
Charli XCX Sings About "Running Out Of Time" And Having A Baby One Day

Charli XCX, 31, wonders if she should have a baby in her new song "I Think About It All The Time."

By Nicole Dominique2 min read

As she sits at her friend's apartment in Stockholm, Charli XCX writes down the poignant lyrics for "I think about it all the time." Unlike the rest of her electric songs in the now critically-acclaimed Brat, this one has a raw and bittersweet kick to it.

Charli was spending time with her friends and their new baby. The "radiant mother" and the "beautiful father," as she described them, inspired her to write out her own feelings on becoming a mom. In the first verse, she says that she starts to think seriously about her future for the first time.

"I think about it all the time / That I might run out of time," she sings in the chorus, "But I finally met my baby / And a baby might be mine."

The singer might still be a mom one day...if she decides to be one before her "time is up." She continued, "'Cause maybe one day I might / If I don't run out of time / Would it give my life a new purpose?"

I think that this question of having a baby or not troubles a lot of women in their 30s, as evident in a thread dedicated to the song on Reddit, a site that boasts many child-free discussions. @omgcow wrote, "While I'm still very much team 'f*ck them kids' there are still moments where I go... okay but... what if? What if I do end up changing my mind and I'm out of time? What's going to happen when everyone else has kids and I don't? What if I end up regretting it?"

@immaterial_angel agreed: "I also can’t help but thinking if I’m running out of time & even though at the same time I am still unsure about kids."

But Charli is at the height of her career and is soon to tour with Troye Sivan. "Would it make me miss all my freedom?" she asks in the song. "I think about it all the time." Many women recognize the beauty in creating another life, but they also know that having a child is an act of self-sacrifice. While I'm still in my mid-20s and plan on being a mom, I have a lot of friends who are on the fence about it. How will they provide for a baby in this economy? Should they really have one when the world is this way? What about their depression? What if that gets passed down to their kids? These are the questions that have been bothering them, the ones that they think about all the time.

Then, they see their sisters or other friends with beautiful babies, and they're glowing. Sure, they're tired from lack of sleep and cleaning, but it's almost like they've become someone else. Charli knows what I mean, I suppose. She sings that her lovely friends are "exactly the same, but they're different now / And I'm so scared I'm missin' out on something."

And I think that instead of making fun of these users or trashing on them like the red pill movement does, we should all hear each other out. Maybe then we can help women make the decision that's right for them. This world is insane at the moment, and women need a support group, not a snarky page or tweets dedicated to them "hitting the wall."

Will Charli make a decision soon? Maybe. This week, it was announced that she and The 1975's George Daniel are engaged. In the last lines of her song, Charli also reveals that she's considering stopping her birth control. "So, we had a conversation on the way home / Should I stop my birth control? / 'Cause my career feels so small in the existential scheme of it all."

I love how Charli is able to express such a relatable experience in song form, one that many women are afraid to vocalize. Thanks to her vulnerability, she's allowing women to come forward about their dreams of being a mom.

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