6 Non-Creepy Ways To Make Friends As An Adult
The older we get, the harder it is to make friends.

As kids and teenagers, it’s easier to make friends because, at school, we’re surrounded by people our age on a daily basis. As adults, we have the workplace, but we all know it’s harder to make friends at work than it was when we were in school. So here are some fun and surprisingly simple (though some of them still take a bit of effort) ways to make new friends without feeling like a total creep.
1. Take a Class
Believe it or not, you can take art and dance classes as an adult! Check your local community center (or local dance or art studio) to see if these classes are available in your area. Community colleges will also offer continuing education classes, where your chance of finding someone closer to your age is higher. Mutual interests are always a good foundation for friendship, and participating in social settings surrounding your interests is a perfect way to make new friends.

2. Get To Know Your Mutuals
We all know about friends setting each other up on blind days with guy friends, but what about blind dates for friendships? It doesn’t even have to be a blind date! If your friend has a friend that you vibe with, don’t be afraid to ask her if she wants to get coffee or lunch. You already have something in common with your mutual friend, so why not go for it?
Another idea is if you and your friend have a common interest like watching Bachelor In Paradise every Tuesday night, suggest a weekly get together at your place or hers and both of you can invite your individual friends to see if any more connections can be formed. Using an excuse like watching a show together takes the pressure off of an ongoing conversation and shifts the focus to the TV where you can simply make small talk as the drama unfolds.

3. Try Reconnecting with High School or College Friends
Some of my closest friendships are with my high school or college friends, including ones I once lost touch with but then later reconnected. We all have that one friend that we lost touch with a few years ago (because life just gets busy sometimes), but chances are you’re still connected on social media, so why not shoot her a text or DM asking how she is or if she wants to grab a drink to catch up?

4. Join a Local Facebook Group
I don’t know about your hometown, but mine has a bunch of Facebook groups centered around garage sales and events in the community. There’s a good chance that your town has one too, and it’s a perfect way to meet locals. If you connect with someone in the group while commenting on a thread, don’t be afraid to PM them and strike up a direct conversation or, if you're both dog owners, you could suggest meeting up at the closest park.

5. Join a Podcast Group on Facebook
We all love listening to podcasts, and many podcasts have Facebook groups or Discord chats for fans to interact with each other. Some even have sub-groups based on location. If your favorite podcast doesn’t have a Facebook group for people close to you, don’t be afraid to start one and organize meetups. This will not only introduce you to others with similar interests, but it’s a fun way to form a small community.

6. See If There’s a Women’s Group at Your Local Church or Synagogue
If you’re religious, see if your local church or synagogue has a women’s group. It might be centered around a study group or a ministry outreach or a volunteer program. Religion is a great way to form a community, and it’s even better when the women of the community come together. If your local church or synagogue doesn’t have one, feel free to talk to your pastor or rabbi about possibly starting one. Even if it’s just a monthly coffee meeting, forming these groups can go a long way in creating friendships. Alternatively, look around the congregation for women who look your age or are in your phase of life and introduce yourself!

Closing Thoughts
Making friends as an adult is much more difficult than it was when we were kids, but it doesn’t have to be as weird as we make it out to be. From branching out into your local community to signing up for an adult ballet class at your local dance studio, sometimes putting in a little effort can go a long way.
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