7 Ways To Tell If A New Hair Color Will Look Good On You
Want to dye your hair but aren’t sure if the color will look good on you? Here’s how to know before you commit.

Dyeing your hair no longer has to come with a side of regret over an unflattering shade. In fact, there are many science-based ways to determine the hair colors that will look good on you and the ones that are best admired from a distance.
As women, we have a special bond with our hair, which is why, when considering a much-needed change in our lives, thinking of dyeing our hair can throw us into a spiral of indecisiveness and fear of hating the final result. Luckily, we no longer live in times where your best bet would be hoping and praying that the stylist can recognize your facial features and skin tone well enough to advise you on the most suitable hair color.
In fact, we now have many options, including AI technology, color science, and professional stylists, available to the average person, making it easier than ever to determine which hair color will look good on us before we even set foot inside a salon.
So, if you’re desperate for a hair change but simultaneously dread committing to it out of fear that you will hate the final look, keep reading to find out exactly how to choose a hair color you will be nothing short of in love with.

Figure Out Your Undertone
Figuring out your undertone is the most important step in determining what hair color might suit you and which colors you should avoid.
While undertones are never straightforward, and some people may be a combination of undertones, here are some good starting points for figuring out your undertone:
Cool Undertones: If you have a cool undertone, your skin will likely have hints of pink, red, or blue. You may also have visible blue veins and burn easily in the sun.
Warm or Olive Undertones: Those with warm or olive undertones tend to have more golden, yellow, and olive hues in their skin. They usually tan easily and may have green or olive-colored veins.
Neutral Undertones: This means that your skin has a mix of warm and cool tones, making it difficult to determine which one dominates; however, there are ways to figure out what colors may be more flattering on you, which won't necessarily determine your undertone but will give you an idea of what to wear and what to avoid, and by extension, which hair colors you should gravitate toward
Here are some other methods to try:
Jewelry Test: To do this, put on a pair of chunky earrings in both gold and silver and look at them in natural light while wearing no makeup. Because the earrings are large, they won't get lost in your coloring and will help you figure out whether gold jewelry complements your skin better, indicating a warm undertone, or whether you look better in silver, indicating a cool undertone.
White or Cream Test: Put on a crisp white shirt and a cream shirt, and look at each in natural light while wearing no makeup. If the cream shirt makes your skin look beautiful and glowy, you probably have warm undertones. On the other hand, if the crisp white color gives your complexion a clear and healthy appearance and makes imperfections like dark circles disappear, then you likely have cool undertones.
Eye and Hair Color: Another indicator for determining your undertone is looking at your hair and eye color. Generally, people with cool undertones tend to have blue, gray, green, and hazel eyes with an ashy shade around the iris or brown eyes that don't have a warm tinge and blonde, ash brown, or black hair. On the other hand, warm undertones are often associated with amber, green with brown flakes or hazel eyes with a warmer brown tinge, and honey blonde, ginger, red, chestnut or chocolate brown hair, as well as hair that looks black but is actually very dark brown.
While these methods can give you a general idea of your undertone, it's important to remember that everyone is unique and may not fit into one specific category.
Look at Others with Similar Coloring
Another good way to narrow down the hair colors that may suit you is to look at people with similar coloring, such as similar eye color, skin tone, or undertone, and see what hair colors look good on them.
For example, if you have warm undertones, and a honey-blonde friend who has a similar complexion dyed her hair chocolate brown, and it looks stunning on her, then chances are it could also suit you.
Additionally, you can do this by looking through subreddits that discuss color theory, where everyday people post pictures of themselves with different hair colors and styles, or by looking at hairdressers' Instagram pages to see real-life examples of how different hair colors look on people with similar coloring. Avoid looking at celebrities unless they have a very obviously similar coloring to you, as these people are usually photographed under perfect lighting conditions and have professional stylists who make their hair, makeup, and even outfits look good in the photo, even if the color doesn't necessarily suit them.
You, on the other hand, will be living with your hair color day in and day out, so it's important to choose a color that suits you in different conditions and not just under a flattering light.
Figure Out Your Color Season
Most of us gravitate towards certain colors, and looking at your wardrobe can confirm this. But in many cases, the colors we like are not necessarily the most flattering colors on us, which is why you should pull out some of your favorite pieces of clothing, ideally in different colors, and put them on while wearing no makeup and standing in natural light. You can then look at yourself and see which colors make your complexion look dull, accentuate blemishes and dark circles, or make you look washed out, and which ones bring out the best in your skin tone, brighten your complexion, and make you look more vibrant.
By understanding which colors look best on you, you can narrow down your color season, which you can then use to look for hair colors that complement that season and bring out the best in the features of those who belong to it.
For example, if you fall under the winter season, you can consider looking for inspo photos of cool shades that will create high contrast in your features, such as jet black, ash brown, or even platinum blonde. Summer palettes also lean on the cooler side, but they tend to have a softer look. So, you may want to consider searching for photos of hair colors like ashy blonde, silver grey, or even rose gold.
If you belong to the spring season, warm and golden tones like honey blonde, caramel brown, or copper red could be great starting points to search, while fall palettes tend to suit warm and rich colors like chestnut brown, auburn red, or dark golden blonde.
Create a Pinterest Board with Hair Color Inspo
Once you've made a list of colors that might suit you, it's time to find some inspiration. Pinterest is an excellent platform for this, as you can easily create a board and save images of the specific hair colors you like.
Additionally, the more specific you get with the images you are saving, the harder Pinterest will work to show you similar images, which can help you broaden your search and see different shades of the color you're interested in. This can be particularly effective for those who can't really make a decision or are still unsure about their color season, as the more you look, the more likely you are to find someone with similar coloring, making it easier for you to visualize how their hair color may look on you.
Use TikTok and Face-Tune Hair Color Filters
In addition to Pinterest, where you can see real-life examples of how the hair color you like may look on someone with similar features, you can also use apps like TikTok and FaceTune to try on filters with different hair colors and give yourself a better idea on what color family to aim for and what shades may be too light, too dark, or too vibrant for your skin tone.
However, while filters can serve as a fun way to conceptualize a new shade, it's important to remember that the result may not look exactly like the filter, so it's best to use them as a general guide rather than a guarantee of a satisfactory outcome.
Use AI to Help You Find Your Perfect Hair Color Match
Thanks to technology, you can now use AI bots to help you find your perfect hair color match. As Sharon Cancio (@sharoncancio) explains in her viral TikTok video, the easiest way to figure out your color palette and, thus, which hair colors may suit you best, is to take a photo of your bare face in natural light and use the dropper tool to click on various points of your face, such as your eyes, cheeks, forehead, and hair.
Once you click on each point, the system will automatically give you a Hex color code for the color, which you can then input into free AI bots like ChatGPT and request it to figure out your color season based on your color codes.
Once AI has identified your color season, you can then ask it to suggest hair colors that correspond with your season and even show you realistic examples of these hair colors on people with similar features, making the entire process of choosing a hair color even more efficient and accurate.
Invest in a Color Analysis Service
Finally, if you are still unsure about which hair color to pick or you don't want to take any chances, you can also consider investing in a professional color analysis service. These services involve sitting down with a stylist or a trained color analyst who will assess your skin tone, eye color, and hair color to determine your best shades in both clothing and hair colors. They will then provide you with personalized recommendations based on your unique features and preferences, taking the guesswork out of choosing a hair color and ensuring that you end up with a shade that you love and suits you perfectly.

Choosing the right hair color can be a transformative experience that enhances your overall appearance and boosts your confidence. And even if many women experience intense uncertainty about it, figuring out which hair color will suit you best doesn't have to be a daunting or challenging task. In fact, by browsing platforms like Pinterest, trying out virtual hair colors using filters, utilizing AI technology, and even seeking the advice of professionals, you can make informed decisions that yield beautiful results and leave you beaming with confidence.
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