Cardi B Complains About Grocery Prices "Tripling Up" Amidst Inflation And Demands Politicians Lower The Cost Of Food
It's no secret that food and groceries are more expensive than ever, and rapper Cardi B has noticed the prices creeping higher and higher. She complained on social media about how much more money she's spending on things like lettuce, demanding for politicians to do something about it.

In August 2020, Hollywood socialite and rapper Cardi B sat down for a virtual conversation with Joe Biden for Elle magazine. They talked about the death of George Floyd, the coronavirus pandemic, and the importance of child care for working mothers. Biden brought up equity and "treating people with respect," resulting in Cardi B insisting that black people don't want sympathy or charity—they just want equality. The conversation was praised by just about every mainstream media outlet, while many everyday Americans wondered why on earth a vulgar rapper whose biggest hit is about women's genitals was given the opportunity to sit down with a President to discuss serious issues. The whole shtick felt forced and uncomfortable. Fast forward more than two years, and it looks like Cardi B is not happy at all with the way Biden's presidency is going, but she just can't seem to admit it to herself.
Cardi B Complains About Grocery Prices "Tripling Up" and Wonders How Middle Class Americans Are Getting by
In the interview with Biden, Cardi B talked about mothers having enough money to pay for the basics for their children, but as a mom who is providing for her own child, Cardi B isn't pleased with the prices of groceries lately. In a video shared on Twitter, she complained enthusiastically about how much food costs these days.
"When I be complaining about food prices, and y'all motherf*ckers be like, 'Ain't you rich? Why you complaining about lettuce? Why you complaining about this?' that just goes to show me when you become successful, when you have money, you're going to go broke soon because y'all not budgeting," she said. "I got a summary of the money that's being spent in my home every week so when I'm starting to see... groceries are, like, tripling up, it's like, ey, yo, what the f*ck is going on? I want to see for myself what the f*ck sh*t is being spent on."
"When I go to the supermarket, I'm seeing everything tripled up," she continued. "Lettuce was, like, $2 a couple of months ago and now it's, like, f*cking 7. Of course I'mma say something. If I think that sh*t is crazy, I could only imagine what middle class people or people in the hood are motherf*cking thinking. So yes, I'm going to say something. And I do have a big platform so I do want anybody that's responsible for these f*cking prices to put this sh*t the f*ck down."
One thing Cardi B is right about: middle class Americans and people from a lower socioeconomic status are indeed struggling to put food on the table right now, but it seems like she's having trouble arriving all the way to the finish line. The cost of basic groceries like lettuce, meat, eggs, and milk has increased dramatically over the last year because of something called inflation, which is directly related to the spending policies of the current administration.
Cardi B said in 2020 that she woke up early to vote for Biden in person. This is something that she was proud of. "It feels good after you voted, it feels like you just did something," she said. Well, she certainly did something. She voted in a President that would plummet the American economy even further and triple the cost of lettuce. Many Twitter users are pointing out the fact that Cardi B is so close, yet so far away. She sees the destruction of progressive policies, but she just can't seem to connect the dots and admit that her favorite politicians are the ones responsible for sending billions of dollars in foreign aid across the world while middle class Americans are fighting to put food on the table for their children.
"Stop voting for politicians that only care about getting $$$," conservative comedians Hodge Twins responded to her video. Others shared memes to show how easily people will fall for Democratic policies, only to be devastated by them later.
After campaigning so strongly for Biden and supporting various progressive politicians who have enabled an economic collapse, it's rich that Cardi B is turning around to complain that her groceries are more expensive than they used to be a couple years ago.