
Daniel Penny Shows Us The Tragic Cost Of Defending Women In A World That Hates White Men

There’s a disturbing trend playing out in the aftermath of the Daniel Penny case—one that goes beyond this one man’s legal battles and strikes at the heart of a larger issue. It’s the complete emasculation of men, especially white men, by a system that punishes them for defending themselves and others.

By Carmen Schober4 min read
Getty Images/Michael M. Santiago

When Daniel Penny restrained Jordan Neely, a homeless black man with a violent past who was threatening to kill people on the subway, he wasn’t acting out of racial hatred. He was acting to protect innocent passengers from someone who made it clear that he didn’t care about hurting others.

As a result, Penny is facing the full wrath of our media and legal establishment. Not because he did anything wrong whatsoever—on the contrary, he was far more compassionate and heroic than the average person would be in such dangerous circumstances—but because of the color of his skin and the identity of the man he restrained. He's now facing the possibility of 15 years in prison.

What Happened?

In May 2023, former Marine Daniel Penny became the center of a national controversy after he intervened on a New York City subway to protect passengers from Jordan Neely, a mentally ill homeless man with a long history of violence. Neely was threatening passengers, saying he would kill them and that he didn’t fear going to jail for his actions. Penny, acting in a brave attempt to keep others safe, restrained Neely in a chokehold to subdue him. Neely died during the altercation, sparking immediate media attention.

What followed was a barrage of headlines framing the incident as a racially charged crime, despite the lack of any racial motivation from Penny. The media quickly likened the event to the George Floyd case, with some outlets calling Penny a murderer, eager to make this a case of white violence against a black victim. Despite Neely's criminal record of numerous violent incidents, the media has largely portrayed him as a victim of racial injustice, preferring the optics of a white man subduing a black man.

Penny now faces manslaughter charges, with the potential of 15 years in prison—charges that are more about appeasing political and racial narratives than delivering justice. The case has become yet another battleground for racial politics and the left’s ongoing efforts to dismantle traditional masculine values.

As Eva Vlaardingerbroek so clearly stated, "If you are a white man and you see something like this happening, you might think twice before stepping in if the person who is harassing the passengers is black because you might end up exactly like Daniel Penny.”

It’s not just that white men are being labeled racists for defending themselves—it’s that they’re literally being criminalized for it. And that's no accident.

Feminism's No-Win Hellscape

Take a step back and look at the larger narrative that feminism often promotes today. On one hand, men are constantly criticized for being “toxic,” too aggressive, or too domineering. Feminists push a narrative that men’s traditional roles as protectors and leaders are outdated and harmful. But on the other hand, when danger strikes, who do feminists expect to stand up? Men.

When men fail to act, these same feminists are quick to point out their so-called deficiencies. They claim men are no longer equipped to lead, aren’t willing to protect women, and have become passive or cowardly. They bemoan a world where, in their eyes, men are no longer living up to their responsibilities. But isn’t this the direct result of the narrative feminists have been pushing for years? When you shame men for embracing strength, courage, and leadership, don’t be surprised when men hesitate to act—or, in some cases, choose not to act at all.

This double standard leaves men in a no-win situation. If they step up, as Daniel Penny did, they risk being demonized, criminalized, and labeled violent aggressors, especially if racial dynamics come into play. But if they don’t act, they’re accused of failing in their basic duty to protect others. Feminism’s convoluted messages, alongside liberal policies that gut the justice system, have backed men into a corner, and feminists have the gall to even blame men for that, too.

Feminists love to rag on men for not measuring up, but they’ve helped create a situation where men have every reason to think twice before they act. If you stand up, you might end up in jail. If you don’t, you’re considered a coward. And who benefits from this? Absolutely no one.

We're Going To Need More Daniel Pennys

These same "progressive" types who pushed for policies like cashless bail and slashed police budgets in cities like New York have made the streets and subways less safe and created environments where extremely dangerous individuals are out on the streets, preying on the vulnerable. Ironically, liberal policies and feminists who love to lecture men on toxic masculinity have done more to undermine women’s safety than anything else.

Vlaardingerbroek is right when she says we need more men like Daniel Penny, not fewer. Despite what modern feminist rhetoric might say, women have an innate desire to be protected by the men they love and trust. But what happens when the men who would protect them are punished for it? It’s a chilling thought, one that should concern every woman.

Do you really want to live in a world where your husband, brother, or boyfriend might hesitate before defending you because he’s worried about going viral for all the wrong reasons—or worse, ending up in jail?

Fear Fuels Feminism

Embracing modern feminist ideology has become less about personal conviction and more about survival—an exercise in fear and conformity for both men and women. Women often adopt feminist rhetoric not out of genuine belief in its principles but to ensure acceptance within their peer groups. In an era where social media outrage can destroy reputations in a matter of hours, many women feel pressured to conform to the feminist narrative, afraid of being labeled backward, uneducated, or even traitors to their gender if they express dissenting views.

They do it to fit in, to avoid the judgment of friends and coworkers, and to ensure that they aren’t seen as “problematic” or “internalizing misogyny.” This isn’t about empowerment—this is about fear. It’s about aligning with the loudest voices, even when those voices don’t speak for their true beliefs, to avoid being ostracized. Many women know deep down that modern feminism’s endless cycles of male-bashing and victimhood narratives don’t resonate with their true desires for relationships and security. Yet, they go along with it to maintain social standing.

Men, meanwhile, have a different but equally potent pressure to conform. In a world where any act of traditional masculinity—strength, protection, leadership—can be framed as “toxic,” men increasingly bend to feminist expectations simply to appease those around them. They tread lightly, careful not to offend or overstep, for fear of being accused of sexism or toxic behavior. Men today are taught that their natural instincts are dangerous and that standing firm in their masculinity is something to be ashamed of, and so many choose to submit, hoping it will lead to peace in their relationships or society at large.

But here’s the catch: It doesn’t. By giving in to modern feminist demands, men and women alike are sacrificing their true selves in exchange for conditional acceptance that’s based on fear. The more men and women appease these societal expectations, the more they lose sight of who they are, creating a culture where authenticity is sacrificed at the altar of conformity.

This dynamic creates a dangerous social environment, too. Women are expected to deny their biological realities, suppressing their desires for strong, protective men, while men are coerced into abandoning their instincts to lead and defend, retreating into passivity. And as both sexes drift further away from their natural roles, the tension between them grows. Instead of fostering healthy partnerships between men and women, modern feminism fosters fear, resentment, and an inability for either side to truly embrace their inherent strengths.

In the end, what both men and women are doing when they succumb to modern feminism is denying themselves the freedom to be who they are out of fear. It’s a fear that leads to a hollow kind of existence, one where everyone is too busy placating the loudest voices to realize they’ve lost their own in the process.

No More Mixed Messages

If feminists want to pretend that men don’t need to defend women, fine. But they can’t have it both ways. You can’t claim men are toxic and dangerous and then turn around and demand that they put their lives and freedom on the line when it suits you.

The bottom line is this: if you want to live in a safe society, you need men like Daniel Penny. You need men who are willing to put their necks on the line to protect women, children, and the vulnerable. But who’s willing to take that risk when men like Penny are dragged through the mud and face years in prison for doing the right thing?

Women can’t keep sending mixed messages. We can’t expect men to act bravely and then punish them for it. If we keep criminalizing men for acting in the best interest of others, we’ll soon find ourselves in a world where no one dares to stand up to evil. And that’s a world none of us want to live in.

It’s time for women, especially, to stand up for the men who would stand up for them. Because if we don’t, the next time we need someone like Daniel Penny, there won’t be anyone willing to answer the call.