Detransitioned Teenager Gives Powerful Speech About Her Medical Malpractice Experience At ‘Rally To End Child Mutilation’
Chloe Cole, a detransitioning transgender teen, gave a powerful speech about her experience with medical malpractice at the “Rally To End Child Mutilation” in Nashville last week.

Rally To End Child Mutilation
Following his successful documentary, What Is a Woman?, Matt Walsh of the Daily Wire hosted a rally on Friday at the Tennessee state capitol to protest against the medical transition of children who identify as transgender. Over 3,000 people attended. The event had several speakers, including former Democrat Tulsi Gabbard, Robbie and Landon Starbuck, Senator Marsha Blackburn, transgender man Scott Newgent, and detransitioner Chloe Cole.
The 18 year old who formerly identified as transgender, Chloe Cole, has been detransitioning since she was 16. During her speech, she shared her horrifying experience with medical malpractice as a young teenager, and urged the importance of protecting children from these procedures. She said, “I started by socially transitioning at 12 – meaning I cut my hair shorter, started buying boys' clothing, and asked my family to refer to me by a new name that I chose. From the looks of it, you can probably tell that it didn’t work out.”
Social Media Influence
Chloe explained that her childhood was fairly normal, but shortly after starting puberty at only 9 years old, she became uncomfortable with her body development. Her peers would make hurtful comments about her body which stuck with her. Similar to many kids, she looked to social media for community and was presented, or rather, “bombarded,” as she says, with “trans-identifying kids, unachievable body standards, and even soft-core porn.” The influence social media had on her at the time led her to believe the only way she could survive these insecurities was to medically transition.
Medical Professionals or “Butchers”?
After coming out to her parents, they decided to seek the help of medical professionals, hoping to support their child in the healthiest way possible. “We had no idea these doctors and therapists were just butchers and liars,” Chloe continued. They told her parents that this was life or death, and if they didn’t accept having a new son, they would end up with a dead daughter.
Social media convinced her the only way she could survive her insecurities was to medically transition.
They started Chloe on puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones at 13 years old. Then, at only 15, they did a double mastectomy. Chloe explains that she should’ve never been allowed to consent to a medical decision at such a young age that would affect her for the rest of her life. “I wanted this part of my body gone, and now it is,” she said. “And it will be that way for the rest of my life, because I was allowed to make an adult decision as a traumatized 15 year old.”
Gender Reassignment Surgery Is Rapidly Increasing
Trans activists are quick to claim that medical gender transition rarely happens, but statistics show otherwise. Komodo Health reports that at least 14,726 minors began hormone treatment from 2017 to 2021. Their analysis also found that “In the three years ending in 2021, at least 776 mastectomies were performed in the United States on patients ages 13 to 17 with a gender dysphoria diagnosis, according to Komodo’s data analysis of insurance claims. This tally does not include procedures that were paid for out of pocket.”
It’s no wonder that gender reassignment surgeries are growing rapidly solely due to the revenue they bring in. Grand View Research states, “The U.S. sex reassignment surgery market size was valued at USD 1.9 billion in 2021 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.23% from 2022 to 2030.” Earlier this year, it was discovered that a doctor at the transgender clinic at Vanderbilt University said in a lecture that performing gender reassignment surgeries on minors is “a big money maker” because of the number of appointments involved.
One-Way Support
Chloe also spoke out against the pro-transitioning narrative and its one-way support. She said she regularly gets messages from minors who are also detransitioning and are filled with regret, but get publicly shamed online for it. “As soon as I even expressed regret, I was met with hatred by the same people who encouraged and celebrated every milestone in my transition,” she said.
She closed her speech stating, “Children with gender dysphoria deserve so much better. They deserve adults who love and care for them when the world is preying on them. They deserve to just be kids.” Chloe Cole says that if she reaches just one child with her story and changes the trajectory of their life, then she considers her mission successful.
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