Announcing The New Evie (2.0)
We’re excited to announce a major change to Evie!

Evie is leveling up and looking a little (okay, a lot) more sophisticated. We’re pulling back the curtain on our brand-new site that represents the aspirational lives our readers are creating for themselves, one that seamlessly marries our digital platform with our print magazine.
Our new aesthetic is now combined with an innovative online experience. Evie is now bigger. Faster. Bolder. And even more beautiful. Our custom-designed website utilizes new technology for consuming, saving, and recommending content. Love an article and want to remember it? You can now “like” it. Need to come back and finish reading this fascinating article? You can now bookmark it and finish it later. Are you obsessed with a particular author? Your new account features will track your most-read authors and alert you to new articles from them. The new website also features recommended reading customized to your preferences, as well as new sections and topics that you’ve been asking for.
You may have also noticed that there aren’t any ads. They’ve actually been gone for a little while now. We did this for two reasons: One, they were negatively impacting load times and your experience as a reader. And two, well, they’re just ugly.
When we removed the ads, our load times became lightning-fast, and our traffic exploded! Millions of articles were being read per month, mostly coming from organic search. New readers have been discovering Evie daily, thanks to ranking high in search engines because of our improvements in speed and performance.
So when we decided to redesign and launch the new Evie website, we also decided ads would continue to be left behind. Of course, with that, our business model must evolve. As a result, we are rolling out a subscription (monthly and annually) for both digital and print experiences. But don’t worry! You’ll get to play around with the new Evie for yourself first. Once you see all the amazing things the site can do (the customization alone!), plus the extra benefits that come along with subscriptions (annual print magazine, texting with Evie editors, and more!), we’re confident that you’ll quickly fall in love and agree that supporting Evie with a subscription is worth it.
Evie readers have been asking for years: "How can we support you?" And this is how, by signing up for our premiere subscription service. This is the way you can support a small business, one that cares about your values and doesn't want to muck up the quality content with ads we don't support. As you embark on this entirely new Evie experience, you will find the same content that encapsulates our love of beauty and truth that has been at the heart of our mission from day one, that same content that you crave.
Traditional women’s media is largely to thank for the historic levels of depression and unhappiness among women, thanks to ideologies, propaganda, and “advice” that has led millions of women to make unhealthy choices (physically, mentally, and sexually).
We’ve polled thousands of Evie readers, and 79% report making decisions that have made their lives healthier and happier because of Evie’s content. We’ve got a long way to go, but we’re confident that we’re building the future of women’s media – a future where the content women consume, despite their different desires and goals, actually empowers them to make choices that lead to lasting joy and fulfillment. We invite you to join us in changing women’s media for the better.