
Chelsea Handler Responds To The Claim That 45% Of Working Women Will Be Single And Childless By 2030, Accusing Men Of "Small D*ck Energy"

Chelsea Handler has always bragged about being unmarried and childless at the age of 48. She posted another video attempting to convince people that she is perfectly happy with her lifestyle choices.

By Gina Florio3 min read
Getty/Presley Ann

In 2019, Morgan Stanley predicted that 45% of women between the ages of 25 and 44 will be single and childless by 2030. These "prime working-age women" are known to contribute greatly to the economy because they tend to spend more money on travel, retail, and dining out, but many people are concerned about the birth replacement rate in American society. We are already trending below replacement, so it is concerning to think that fewer and fewer women in the future will be having children.

Comedian Chelsea Handler has been outspoken about how wonderful her life is because she intentionally chose not to have children. In February, she posted a reel on Instagram showing a "day in the life of a childless woman," bragging about how she wakes up at 12:30 p.m. to eat a marijuana edible and masturbate. She celebrated the fact that she doesn't have to chase around any children and instead gets to fly to Paris whenever she likes. This time she's back with another video to convince people that she's perfectly happy with her single, childless life.

Chelsea Handler Responds to the Claim That 45% of Working Women Will Be Single and Childless by 2030

On Sunday night, Chelsea shared a video on Twitter with the caption, "Some of you 'alpha' men have major SDE going on. And the biggest one is running Florida." She stitched a video with Adam Sosnick, who shared the statistic from Morgan Stanley that 45% of women between 25-44 will be single and childless by 2030.

"So you might say, 'What's wrong with that?'" Adam said. The camera cut to Chelsea generously pouring vodka into a large cup.

"I'll tell you what's wrong with that: nothing," she said. "I usually don't do things like this, but when I have to listen to men talk like that, I have no choice but to sedate myself with drugs and alcohol. Lately, I've been loud and proud about my status as a single, unmarried, childless, wild woman, and apparently, some men cannot handle that. Every time I go on Instagram, I stumble upon SDE morons like this guy pontificating about how unhappy women like me must be."

When she says "SDE," the text "Small D*ck Energy" pops up on the screen behind her. The video switches back to Adam, who continues, "If you think that you're going to be 45 years old—no kids, not married—and you're going to genuinely be fulfilled in life because you made money, best of luck to you, honey."

Chelsea continues to pour vodka generously into her large cup and says that that clip was posted to an Instagram account called @alphamotivation0. She says they "got the zero part right because anybody that follows that account is getting zero pikachu."

"I'm sorry, but if the child-free joyride I'm on triggers you, here's a hint: If you need daily alpha content to remind you to be alpha, you might not be an alpha. Take it from an alpha," she says.

Chelsea shares a screenshot of an article that says unmarried women live longer and are happier, but the data overwhelmingly proves the opposite. While there may be one or two studies claiming that single, childless women are happier and live longer, there is a mountain of evidence proving otherwise. Both married men and women have better health and live longer than their unmarried counterparts. Data has also long shown that women who identify with conservative politics and are married are much happier and less likely to have a mental health issue. But Chelsea claims that single women like her are happier than married women because "they wake up every day and they don't have to listen to dipsh*ts like you."

She ends the video by saying she would invite him to her comedy show, except it's sold out and there are no more seats available. Adam responded to her by tweeting the video and writing, "Newsflash honey, men don’t want alpha chicks with BDE. Maybe that’s why 50 Cent, Bobby Flay & Jo Koy hit it and quit it. At 48, your beauty & humor have faded. You drown yourself with alcohol & drugs to sedate your sorrow. Now go comatose for me, baby!"

The video has more than 248,000 views already, and people are arguing in the comment section about whether Chelsea is truly happy or if she's just putting on a show to convince people that she's doing great. One thing is for sure: A woman who is truly happy with her life choices doesn't have to constantly try to convince people online that she is happy with her life choices. While a woman's marital and motherhood status doesn't define her self-worth, it's impossible to deny the general statistics that point to women being happier and more fulfilled if they have a family, and if women like Chelsea were truly satisfied with their lifestyle, they wouldn't have to constantly shout about it from the rooftops in an attempt to convince others of their happiness.