
Ballet Isn’t Just for Little Girls—Here’s Why Every Grown Woman Should Try It

As I watched the ballerinas grace the stage to The Nutcracker this past December, I was transported to the wonder of tutus, pointe shoes, and perfect pirouettes. There’s something undeniably magical about ballet. For a moment, all those perfect pliés and relevés make us think that gravity may not apply to ballerinas. I was caught in a dream I could not snap out of, so with Elle Woods' “what? like it’s hard?” attitude, I decided to sign up for ballet classes and make this magical world a reality.

By Johanna Duncan4 min read

My initial motivation for trying ballet stemmed from the excitement of its aesthetics and the desire to stay in shape, especially since the winter months limited my usual outdoor sports. But I gained so much more than just fitness and beauty from the experience. Ballet is not only an art form and a sport—it’s also a personal challenge. The coordination and balance it requires pushed me in ways I hadn’t expected, becoming an incredible workout for both my body and mind. And as I mastered each difficult movement, my confidence grew, proving to me that I was capable of more than I had imagined. 

Some gyms offer classes, but these are most likely barre, which is largely inspired by ballet, but focuses on isometric movement just like pilates. Still a wonderful workout, but a whole other experience, so I advise you to look into your local ballet schools instead. Many of them offer adult lessons and they’re often cheaper than gym classes. When I started looking, drop-in-class rates ranged from $15 to $18 and it gets even cheaper if you sign up for a whole semester/level. I highly recommend this path! You will get so much more out of these classes if you are not there for a quick sweat and instead you’re committed to learning the artform in all its glory.

If a studio is not an option, there are some great Youtube channels available. My personal favorite is this video from the Dutch National Ballet covering all the basics to the tune of a live piano and there’s also Ballet with Isabella. Personally, I did both: One or two classes per week and YouTube videos whenever I could, which came down to being around 2 to 3 times per week. I must add that I also did 5 minutes of an arms and shoulder workout every night and, all together, this routine improved my posture quite quickly. 

Physical Changes

The absolute best part of this is how strong and put together I felt. You know that feeling when your outfit is super flattering, maybe even new, and you’re having a good hair day? That is how my body started to feel pretty much every day after ballet. I felt strong and my posture improved, and this alone made me feel confident. 

One of the most useful tips I learned in class is the ‘pulling the string’ concept. Imagine as you sit, stand, or even walk, that there is an invisible string pulling through your spine and up the crown of your head. Being mindful and aware of this string will give you the finest ballerina posture. Throughout class, the teacher kept reminding us of the invisible string and, after the first few classes, being mindful of this string became second nature. Studies have proven that good posture is key to good health and a happy mood, so this alone was a big win!

Depending on your body weight and specifics of your ballet class, an hour-long ballet session can burn around 500 calories, which if accompanied by a 2,000 calories per day diet or a bit less, will most likely leave you at a deficit resulting in weight loss. In my first month of practicing ballet consistently, I lost 8 pounds. Aside from ballet, I was still walking a minimum of 10,000 steps per day, which burns around 300 calories and eating a high protein diet. Specific results would depend on your current weight and other lifestyle factors, but if you’re looking into shedding some pounds, ballet is definitely a valuable option. 

How Ballet Changed Me As A Person

I must admit that as happy as I was about my physical changes, I was even happier about the change in my mood, mindset, and overall mental health. The winter months can be tough even for those of us who don’t have any particular mental struggle. During these cold, dark months, finding joy in movement and creativity becomes even more essential, almost medicinal. Being immersed in the beauty of the music and the dance during each session, in addition to the endorphins surge I received from a solid sweat, made me leave class with a smile on my face every time. It was almost therapeutic. 

I can honestly attribute my improvements in coordination, confidence, and mindset to the ballet classes. Here’s how:

  • Coordination

Syncing every limb to the tune of the music is as much of an exercise for the body as it is for the brain. This is why physical activity is so important for all of us. Engaging in ballet involves complex movement patterns, which require a high level of mental focus and neuroplasticity. The intricate choreography activates various regions of the brain, helping to improve cognitive functions such as memory, concentration, and spatial awareness. It is well proved that over time, ballet encourages the development of better brain-body communication, strengthening the neural pathways responsible for motor control. This not only improves coordination but also enhances cognitive flexibility, allowing us to adapt to new challenges both in and outside of dance. 

  • Growth Mindset

Ballet is not just about repeating movements; you must truly learn how to do a proper plié, how to stand in the right position, among other moves. Once you get a proper handle of these, you can start learning new movements that build upon the basics. There is always more to learn, there is always a new routine to master, and this alone fosters a growth mindset that overflows to other areas of life. 

Most studios will offer Ballet I, Ballet II, and so on, and only by passing each level you will be allowed to enter the next. Consequently, no one is there just to sweat in their pretty leotards, we all had to actually learn. Every class was a step forward, a challenge that demanded dedication, making every advancement feel truly earned. 

  • Confidence  

While I’ll admit that my first classes were slightly humiliating, I slowly gained self-pride in mastering this challenging new skill. It quickly showed me that I could push past my initial discomfort and frustration, revealing a deeper strength within myself that I hadn’t recognized before. As I progressed, each small victory—whether it was perfecting a pirouette or nailing a difficult combination—gave me a sense of accomplishment that built up my self-esteem. 

Nothing builds confidence like accomplishing something we’ve committed ourselves to do and, for me, ballet was precisely that. Ballet not only strengthened my body, but it also empowered me to believe in my own potential, proving that I was capable of mastering something that initially seemed so daunting and that perhaps only belonged to those magical and professional ballerinas. The discipline, grace, and poise required on the floor translated into greater self-assurance off the floor as well, making me feel more confident in all aspects of my life.

Ballet is the Epitome of Discipline 

One loose arm and the whole pose doesn’t work. One out of tune step and the whole routine is off. This need for precision and paying attention translated quickly to other areas of my life. I noticed that I was suddenly sharper and had an easier time focusing. The gloominess of the winter months can make us all roll a bit slower, but I certainly picked up the pace after the first few ballet sessions. This need to focus and the discipline it requires to stay present in the class and constantly aware of my body resulted in a unique form of mindfulness. Not to mention, the discipline it took to leave home on a snowy day to attend a lesson. 

The Pursuit of Beauty 

Ballet’s intense physical and mental demands all serve a single purpose—telling a story with breathtaking beauty. Through music, movement, and elaborate costumes, ballet transports audiences to enchanted realms, stirring the imagination and evoking deep emotions. It whisks us away to Maria’s dreamlike Christmas Eve in The Nutcracker, immerses us in the ghostly romance of Giselle, and transforms us into the haunting world of Swan Lake. Ballet exists for the sake of beauty, and that alone makes it timeless and essential. We can all use a little bit more beauty in our lives, and ballet certainly brought a lot of joy and romance to my day to day. 

As grown women, we need ballet just as much as young girls do—perhaps even more. Whether you’re seeking weight loss, improved mental health, or simply a hobby to get you in touch with your femininity, ballet is certainly worthwhile. It’s never too late to embrace grace, strength, and artistry in a way that nourishes both body and soul. So slip on those ballet slippers and head to the studio or start with a pretty pair of socks and make room in your living room— either way, you just might fall in love with it.