
6 Fitness Mistakes That Are Making Your Butt Flat

Hitting the gym for that perfectly rounded backside but seeing no results? You may be working your butt off – literally – by falling into these six progress-sabotaging traps.

By Renée Walton4 min read
Pexels/Nick Wehrli

Let’s face it: Wanting a perky backside has a lot to do with aesthetics. When you sport a healthy, rounded bottom, your waist appears smaller, giving you more of the hourglass silhouette that we all desire. Not to mention, a round butt means your clothes lay on your body in a more flattering way, meaning you’ll never have to shy away from a bodycon dress or a perfectly fitting pair of jeans. 

But believe it or not, the benefits of a well-defined tush extend beyond aesthetics. In fact, having a strong lower body is good for your overall health. Everything in the body is connected, so having healthy glutes, hamstrings, and quads means you’re less likely to experience pain in your back, knees, and hips since those big lower body muscles support the structure of all of those other areas of the body. 

Ready for a healthier body and a more attractive figure but can’t seem to make any progress? Trainer Kola of Koboko Fitness breaks down some reasons why you might not be making any gains in the booty department.

Mistake #1: You’re Overdoing It  

We all know that “hurts so good” soreness after a killer workout. And while being unable to walk the next day (or even the day after that) can make you feel like you crushed your workout, it’s not beneficial to put your body through that every single time. That’s because feeling super sore makes it hard to stay consistent with your workout routine. If you can’t move those muscles properly because they’re so sore, you won’t do your workouts in correct form – if you’re even able to get a workout in at all.

Know your limits and only push yourself so far. An all out, no holds barred workout can be beneficial sometimes if you’re feeling up for it (in your ovulatory phase, perhaps), but make that level of intensity the exception instead of the norm. 

If you feel like your workout was especially intense, try to get ahead of the soreness. Foam roll the muscles that you worked on (there are thousands of YouTube videos), and treat yourself to an Epsom salt bath to soothe your muscles. That way, you can stick to your regularly scheduled workout routine without taking any extra days off. 

Mistake #2: You’re Sitting Too Much

Consider how much you sit during any given day. Between your daily commute, sitting at a desk, and then winding down in the evening, chances are you’re logging more sitting hours than you’d like. You can do all the workouts you want for a strong, rounded backside, but if your booty is resting for 9+ hours during the day, you’re sabotaging your progress. 

Try to keep your body moving throughout the day. Invest in a walking pad for under your desk and hop on it throughout the day. As women, we’re masters at multitasking, so put your feminine superpowers to good use and walk at a slow to medium pace while you’re answering emails or on a Zoom call. 

Some situations aren’t conducive to a walking pad. If that’s your case, make it a point to get as much movement as possible throughout your day. Walk on your lunch break or take some of your phone calls while you're pacing around your office. Close your door and do a light 10 minute lower body workout while you’re on a break. Park in the farthest spot from the entrance at work or at the grocery store to get some extra steps in. Any way you can get your muscles moving helps. 

Mistake #3: You’re Overcomplicating It

Ever seen those perfectly sculpted fitness influencers with the complex exercise sequences? First a squat, then a burpee, two kicks, repeat, then hold, then pulse. Even if you’re following along with a video, it can be hard for your brain and body to keep pace. 

If you’re having a hard time keeping up, it might be time to consider going back to the basics. When you overcomplicate exercises, you run the risk of doing them incorrectly – which means you might not see the results you desire. 

Instead, keep things simple. When in doubt, try and do a simpler version of an exercise because you know how to do it correctly. For instance, if the routine you’re following includes a jump, maybe stick with a squat version instead and really focus your energy on getting that squat perfect. When you do things right, you’ll see results. 

Mistake #4: You’re Skipping Isometric Exercises

Isometric refers to exercises where you hold a position and don’t move – think planks, wall sits, and the chair pose in yoga. Kola explains that when you hold these isometric positions, you’re strengthening the muscles with lower impact on your joints than isotonic exercises in which you push, pull, or lift. These exercises seem simple, but the time under tension aspect makes them super valuable for building strength. 

Try adding this glute bridge to your lower body routine: Lay on your back, plant your feet in line with your hips, and lift your hips up towards the ceiling. Hold this position for one minute, then rest for 45 seconds. Repeat the series three times. The first round might not be challenging, but by the end of the third, your glutes will be feeling the burn. 

Mistake #5: You’re Not Targeting All Angles

When we think of butt workouts, we tend to focus only on the gluteus maximus – the big muscle right smack dab in the middle that gives you the bubble butt effect. And while we do need to work that big muscle to give the area mass, Kola explains that training the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are just as important. That’s because those smaller muscles support your gluteus maximus. The stronger your glute medius and glute minimus are, the stronger your glute maximus can become – and the perkier your bottom will be!

Want to give it a try? One exercise Kola suggests to target all the angles of the tush is fire hydrant side leg raises. The key is to do them slowly and mentally squeeze the sides of your hips and glutes in order to engage those muscles. 

Mistake #6: You Forget About Your Hamstrings 

Kola warns against being quad dominant. Some people tend to activate their quad muscles for every lower body workout and totally neglect the backs of their thighs. When we forget to engage the hamstrings, we become quad dominant and miss out on having a lean and balanced physique. 

Your hamstrings are some of the biggest muscles in your body, so put them to work. Be mindful about which muscles you’re activating during any given exercise and make sure you’re not engaging only your quads. This one simple tweak can give you impressive results. 

We all want a cute backside, but often that’s easier said than done – even if it does feel like you’re putting the effort in. Sometimes all you need is a small tweak in your form or routine to get those muscles firing on all cylinders and get the results you’ve been dreaming of.  

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