
Couples Try The Moon Phase Trend On TikTok To See If They're Soulmates—Here's A Tutorial So You Can Do It Too

The moon phase trend is taking over TikTok! Apparently, if the moon phases you both were born with make a whole, then you're soulmates. Here's a tutorial on how to do it.

By Nicole Dominique1 min read
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The moon phase trend is going viral on TikTok, just in time for March's full moon! Couples are discovering the moon phase they were born with and piecing them together to see if it makes a whole – if it does, then they're soulmates (supposedly). While this isn't exactly backed by science, the full moon does seem to affect our well-being, so who really knows? It's a fun trend, regardless!

"Soulmates are supposed to have matching moon phases," writes @jenn.oofer. Her video has garnered 1.3 million views and over 230,000 likes. Lucky for her and her man, their phases make a full moon!

Another user, @honeybthatsme, tries the trend. As you can see, their phases don't make a full moon – but I'm sure it was still fun to try!

@kaylahouston03 shows her astonishing results, and, yep, it looks like a match to me.

How To Do the Moon Phase Trend on TikTok

So, do you want to join in on the fun? Here's a step-by-step on how to do it! 

  1. First, you'll need TikTok. You'll also need to download the video editor Capcut since this app has the template you'll need to combine your moon phases.

  2. You need to know your moon phase! You can google it or go here on this website and enter the details of your and your man's birthdays.

  3. Now, look up pics of the moon phases and download them or take screenshots. Users are downloading theirs off to use for the trend. 

  4. Go back to the template on Capcut, choose the images of the moon you want to use for the video, and enter the date of birth on the text for both pictures. You might have to crop the images to make them the same size. 

  5. Export it to TikTok, and you're done!

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