
Streamer Dantes Breaks Up With Loyal Girlfriend Laura To Focus On "League Of Legends"

"League of Legends" player Dantes breaks up with his loyal girlfriend, Laura, who cooked and cared for him for nine months, sending the internet into a frenzy.

By Nicole Dominique2 min read

League of Legends streamer Dantes (otherwise known as "Doaenel") is under fire for breaking up with his girlfriend, Laura ("Laurinchhhe" on social media).

On June 19, 2024, Dantes took to X/Twitter to announce that he and Laura had broken up. He admits he is "not ready for a relationship," and even told his ex when they first got together that his career would be his first priority. Laura honored this, going above and beyond, cooking for him, supporting him mentally, encouraging him, and listening to his problems. It sounds like, at least to the social media audience, Laura played the role of a stay-at-home-girlfriend and therapist.

Personally, I wouldn't have done all that if a man said that his job was more important than me, but it's clear that Laura fell really hard for Dantes. She was so into him that she got his name tattooed on her chest... which she says she will keep.

"She was, in all ways possible, everything I ever wanted," Dantes wrote in his post. He later explained that "relationships are about compromise," and seeing Laura focus on Dantes rather than her "own life and career" had taken a "toll" on him "mentally."

Laura began using X as her personal diary following the split, writing, "And ones more i wasn’t enough," revealing she lost five pounds in three days, and cried on stream.

The internet is split over the announcement. Dantes's comment section on X is full of people telling him he fumbled and he's ultimately selling the "game of life."

"she cooked for him, cleaned for him and supported his league of legends career while he did absolutely nothing in return just to get dumped we are so cooked," wrote @viperdemie.

@inauraVT commented, "9 months and you decide to drop someone who loved you deeply because you value a game over someone else. Insane."

"Sounds like you wasted the poor girls time," added @niccolai1957.

Laura and Dantes were together for nine months, which sounds like a short relationship, but she won't get that year of self-sacrifice back, and she'll probably have to spend the next few years healing.

This is not to say that Dantes is an evil, horrible person. I'm sure the breakup also affects him. He's not your average gamer – he's got tournaments to focus on and streams for hours. Some men really do want to focus on their careers; you can read more about that here. I just hope that, in the future, he'll be more considerate and won't take a woman's love for granted.

Closing Thoughts

All men want is a loyal, feminine woman who cooks and cleans for them. At least, that's what they say.

I have no doubts that most men desire that and would settle down for the "trad" archetype, and how they wouldn't dare fumble the bag if they found such a woman. But I'd wager that if they're young, popular, conventionally attractive, and have multiple options, they'll find ways to stay out of a long-term relationship. Dantes is a prime example, a 22-year-old fit and funny gamer with nearly a million followers on Twitch. It seems there's an unspoken trend among young, sought-after men these days, influenced by the dating market and apps: spend your 20s and early 30s having fun, avoiding marriage until it's time to settle down – timing that varies for all of them.

They'll have a girlfriend for a little while until they no longer want to be in a relationship, and they usually have the same excuses: "I'm not ready," "I want to focus on my career," or some other version of it's not you, it's me. Worse, they're wasting these women's time and energy. And while these young men reap the benefits of a woman's love, she gets heartbroken and blindsided.

Laura and Dantes's story is not unique and is a great representation of modern dating. There's no denying that both sides are having a tough time, yet I've witnessed many young women invest their time and hearts only to be left with empty promises and lingering hurt. The sobering lesson here is that genuine connection becomes a rare and valuable find in a world where choices are plentiful, and commitment is scarce. So when you finally meet a person like Laura – someone faithful, willing to do anything to make you happy, and loves you unconditionally – cherish them.

This is an opinion piece.

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