
Alternative Healing Practices From 4 Different Cultures To Treat PCOS

Like most women’s issues, a trip to the doctor for a PCOS diagnosis often results in a birth control prescription. However, over the past few years, the negative side effects of birth control have become apparent, leaving many women searching for an effective alternative treatment plan.

By Olivia Flint4 min read
Pexels/Azyan Syazwani Rozik

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder that affects women. The condition comes with a whole list of uncomfortable symptoms, including (but not limited to) irregular menstrual cycles, anovulation, ovarian cysts, insulin resistance, high testosterone and androgens that cause excessive hair growth on the face, chest, and back, and acne.

Often, the Western medicine approach is to put a woman on hormonal birth control to “regulate” her periods and reduce other symptoms like painful periods and acne. However, this method tends to treat the symptom, not the cause, and is especially not effective in treating cases of infertility, which are often accompanied by a PCOS diagnosis.

Some doctors have done further research into the condition and found that eating a hormone-healthy diet – often in line with the phase of the menstrual cycle a woman is in – manages symptoms and treats the root cause of PCOS much better than birth control. For example, a woman in her follicular stage is in need of protein, so by incorporating eggs and chicken, as well as avocados, spinach, and asparagus, a woman can provide her body the nutrients it needs for that specific phase of her cycle, and the same goes for the other stages. This method has been proven to balance hormones and enable women living with PCOS (and other hormonal disorders) to live a healthier life.

But this isn’t the only alternative way PCOS is treated; there are many alternative methods used across the world. Here are healing practices from four different cultures used to treat PCOS.

1. Traditional Chinese Medicine

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), PCOS is viewed as an imbalance of Qi (energy flow) and blood stasis. There are various methods of treatment, all aiming to restore balance and reduce stress.


Is acupuncture the needle-powered hormone reboot we need? Maybe!

Acupuncture is one of the methods used by TCM to treat PCOS. Although it takes a lot of time, it’s been shown to be quite effective. The method involves a trained practitioner inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and restore balance between the body’s systems. 

For example, as acupuncture increases blood flow to the ovaries, it’s believed to support healthy ovarian function. With better circulation, nutrients and oxygen are more easily delivered to the ovaries. This helps the development of healthy follicles and improves the chances of ovulation. 

Acupuncture is also used to assist in regulating periods. As acupuncture treatments stimulate specific points related to the reproductive system, it’s been known to help with creating a more consistent menstrual cycle. 

Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine might just be nature’s potion to treat PCOS. There are a number of herbs used in TCM that target symptoms of PCOS. As TCM practitioners believe PCOS is caused by imbalances in the body, these are just some of the herbs recommended to alleviate symptoms and restore balance.

  • Dang Gui: This herb helps nourish and invigorate the blood. It promotes blood circulation and healthy menstruation. It’s believed to balance estrogen levels and improve blood flow to the pelvic area. In turn, this helps resolve ovarian cysts and irregular cycles.

  • Bai Shao: Bai Shao is a blood tonic used with other herbs to regulate the liver. It’s said to relieve irritability, stress, and irregular menstruation. Plus, it’s also used to balance hormone levels.

  • Cinnamon: Cinnamon is particularly effective for women with PCOS who have signs of coldness in their body (this could be cold hands and feet). It’s a warming herb used to improve circulation, warm the uterus, and promote the movement of blood. Cinnamon is said to help balance insulin sensitivity, and as insulin resistance is a common problem with PCOS, it can help treat this symptom. Plus, it’s also believed to stimulate blood flow to the reproductive organs.

  • Huang Qi: Also known as “Astragalus Root,” Huang Qi is a powerful tonic that strengthens the body’s immune system. It’s an energy booster used to tonify (increase the available energy of a body part) the spleen and kidney, both of which are thought to play a part in reproductive health and metabolism. Huang Qi works by regulating blood sugar levels and improving metabolic health, which also supports healthy ovarian function.

Alongside the above, TCM also recommends a healthy, balanced diet and active lifestyle to treat the symptoms of PCOS.

2. Ayurveda

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine. It originates from 3,000 years ago and offers a holistic approach to treating PCOS. In Ayurveda, PCOS is believed to be an imbalance in the body’s three energies: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. This imbalance could be what leads to problems with metabolism, hormonal imbalances, and reproductive health.

Similarly to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda also uses herbs to treat PCOS. Cinnamon, ashwagandha, and turmeric are used to regulate hormone levels, manage stress, and support healthy ovarian function.

Ayurveda also recommends an anti-inflammatory diet consisting of whole grains, fresh vegetables, and warm foods. Plus, it’s recommended to reduce the intake of highly processed foods and dairy. Alongside this, specific yoga poses and breathing exercises, such as the butterfly pose, sun salutation, and bow pose, are recommended to aid in balancing hormones and improving reproductive health.

3. Unani Medicine (Islamic Traditional Medicine)

Unani medicine, practiced in parts of the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa, also approaches PCOS through lifestyle changes, herbal remedies, and dietary advice. It focuses on detoxifying the body – a crucial part of treating PCOS. 

Cupping Therapy

One of the treatments used is called Hijama (cupping therapy). This involves placing cups on the skin to create suction. The skin is pulled into the cup which helps circulation and detoxification. It’s believed to be helpful in treating women with PCOS as it helps improve blood flow and reduces inflammation in the reproductive organs.

Unani Herbal Remedies

There are lots of herbal remedies to treat PCOS in Unani medicine. Here are just a few!

  • Kushta Qalai – used to regulate ovulation and reduce ovarian cysts.

  • Badranjboya – used to reduce stress and regulate hormones.

  • Suranjan – prescribed for managing pain and discomfort associated with ovarian cysts.

  • Ispaghula – believed to improve digestion and eliminate toxins.

4. Native American Medicine

Although PCOS isn’t specifically mentioned in Native American texts, the medicine could be used to support hormonal health and restore balance to the body. Much like the other medical treatments previously mentioned, Native American medicine also uses herbal medicine to treat conditions like PCOS. However, there is a bigger emphasis on spiritual practices to promote healing. This is because, in Native American medicine, healing is often viewed as incomplete without addressing the spiritual and emotional elements of illness. For a woman suffering from PCOS, there are a few different ceremonies she could try to address the issue.

Sweat Lodge

Sweat lodges involve sitting in a lodge with a pit of hot stones. Water is poured on the stones to create steam. The practice aims to remove toxins from the body, reduce stress, and improve mental clarity. This detoxification may help women with PCOS by managing stress and reducing inflammation, which contributes to the hormonal imbalance PCOS sufferers endure.


As many women experience anxiety due to PCOS, a Native American technique called “smudging” may help. This method involves burning sacred herbs such as sage, sweetgrass, and cedar. The idea is to cleanse the body and promote emotional healing and well-being. 

With a healthier mind and lower levels of anxiety, PCOS symptoms may be easier to manage. 

As more and more women say no to birth control, looking for alternative methods for treating PCOS will only increase. One alternative method that has been proven to treat symptoms and the cause of PCOS is eating and exercising according to your cycle. As no two women are the same, you may find it advantageous to combine eating a hormone-healthy diet with acupuncture or a herbal remedy from Unani medicine.