
Sanpaku Eyes: Can The Whites Around The Eyes Predict How Someone Will Die Or If They're Crazy?

Can sanpaku eyes truly determine someone’s fate? Here's what the famous Japanese superstition can tell you about different eye types.

By Nicole Dominique2 min read
Billie Eilish sanpaku eyes

We all know that breaking a mirror signifies bad luck and that “knocking on wood” can ward it off. Of course, we understand now that these are just based on superstitions that have outlived most of us. We’ve also all heard of the phrase “the eyes are windows to the soul,” which actually does have some merit to it if you really pay attention to body language and behavior. In fact, the Japanese actually believed that “sanpaku eyes” can determine someone’s fate and character.

Whites Below the Iris Could Mean a Tragic End

“Sanpaku” translates to "three whites," and “sanpaku eyes” often refer to the sclera (the whites surrounding the eyes) and its visibility either above or below the iris. To George Ohsawa, the founder of the macrobiotic diet, having "sanpaku yin" eyes means that you are "suspicious, afraid, insecure, easy to misunderstand, and passive." Others have said that someone with this eye type will likely die in an accident or worse.

While the tale does sound far-fetched, the idea has gone viral on TikTok, where it seems many people are actually open to it being true. @pattypopculture’s video on this topic has gained almost a million likes from TikTok users. “Have you heard the scary conspiracy theory about Billie Eilish that says she will die an early, shocking death all because of her eyes?" asks Patty Eminger. 

He then shows a picture of Billie Eilish and points out how visible the sclera is under her iris. "Anyone with these types of eyes called ‘yin sanpaku eyes’ are cursed, according to Japanese superstition,” he adds. "They say the eyes are the window to the soul and predict the soul's fate, and in a theory, anyone with these eyes met a tragic end." Patty then goes on to list the stars with sanpaku eyes who all had disturbing deaths: John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana, and the king of pop himself – Michael Jackson. But what do the Japanese believe about the people who have the opposite, when the whites of the eyes are visible above the iris? 

Whites above the Iris Could Mean Someone Is Dangerous 

For people whose whites are visible above the iris, they have "sanpaku yang" eyes, which translates to "sanpaku above." Individuals who have these types of eyes are full of anger and are often psychopaths, serial killers, or mentally unstable, according to the superstition. It sounds unbelievable until you look at pictures of the most prolific murderers in America. Charles Manson and James Holmes (who committed the Colorado Aurora shooting) are great examples. Still, does any of this mean it’s actually true? 

What Does Science Say? 

According to a study in 2014, eye whites certainly do communicate subconscious truths that are very important for bonding and survival. The visibility of the sclera and its movement can indicate a wide range of emotions and attitudes and also convey social cues. “Wide-open eyes, in which you see a lot of white, implies fear or surprise. A thinner slit of exposed eye whites, such as when smiling, expresses happiness or joy and is interpreted as such,” writes Christopher Bergland from Psychology Today. And indeed, if we come across anyone who’s got eyes like Charles Manson, our first instinct probably isn’t to stick around for small talk – our gut would most likely tell us to run instead. So perhaps the “sanpaku eyes” may hold some truth after all!

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