
Do These 15 Easy Things Every Morning To Glow From The Inside Out

Natural beauty stems from within, and this self-care morning routine is sure to help you radiate your way through the day.

By Simone Sydel4 min read
Pexels/Fika Photo

Now, before we even begin, we get it – you were probably a little triggered by the title because who in the heck wants to do 15 things as soon as they wake up? And you are totally valid for feeling that way. Doing 15 things every morning may seem overwhelming and unrealistic, especially for those of us who struggle to even get out of bed on time. But as you go along, you’ll realize that you’re probably already doing half or even more of the steps outlined below each day. So, instead of thinking of it as a list of 15 new things to add to your already packed morning routine, think of it as a reminder that implementing certain habits in your day-to-day life can lead to your overall improvement.

These steps will help improve your health, mood, and mindset, which, let's be honest, can make all the difference in the world – we all know when we look good, we also feel good, and that in turn makes our interactions with others more positive, our productivity higher, and our days brighter.

So, without further ado, let's explore 15 easy things you can do each morning to kickstart your day with vitality and positivity.

Start with Positive Affirmations

Kickstarting your day with positive affirmations will not only help you feel calm and ready for what's ahead, but it can actually reduce stress, which will, in turn, benefit your skin. Long phases of stress can elevate cortisol in the body, which can stimulate oil production in the skin and lead to breakouts. Increased cortisol can also reduce antioxidant activity, leading to dry, sallow, and lackluster skin. Starting the day with positive affirmations can shift your mindset, keep cortisol in check, and promote a healthy skin glow from the inside out.

Hydrate with Warm Lemon Water

Before diving into the day, make sure to sip on a glass of warm water with lemon. This simple habit can not only flush out toxins, jumpstart digestion, and, of course, boost hydration, which are all things that can lead to healthier, glowing skin, but because lemon is an absolute antioxidant powerhouse, it can also combat free radicals, which are one of the main culprits behind premature skin aging. Incorporating warm lemon water into your morning routine can nourish your skin from within and promote a radiant complexion you won't have to hide under layers of makeup.

Cuddle with Your Man

A morning cuddle session doesn't only feel good at the moment, but it can, in fact, benefit the way you look. Again, it all comes down to hormones, but this time, it's the "love hormone" oxytocin, which is released during skin-to-skin contact. Oxytocin lowers cortisol levels, promoting a healthy balance of other happy hormones, such as serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins, which can ultimately lead to glowing skin or can, at the very least, help you not to hyperfocus on any existing blemishes because you’ll be too busy smiling and feeling loved.

If you're not married, feel free to cuddle with a pet instead. We promise they'll appreciate it and a win is a win!

Get Some Morning Sunshine

Step outside or open the curtains to let natural light in as soon as you wake up. A quick 10-15 minutes of sunlight has a myriad of benefits from helping you feel more awake to helping you sleep better at night, as well as producing vitamin D, which can not only improve your mood and keep your bones strong but can also lower inflammation and support the skin's barrier by promoting cell repair. And, of course, we can all agree that nothing beats the feeling of the morning sun kissing your face!

Stretch Your Body

Once recharged by the sun, take a few minutes to stretch and wake up your muscles. Stretching is a low-impact exercise that doesn't elevate cortisol but improves blood flow, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to your skin, helping you look more refreshed and vibrant. Stretching can also reduce tension in the body, promoting a calm and relaxed state of mind that will reflect on your skin.

Take a Cold Shower

A quick cold shower helps the enlarged blood vessels under the skin constrict, which will soothe any visible redness and inflammation and make your skin look more even-toned. Cold water is also great for your hair – it seals the hair cuticles, locking in moisture and making your locks appear shiny. 

Ice Your Skin

Speaking of cold, if you want to take your anti-inflammation game one step further, try ice rolling by using an ice cube, a chilled roller, or even your favorite frozen fruit on your skin. Not only will this practice constrict the enlarged blood vessels, helping to depuff and tighten the skin, but it will also reduce the appearance of enlarged pores and make them look cleaner and smaller, which will certainly make your makeup last longer throughout the day.

Cleanse Your Skin Correctly

Instead of simply splashing a little bit of water or using cleansers that contain harsh surfactants that dry out your skin, try spraying a few spritzes of hypochlorous acid directly on your face before gently massaging it in and rinsing off with lukewarm water. Hypochlorous acid is a powerful yet gentle ingredient that mimics our body’s own natural defense mechanism to cleanse, hydrate, and protect the skin, making it the perfect morning cleanser to start your day off on the right foot. Additionally, its antibacterial yet non-drying properties can help soothe any pimples that showed up on your skin during the night and help your skin look less inflamed and more even-toned for the day.

Give Yourself a Gentle Massage to Wake Up Your Face

Once your skin is all clean and prepped for the day, it's time to finish off your self-care routine by giving yourself a gentle massage to wake up your facial muscles and lift any visible puffiness left behind. You can use your fingers or a gua sha to improve lymphatic drainage and clear away toxins, which can have a noticeable impact on the overall appearance of your complexion, give you a temporary lift, and improve your glow from the inside out over time.

Brush Your Teeth and Scrape Your Tongue

Starting your day with good oral hygiene not only keeps your mouth healthy but also benefits your skin. The mouth contains one of the largest collections of microorganisms in the body, and when that bacteria becomes imbalanced, it can affect your skin's health by disrupting its delicate barrier and leading to inflammation and chronic conditions. The antibacterial effects of our toothpaste wear off as we sleep, and bacteria from the mouth can overgrow and lead to inflammatory skin conditions like acne and even dermatitis. Brushing your teeth and scraping your tongue every morning helps reduce this bacterial load, keeping both your mouth and your skin healthy and balanced.

Make a Bulletproof Coffee

Elevate your coffee-drinking habit by turning this otherwise dehydrating beverage many of us can't live without into a healthier alternative that will not only prep you for the day but will provide nourishment to your cells.

How, you may ask? Simply blend your coffee with grass-fed butter, coconut oil, and an egg yolk for a rich, nutrient-dense energy boost. The healthy fats in this morning treat will nourish your skin from the inside out, helping maintain hydration and elasticity. Plus, you’ll feel energized and satisfied without the usual coffee crash.

Have a Celery Juice

Once you are properly caffeinated, wash everything down with a glass of fresh celery juice to detoxify and hydrate. Celery juice is rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, and K, which reduce inflammation, promote clear skin, and reverse the signs of skin aging.

Take Your Vitamins

Whether these are your skin-specific supplements like anti-aging collagen, antioxidant vitamin C, nourishing omega-3s or anti-inflammatory zinc, or even a multivitamin that you've been loving lately, make sure to take your vitamins religiously and support your skin's hydration, elasticity, and overall health, as this will undoubtedly help it glow from within.

Have a Piece of Fresh Fruit

Enjoy a piece of antioxidant-packed fresh fruit, such as berries or citrus, to fuel your body with the necessary components that act as its shield against harmful free radicals in the environment. Besides all the health benefits, a snack like this will satisfy cravings and keep you from reaching for unhealthy options later in the day.

Set a Positive Intention for the Day

Wrap up your morning routine with a moment of mindfulness and reflection. Try to keep your thoughts positive. Find things to be grateful for and to look forward to accomplishing throughout the day, even if that's a problem you need to solve.

Approaching the day with a positive mindset and intention will impact your mood and overall well-being, as well as lower stress levels, which in turn will show on your skin as radiance, clarity, and a happy, healthy glow.

While accomplishing 15 things in the morning might sound overwhelming at first, you will notice how very little time and effort it takes to completely change your mindset and attitude about your day and also help yourself look and feel your best.

Remember that by starting with positivity, hydration, nutrition, and a touch of self-care, you're setting yourself up for the best day possible ahead, which will only be topped off with a natural glow that starts from within.