Drew Barrymore Admits She Used To "Beat The Sh*t Out Of Myself" Before She Finally Learned To Forgive Herself
Drew Barrymore has been in Hollywood ever since she was a child, but many don't know about the struggles she faced in her youth. She opened up in an episode of Uninterrupted's "The Shop," sharing details about how she has learned to forgive herself over the years.

Actor and talk show host Drew Barrymore has been a Hollywood staple for decades. In a recent interview on "The Shop," she bared her soul and got emotional when she was asked about the power of learning how to forgive herself. She shed some tears and got emotional, revealing that she struggled to raise herself as a child.
Drew Barrymore Admits She Used to "Beat the Sh*t Out of Myself" Before She Finally Learned to Forgive Herself
When the topic of forgiveness came up, Drew volunteered to answer the question first, saying that it's "the thing that has come the latest in my life." She instantly got emotional as she continued.
"Only recently do I forgive myself," she said, fighting back tears. "But I'm there, just took me so long to get there."
"I beat the sh*t out of myself about everything," she continued. "I had to be my own parent and, God, I just — I'm so hard on myself. Ridiculously, painfully, miserably, unlivably hard on myself. But I'm finally on the other side of that and I'm just so happy to be there 'cause it's those things; being OK with yourself not competing with others; realizing you're your own unique snowflake of a being, and how to embrace that; how to forgive yourself — those are such big, overarching themes of life and it can take so long sometimes, you just think you'll never get there."
Even though she has always been able to forgive others, it has been anything but easy to forgive herself. Drew has shared in the past that she grew up in an abusive household and her parents divorced when she was nine. She lived with her mother, who was involved with performing arts at Studio 54. Drew was only 11 years old when she developed a drinking problem and 12 when she started abusing drugs (including cocaine).
"But, as of recently, I'm really having some amazing breakthroughs and it feels so good," Drew added.