5 Ways To De-Stress And Feel Like A Boss Babe
We all know self-care is important. It’s essential to our well-being. If we don’t help ourselves, how can we help others?

Here are five ways to get started on your way to de-stressing and de-cluttering your life.
Affirmations are so powerful. Change your thoughts, and you change your world. Take at least five minutes out of your day to say affirmations to yourself. Some examples are, “Today, I abandon my old habits and take up new, more positive ones.” or “Happiness is a choice. I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I've been given.”
I base my happiness on my own accomplishments and the blessings I've been given.
I love saying affirmations out loud. Find a private place and say your affirmations like you mean it. Even just speaking your intentions for five minutes every day will help keep you positive. It will also keep you feeling your best self.
Getting to know your body is a crucial step to self-care and de-stressing. If we don’t know what our bodies truly need, how can we accommodate them? Getting your body to move is a perfect way to understand and know your limits physically and mentally. I personally love yoga because it combines breath with mindful movement.
If we don’t know what our bodies truly need, how can we accommodate them?
Every part of your body is connected to an aspect of your mind. Hips represent repressed emotions. Tight shoulders mean your stress is mental. If yoga isn’t your thing, consider hiking, spin class, dance class, barre…there’s so much to choose from! Find what works for you and be mindful of your inner voice. Listen to what your body is telling you.
I must admit, social media is a big part of my life, and I think some of you ladies can agree with me. But sometimes we need to say, “that’s enough.” Spend a half-day or a full day leaving your phone to rest. Tuning in and being more present with your surroundings helps build a stronger sense of self, and it also helps in building stronger bonds with the people around you. Being with good friends or family can be an excellent de-stressor.
I can’t stress this enough. Get enough rest, babe. Rest is vital to our wellness and health, physically and mentally. Me personally, if I don’t get enough sleep, I break out, and my hormones go out of whack. Take some time to fully rest and restore your body.
Detox can come in many forms. From the foods we eat, to what we put on our skin, even people, places, and things. Tune in and find out what things might be holding you down. One of my favorite quotes goes like this: “If it’s not going to matter in five years, then don’t even spend five minutes worrying about it now."
Tune in and find out what things might be holding you down.
Meditation and de-stressing are all about simplicity. What can you remove from your mind and from your life to make it lighter or more relaxed? Find what makes you feel heavy in your gut and heart and remove those things from around you.
Closing Thoughts
So, there you have it. Five things you can start doing right now to de-stress your body, mind, and soul. These are only starting points, so explore all five, and see which ones you like best!