7 Former Employees Sue Kim Kardashian Over Unpaid Wages
On Monday, seven former gardeners and maintenance staff filed a lawsuit against Kim Kardashian claiming the billionaire failed to pay them properly or allow them to take meal breaks.

The former employees, who worked at Kim’s $60 million Hidden Hills home, allege that they were not paid on time, they didn’t receive pay stubs or itemized wages, and that Kim failed to record the hours they worked. They also had 10% of their wages withheld for tax, which was never paid to the authorities.
They further allege that Kim denied to pay them for overtime, with one of the gardeners claiming he was fired on the spot when he asked Kim about overtime, taxes, and rest breaks. One former employee, a 16 year old, claims he was required to work more than the legally permitted 48 hours per week when school is out.
The seven are now suing Kim Kardashian for the unpaid wages and overtime due to them.
Lawyer Frank Kim of law firm Kim Legal (tell me I’m not the only one who sees the irony of this), who is representing the former employees, said, “Wage theft and other workplace violations are a widespread problem in Los Angeles. My firm is currently investigating other potential violations against these defendants, as well as other powerful families and businesses on behalf of everyday workers.”
Kim Kardashian’s representative said that these seven former employees had not been hired by Kim but by a third party vendor: “These workers were hired and paid through a third party vendor hired by Kim to provide ongoing services. Kim is not party to the agreement made between the vendor and their workers, therefore she is not responsible for how the vendor manages their business and the agreements they have made directly with their staff. Kim has never not paid a vendor for their services and hopes that the issue between these workers and the vendor who hired them can be amicably resolved soon.”
Just last week, on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Kim argued with Kourtney over the latter’s poor treatment of a nanny, saying, “I like to keep my staff for a long time, so that's how I feel.”