Divorce Attorney Says Most Breakups Are Due To "Working Moms Doing It All" While Husband Relaxes
According to this divorce lawyer, women are tired of making the money, taking care of the children, and paying for the house.

Over the past few decades, the divorce rate in the United States has seen a decline. However, it is still a prevalent issue, with approximately 40-50% of marriages ending in divorce according to recent data. This means that nearly four out of every ten marriages in the country do not last. Although divorce rates vary by age, race, and level of education, this statistic paints a clear picture of the widespread nature of divorce in America. The cost of divorce can vary greatly depending on factors such as the complexity of the case, whether it is contested or uncontested, and the state in which the divorce takes place. On average, a divorce in the United States can cost between $15,000 and $30,000, with legal fees accounting for a significant portion of the expense. In addition to attorney fees, couples may also face costs related to court filings, mediation, and hiring other professionals such as financial advisors or therapists. However, many women are still willing to take the leap and spend the money, and this divorce attorney explains why.
Divorce Attorney Says Most Breakups Are Due to "Working Moms Doing It All" While Husband Relaxes
Divorce can take a significant toll on mental health, and women often experience a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, anxiety, and guilt. The process can be particularly challenging for working mothers, who may find themselves juggling the demands of their careers, childcare, and household responsibilities. A divorce attorney on TikTok reveals that, in most of the cases he consults on, working mothers who are actually shouldering the majority of household responsibilities and financial burdens while their husbands do not contribute enough. These women are managing their careers, taking care of children, handling household chores, and often paying for the majority of expenses. Meanwhile, their husbands may be spending their time at leisure activities or with friends, leaving their wives to carry the load.
"I am seeing working moms doing it all and I'm seeing the husband step back and say, 'Hang on, I don't gotta do a thing!'" he says. "She's got the kids, she's got the grocery, she's got the laundry, she's got the meals. She's got the work and by the way, she's making all the money and she's paying for the house and doing everything else. I'm gonna go to the firehouse I'm gonna go play this I'm gonna go hang out with my friends. That's the theme, and women are tired."
This imbalance in the division of labor and financial contributions can lead to exhaustion and resentment among working mothers, ultimately contributing to the decision to pursue a divorce. A previous study also found that couples are much more likely to divorce when the wife is the breadwinner while the husband stays home. It sounds like this attorney is seeing this play out right in front of his eyes.
It's impossible to ignore the fact that this is exactly what feminists wanted, in a way. They wanted women to become like men—to provide, to be the breadwinner, to be the business executives. "We are becoming the men we wanted to marry," Gloria Steinem once said. This isn't the only reason that these marriages are ending like this, but it is certainly a big part of it. One could also argue that men have become weaker and more feminized over the years, which is resulting in them being lazy at home and not taking initiative to take care of their family.