic, and even potentially dangerous? We’ve listed a few telltale signs based on Chase’s disgusting behavior below.
Chase Is Condescending and Demeaning
Throughout the entirety of their relationship, Chase assumes a condescending attitude towards Kya. He mistakenly assumes that Kya is ignorant since she grew up in the marsh, and when he is confronted by her brilliance and talent with biology and art, he shows little interest in learning more about her passions. Instead, he dismisses her talent with an offensive comment about her not getting too cocky.

His reaction to seeing her incredible artwork for the first time is similarly dismissive and underwhelming – as is his reaction to learning she wants to write a book. It’s clear in each of these instances that Chase is trying to take her down a notch – far unlike Tate, who sees the brilliance in Kya from the beginning, and not only teaches her how to read, but also gives her the inspiration to get her work published.
Chase Doesn’t Respect Kya’s Boundaries and Makes Her Uncomfortable
Chase consistently refuses to respect Kya’s boundaries – from the very first date when he tries to hook up with her on their picnic blanket, to the traumatic scene where he rapes her. He insists on going into Kya’s home uninvited, despite her pleading that he not go in because the house is messy and not ready for company. More importantly – she doesn’t want him to go in because she doesn’t feel fully comfortable with him yet. Rather than regarding Kya’s wishes, Chase treks on, rifling through her things and carelessly flipping through her artwork and writings.
Though Chase knows that Kya is shy and afraid of leaving town, he forces her to go to a creepy motel outside town with him, where he takes her virginity in a callous and disrespectful manner without concern for her feelings. Once again, his actions are far unlike Tate's, who literally refuses to hook up with Kya and risk her getting pregnant out of wedlock because he loves and respects her so much.
Chase Is “All Talk, No Action,” and Most of His “Talk” Is a Lie
Chase, from the beginning, expresses that he really likes Kya and that he sees a future with her. Though we discover later that this is all a lie because he is literally engaged to someone else, Kya could have prevented her heartbreak if she’d listened to the misgivings she clearly has early on. For example, despite Chase’s professed desire to marry Kya, he refuses to let her meet any of his family and friends and even ignores her when they bump into each other in public.

When Kya mentions she saw him with his friends (one of whom is his fiancée) in one scene, Chase tells her that he doesn’t have any friends. Once again, he behaves far differently from Tate, who doesn’t promise Kya marriage until he really means it, and once he does, he acts on his professed desires because he truly cares.
Closing Thoughts
Though we are glad that Kya got her happy ending, and ecstatic it is with heartthrob Tate, it’s difficult to watch her suffer throughout her abusive and toxic relationship with Chase – even before she sees his true colors. Sadly, too many women in 2022 fail to see many of the same telltale warning signs that Chase exhibits in their own dating lives, and settle for a cheap version of “love.” It shouldn’t have to be that way.
Your relationship is supposed to be fun, happy, and with someone who truly loves, respects, and honors you. Not only that, the right person will seek like Tate to lift you up and help you become the best version of yourself that you can be. They certainly won’t be trying to drag you down.
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