
A Wife's Secrets To Making Yourself Taste Delicious

An important aspect of celebrating your femininity is embracing your sensuality and cultivating sexual energy with your husband.

By Ivy Lipton4 min read
Pexels/Lany-Jade Mondou

The easiest way to do that? By being tasty. When he touches you, are you soft and smooth? Do you look and feel beautiful and sexy? Do you smell intoxicating? And, for today’s topic, do you taste yummy?

*18+ Disclaimer: This article contains explicit adult content and is intended for educational purposes for married women only. Reader discretion is advised.

Smell and taste go hand in hand, and we all know how much of a turn off it can be if a strong odor is coming from down there, which is supposed to be the ultimate source of pleasure. But we don’t often think about how we taste. Despite popular belief, a healthy vagina does not naturally smell or taste like fish. Many women assume that vaginas taste like vaginas, and there isn’t much you can do about it. 

I remember when my moment happened. It was a hot Sunday afternoon, and I had been tanning by the pool while my husband played his weekend tennis match. He came home just as I was preparing a snack for him in my tiny orange bikini. He normally goes straight for a quick shower, but I soon felt his hands cupping my ass and his lips on my neck. Before I knew it, I was naked on my back on the kitchen table, my hands in his hair as his head moved down between my legs. I was ready! But after one insert of his tongue, he paused. He usually takes his time eating me out before we have sex, but he was already moving on to my breasts. “Don’t tease me!” I pleaded, aching for him to return. When he suggested having shower sex, it hit me. It tasted bad. He blamed himself for being sweaty, but I knew he was trying to be a gentleman. Needless to say, I've never let that happen again. 

The only thing better than your husband seeing and touching your beautiful, silky smooth kitty is when it smells divine and tastes delicious. Today, I’m sharing my best secrets to make sure you’re as irresistible as ever, using only natural, edible products.

Understanding Your Body's Natural State

First things first – every woman’s body has its own unique scent and flavor. Your natural aroma is a blend of many factors, including your diet, hormone levels, and overall health. The goal isn’t to mask your scent, but to enhance your natural essence so that you feel irresistibly confident and comfortable in your own skin. Embracing your natural state is the first step toward cultivating a scent that feels authentically you.

Daily Hygiene Practices

Gentle Cleansing

Begin each day with a gentle wash using warm water and a mild, unscented soap. It’s important to focus on the external parts (the vulva) and avoid douching or using scented products. These products can disrupt your natural pH balance, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy and odor-free vagina. Over-washing or using harsh soaps can strip away the protective natural oils your body produces, leading to dryness, irritation, and even an increased risk of infections. A simple, gentle cleanse is all you need to stay fresh and maintain your body’s natural balance.

Proper Wiping 

Always wipe from front to back after using the bathroom. This might seem like a small detail, but it’s incredibly important for preventing bacteria from the anal area from coming into contact with your vagina. This simple habit can significantly reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and other bacterial infections, helping you maintain optimal vaginal health.

Breathable fabrics like bamboo allow air to circulate and help your skin stay dry and comfortable throughout the day.

Breathable Fabrics

Your choice of underwear plays a bigger role in your vaginal health than you might think. Opt for cotton and bamboo (my favorite), and avoid wearing tight-fitting clothes all the time. Breathable fabrics like bamboo allow air to circulate and help your skin stay dry and comfortable throughout the day. Synthetic fabrics and tight clothing can trap moisture, creating a warm, damp environment that encourages bacterial growth and leads to unpleasant odors or infections. If you love the feel of silk, look for panties that have a bamboo or cotton-lined gusset (the crotch area). This helps maintain a healthy environment by allowing moisture to evaporate. 

Regulate Thong Wearing

Thongs are super sexy and perfectly fine to wear, as long as you’re mindful of how often you’re wearing them. The design of thongs can potentially transfer bacteria from the butt to the vagina, increasing the risk of infections. Saving thongs for special occasions or alternating them with more breathable options can help keep your vaginal area healthy and comfortable. 

The Influence of Your Diet: Eat Your Way to Deliciousness

What you eat can play a major role in how you taste and smell. Here’s how to tweak your diet to ensure you’re always feeling and tasting your best:

  1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate: Water is your best friend when it comes to flushing out toxins and keeping everything fresh. Aim for at least eight glasses a day to help your body maintain its natural balance.

  2. Fruits and Veggies: Pineapple, strawberries, and citrus fruits are believed to enhance your natural scent and flavor – plus, they’re yummy! Leafy greens also help maintain a balanced pH, contributing to overall freshness.

  3. Probiotics for Balance: Incorporate probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut into your diet. These help maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in your body, which is essential for vaginal health.

  4. Watch the Strong Smells: Garlic, onions, and certain spices can impact your body’s scent. If you’re planning a steamy night, it might be wise to avoid these strong-flavored foods beforehand.

Quick Pre-Intimacy Refreshers: Be Ready Anytime

When passion strikes, sometimes you need a quick, sexy refresh to feel irresistible. Here are some natural and edible ways to make sure you’re tasting as good as you look:

Fruit Juice Rinse

Looking for a quick, sensual boost? Mix a splash of pineapple or cranberry juice with water and gently rinse your vulva. These juices aren’t just tasty – they’re known for their sweet, tangy scent that can add an enticing allure. Just be sure to rinse thoroughly with water afterward to avoid any sticky surprises.

Yogurt Temptation 

Plain, unsweetened yogurt is your go-to for keeping things naturally balanced down there. The probiotics in yogurt help maintain your body’s natural harmony, so you’re always feeling clean and confident. Apply a small amount externally, let it linger for a few minutes while you anticipate what’s to come, and then rinse off with warm water. It’s a quick touch-up that keeps you fresh and ready for anything.

Smooth a little organic, unrefined coconut oil over your skin for a subtle, edible scent that’ll have your husband leaning in closer.

Coconut Oil Love 

Coconut oil is pure magic – both in the kitchen and the bedroom. This natural antibacterial agent has a light, sweet scent that’s as inviting as it is sensual. Smooth a little organic, unrefined coconut oil over your skin for a subtle, edible scent that’ll have your husband leaning in closer. Not only does it smell divine, but it also leaves your skin feeling soft and silky, perfect for those intimate moments.

Mint Water Rinse 

Need a cool, refreshing lift before things get hot? Brew some mint tea, let it cool, and use it as a quick rinse. Mint’s crisp, invigorating scent will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the night. Plus, the cool sensation is an unexpected thrill that’ll have you feeling as fresh as you smell.

Fruit Fantasy 

Want to add a sweet twist to your night? Lightly rub a small piece of fresh pineapple or strawberry on the external vulva. The fruity scent is playful and inviting, and the natural sugars add a tempting flavor that’s perfect for teasing. Just remember to rinse with water afterward to keep things smooth and sticky-free. 

Long-Term Vaginal Health: Keep It Fresh Always

Maintaining long-term vaginal health ensures that you’re always feeling and tasting your best. Here’s how to keep things in tip-top shape:

  1. Regular Gynecologist Visits: Routine check-ups with your gynecologist are crucial. They help detect any underlying issues that might affect your vaginal health and ensure you’re on the right track.

  2. Safe Sex Practices: Ensuring both you and your husband maintain good hygiene can prevent infections and keep everything feeling fresh.

  3. Stress Management: Stress can wreak havoc on your body, including your vaginal health. Incorporate stress-relief techniques like yoga, meditation, or even a calming walk in nature to keep your body and mind in harmony.

  4. Exercise for Circulation: Regular physical activity improves circulation, which positively impacts your vaginal health. Don’t forget Kegel exercises – they strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, which can enhance sexual pleasure and keep everything toned. 

Maintaining feminine hygiene to stay fresh and taste delicious is all about balance. With the right hygiene practices, a thoughtful diet, regular check-ups, and proper self-care, you’ll feel confident and sexy knowing you don’t just look amazing, you also taste irresistible. Don’t be surprised if you become his favorite snack!

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