Clip Resurfaces Of Bill Gates Being Unable To Answer The Question "Are These Vaccines Safe?"
A live interview of Bill Gates with CBSN from 2020 has resurfaced. Bill Gates was unable to provide a simple "yes" or "no" answer to Norah O'Donnell's question: "Are these vaccines safe?"

A clip of Bill Gates' interview with CBSN from 2020 has resurfaced on Twitter, garnering 5.8 million views on the platform. User @SpacePirate144 captioned it, "These things are so rancid that not even Bill Gates is defending them anymore." It's important to note that this interview wasn't recent, but Gates’ inability to clearly answer the interviewer’s question should still raise red flags, even today.
"The side effects for the Moderna vaccine sound concerning, we looked." Norah O'Donnell with CBS News says, continuing, "After the second dose, at least 80% of participants experienced a systemic side effect ranging from severe chills to fevers." The interviewer then turns to Gates to ask him, "So, are these vaccines safe?"
"Well the, uh," Gates starts off saying as he fondles his glasses and rubs his nose. "The FDA, not being pressured, will –" he pauses to gulp, "look hard at that. The FDA is the gold standard of regulators. Uh, and their current guidance on this – they stick with that – is, is, very, very appropriate."
Gates continues to stutter through his answer. "The side effects were not super severe, that is, it didn't cause permanent health problems for, uh, the [sic]. You know, Moderna did have to go with a fairly high dose, and so, uh, you know to get the antibodies. Some of the other vaccines, uh, are going – able to go with lower doses to get, uh, responses that are pretty high, including the J&J and the Pfizer."
Gates rambles on until O'Donnell interrupts him. "Bill, the data showed that everybody with a high dose had a side effect," she says.
"Yeah, but some of that is not dramatic, where – you know – it's just, you know, super painful," the Microsoft founder explains. "But, yes, we need to make sure there's not severe side effects. The FDA, uh, I think will do a great job of that despite the pressure," he adds.
The FDA and Vaccine Safety
In June 2021, the FDA made a statement that they will require companies to add a warning label on the mRNA vaccines for individuals who are susceptible to heart inflammation. In the summer of 2021, eight months after millions already received the shot, the agency finally approved the Covid-19 vaccines.
Does this mean we should trust the FDA? Not so fast. Back in 1999, the FDA approved a painkiller (Vioxx) that doubled the risk of heart attack in recipients, killing over 500,000 Americans. There are many such cases where a product has been approved by the agency, only to be recalled later. They have failed Americans time and time again, and there's no reason to believe the FDA has improved.
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