
Disney Claims Gina Carano "Trivialized" The Holocaust In A Desperate Attempt To Dismiss Her Case Against Them

Disney lawyers filed a motion to dismiss Gina Carano's lawsuit against them for being fired from The Mandalorian in 2021. Disney claims that Carano publicly "trivialized" the Holocaust by making a comparison between the censorship tactics of the Nazis and similar tactics being used by political "progressives" during the pandemic.

By Carmen Schober2 min read
Getty/Amy Sussman

Disney lawyers filed a motion on Tuesday night to dismiss Gina Carano's lawsuit against them for wrongful discharge and discrimination because Disney claims that Carano "publicly trivialized" the Holocaust. The "trivializing" post in question was an image she reposted on Twitter in 2021 during the pandemic when some politicians were slandering and criminalizing those who opposed forced vaccines. The image read:

"Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers but by their neighbors…even by children. Because history is edited, most people today don’t realize that to get to the point where Nazi soldiers could easily round up thousands of Jews, the government first made their own neighbors hate them simply for being Jews. How is that any different from hating someone for their political views?"

The same day Carano shared it, Lucasfilm announced that "Gina Carano is not currently employed by Lucasfilm and there are no plans for her to be in the future. Nevertheless, her social media posts denigrating people based on their cultural and religious identities are abhorrent and unacceptable." A month later, Disney’s former CEO explained that Carano’s views ‘didn’t align with Company values,’ including its ‘values of respect, values of decency, values of integrity, and values of inclusion.’” 

Despite most of the general public agreeing with Carano's opinion and celebrating her courage to share it, Disney's actions created extreme problems for her career, and she says her "words were consistently twisted to demonize & dehumanize me as an alt right-wing extremist.”

This past February, Carano announced that she was filing a case against them for wrongful discharge, sex discrimination, and refusing to hire her for roles already promised, including Season 3 of The Mandalorian, the new series Rangers of the New Republic, and planned future Stars Wars full-length feature films (which have recently been announced).

Now, Disney insists Carano's case (which is being funded in part by billionaire free-speech advocate Elon Musk) should be tossed out “on the grounds that Disney has a constitutional right not to associate its artistic expression with Carano’s speech, such that the First Amendment provides a complete defense to Carano’s claims."

Disney's lawyers also claim that Disney cut ties with Carano because she chose to "[compare] criticism of political conservatives to the annihilation of millions of Jewish people—notably, not ‘thousands,'" and that this "was the final straw for Disney.” 

However, given that Carano didn't actually make such a comparison, their argument doesn't seem strong. Stating that governments have used tactics to make people hate one another is a historical fact, and comparing the coercive, divisive ways that many politicians acted during the pandemic to the ways the Nazi government spread propaganda does not "trivialize" the Holocaust. It simply points to the smaller, daily actions that made such large-scale violence and devastation possible.

Carano fired back to Disney's filing on X, writing: "Disney has confirmed what has been known all along, they will fire you if you say anything they disagree with, even if they have to MISREPRESENT, MALIGN, and MISCHARACTERIZE you to do it. They are now on record letting everyone who works for them know that Disney will take any chance they get to control what you say, what you think or they will attempt to destroy your career.  Glad we cleared that up. The First Amendment does not allow Disney to wantonly DISCRIMINATE, which is what they have done in my case and frankly have now admitted they did.  If you ever wanted to know what today’s “Disney values” are, they just told you."

Many commenters were also quick to point out the blatant hypocrisy in how Carano was treated compared to her castmate, Pedro Pascal, who also made a political comparison that referenced the Holocaust. Since Pascal is a left-wing activist, he seems to have gotten a pass for the supposedly "grotesque trivialization" from his employers at Disney.

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