
Activists Attack Lizzo And Accuse Her Of Perpetuating An "Ableist Slur" Because Of The Lyrics In Her Latest Song

Lizzo is a musician who quickly turned herself into a body positive icon that's loved unconditionally by feminists who are fed up with societal beauty standards. But even Lizzo isn't immune from the angry woke mob.

By Gina Florio1 min read
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It doesn't matter how much you buy into the radical intersectional agenda that lifts up trans people, glorifies obesity, and polices language. At some point, the angry activists are going to come after you for not being woke enough. Lizzo is learning this firsthand.

Lizzo Is Attacked by Activists and Accused of Being an "Ableist" for Using the Word "Spaz"

Her new song "Grrls" has quickly risen to become a popular summer hit, but there's a particular word in the lyrics that is rubbing activists the wrong way. She casually uses the term "spaz." Here are the lyrics:

Hold my bag, bitch (girls) / Hold my bag / Do you see this shit? I'ma spaz / I'm about to knock somebody out (girls) / Yo, where my best friend? / She the only one I know to talk me off the deep end (ah)

In this context (and just about every context), the word "spaz" is just used as a way to describe someone who is going crazy and acting up. Activists are coming after her for using this word so freely, though, even if they are usually fans of Lizzo and her music. People took to Twitter to display their disappointment with the singer-songwriter. She's being accused of using an "ableist slur."

At this point you just have to pull out the popcorn and watch the entertainment unfold. For as long as she's been at the top of the Billboard charts, Lizzo has been a woke icon. She's a self-described fat icon who is redefining beauty standards and being a champion for oppressed black women everywhere. But even she can't hide from the never-ending attacks from the radical intersectional agenda—because no matter how woke you are, at the end of the day, you'll never be woke enough because the goalposts just keep changing day by day.

Lizzo has yet to come out and apologize for her lyrics, but it's probably only a matter of time before she does.