Find Your Fairytale Match: How Disney Princesses Reveal Your Ideal Personality Type
Are you actually letting yourself be attracted to your most compatible types? Let’s take a leaf from the Disney storybooks for some added introspection and reflection into our unique compatibility.

As a child, Pocahontas was my favorite movie, and I loved playing Indian dress-up. I’d convince my younger brothers to paint their faces and wake up before dawn to go camp out at our outdoor fort. We’d pretend we were tracking animal prints and even make tiny campfires (for 10- and 12-year-olds, we did a decent job). By 8:30am, we’d usually be ready for a nap, all the while proclaiming we’d pick Indian life in the wild outdoors any day.
Do you resonate with one of the Disney princesses more than the others? She might actually be your fairytale twin! Every Disney princess is actually an example of the Myers-Briggs personality. For example, Pocahontas was always my favorite, and I always felt like I resonated with her personality—and ‘lo and behold, my personality matched right up with Pocahontas!
While matching with princesses is all fun and cute, it might actually hold the key to better understanding your Mr. Right, if you haven’t yet found him yet. Could you imagine John Smith with Belle, or the Little Mermaid Ariel with Flynn Ryder? Of course not! And there’s a reason why—Disney actually did its homework and matched the princesses with their true Prince Charmings. Although they should not be the single determining factor to a relationship, personality traits do have a significant influence on a couple’s compatibility.
Disney Agenda
Now, disclaimer: Hollywood, and especially Disney, has been guilty of emasculating the majority of its male figures to make the heroine look stronger or more intelligent. Men are often portrayed in films as the stupid and incompetent sidekicks, as in Brave or Moana. Or, they’re demoted from a place of significance to serve as the chill pushover to make the “strong woman” happy, as in the live-action remake of Mulan, where the love interest is dumbed down from Captain to simple Co-soldier who isn’t a masculine leader figure at all. Look at the live-action remake, where Ariel saves Prince Eric at the end, instead of staying true to the original ending where Eric saves Ariel. Highlighting the feminine strengths of heroines should not mean offering their male counterparts up to slaughter.
Despite all of that, there is something to be said for the iconic couple pairings of our favorite fairytales. Sweet and gentle Cinderella couldn’t have any other than the kind, sensitive Prince Charming, a.k.a. Mr. Kit (hands down the best princess remake ever). And serious, intense, Jasmine needed someone more easy-going and happy-go-lucky like Aladdin to balance her out, especially when he unexpectedly takes charge and makes her trust and let go!
Which Princess Am I?
Ready to get down to business? If you haven’t taken the free personality test, now is the time to pause and do it (be sure to be brutally honest with your answers). Once you come to a definitive answer and receive a result that feels most like you, check the princess chart to see which Disney princess you match with!
Mulan (ISTJ) – Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging
Detailed and dependable, the logical ISTJs are private but open up easily. They are generally very competent and calm. For this personality, strengths include loyalty and perseverance, and weaknesses include lack of tact and a judgmental mentality. The best matches for ISTJs are ISFJ, ESFJ, ESTP, ESTJ, and fellow ISTJs.

Cinderella (ISFJ) – Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging
Kind, diligent, positive, and justice-oriented, the introverted and sensitive ISFJs prioritize family and relationships first. Their strengths include faithfulness and empathy, while weaknesses include conflict avoidance and fear of change. ISFJs are most compatible with fellow sensing personalities: ISTJs, ESFPs, ESTPs, and ESFJs.

Elsa (INFJ) – Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging
Just because Disney portrays her with “I don’t need a man” vibes doesn’t mean that you aren’t meant for love! Creative and idealistic, INFJs have strong morals and purpose among their strengths, but they also struggle with being highly sensitive and are perfectionistics to a fault. INFJs are able to build healthy relationships with nearly everyone, but with some more easily than others. The five best matches for INFJs are ENFJ, INTJ, INFP, and INTP personalities, and compatible also are ENFP, INFJ, ISFJ, and ENTJs.

Belle (INTJ) – Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging
Think of Belle singing “I want so much more than this provincial life!” Intelligent and rational, the Architect INTJs are imaginative and ambitious individuals. However, according to Myers-Briggs, their weaknesses include being arrogant, or overly self-assured, and overly critical. They often approach romantic relationships with a strategic mentality, with clear goals and values for depth and honesty. The most compatible personalities for INTJs are ENFP, ENTP, ENTJ, and INTJs, with INFJ, ESTP, ISTJ, and ENFJs following behind.

Megara (ISTP) – Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving
ISTP persons are generally reserved and goal-oriented with a straightforward communication style. Independent and self-sufficient, ISTPs value peace and autonomy in romantic relationships. Their strengths and weaknesses of these Virtuoso personalities include diligence, resourcefulness, and authenticity, as well as being insensitive, getting easily bored, and overly skeptical. The five best matches for ISTPs are ESTJ, ISFP, ISTJ, ESTP, and ESFPs.

Snow White (ISFP) – Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving
Shy and reserved, the ISFP Adventurer can surprise and be quite the impulsive thrill-seeker. ISFP individuals are usually known to be warm, nurturing, and supportive. While easily affirming to others, they may struggle to give negative feedback and avoid confrontation. With key strengths including spontaneity, creativity, compassion, and strongly principled, the ISFP faults include high sensitivity, indecision, unpredictability, and low stress tolerance. The most compatible personalities for ISFPs are ESFJ, ISTP, INFP, ESFP, and ESTPs.

Aurora (INFP) – Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving
Gentle like the Princess Aurora, INFPs can easily connect with most people, even opposite personalities, but especially with other intuitive personalities. But nobody’s perfect, and INFP strengths and weaknesses include integrity, dedication, idealism and commitment to others, as well as impracticality, sensitive and a tendency to passive aggression. Top matches include ENFPs, INFJs, and ENFJs, as well as with sensing personalities like the ESFJs and ISFPs. Think of how Prince Phillip was humorous and gentle yet protective—a perfect match for the INFP.

Jasmine (INTP) – Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving
While INTPs are quiet, private, and analytical, they are inquisitive and like making interesting conversation. While they might be cautious with dating out of fear of rejection, they usually remain open and laid-back when approaching the dating scene. They appreciate honesty and intellectual compatibility in a partner. Strong while faulted as any other, INTPs are creative, logical, and objective, as well as often insensitive, perfectionistic, and impatient, while often getting stuck in their head about situations. The most compatible personalities for INTPs include INTJs, ENFPs, INFPs, INFJs, and other INTPs.

Merida (ESTP) – Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving
Just because the fiery singleton from Brave didn’t want a love interest, that doesn’t mean you’re doomed to be an old maid, so don’t lose heart! Known as “Entrepreneurs” or “Explorers”, ESTPs seem to match best with the ISFJ or ISTJ personalities. These more introverted figures balance out ESTPs’ extroversion but still enjoy spontaneity and adventures, while helping to plan things in life better than ESTPs can. ESTP strengths and weaknesses include confidence, fearlessness, practicality, and directness, as well as insensitivity, defiance, recklessness, and impatience.

Ariel (ESFP) – Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving
Charming and engaging people-lovers, ESFPs are most compatible with ESFJ and ISFP, ESTP, ISFJ personalities, as well as with ENFP, ISTP, ESTJ, ENTP, INFP, and ENFJ personalities. ESFPs can be the life of the party; they are fun and adventurous while also highly compassionate and sensitive to others’ needs. ESFP personality strengths include boldness (courage), positive enthusiasm, and great people skills. Meanwhile, their weaknesses include high sensitivity and conflict-aversion; they are also easily bored and unfocused.

Rapunzel (ENFP) – Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving
A bundle of joy, outgoing and trusting, the open-minded and extroverted ENFPs are very likable, easily connect with many personality types, and they place great importance on relationships. Among this personality strengths are curiosity, good communication skills, enthusiasm and empathy; weaknesses include hypersensitivity, poor focus, disorganization, and a lower self-confidence as overthinking people-pleasers. However, ENFPs are hopeless romantics and, once committed, make thoughtful and supportive partners. The five top matches for ENFPs are INFJs, INFPs, INTJs, and ENTJs, followed by ENTPs, ENFJs, INTPs, and other ENFPs.

Esmerelda (ENTP) – Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving
Known as the Visionary, the ENTPs value mental connection, honest communication, and an openness to personal growth. They also can be playful, adventurous and spontaneous. As humans, ENTP strengths and weaknesses include innovation, open-mindedness, charisma, and adaptability, as well as inconsistency, impracticality, insensitivity, and arrogance. As spouses, however, ENTPs are loyal, supportive, and attentive. Their best matches are usually INTJs, INTPs, INFJs, and ENFPs, and they can also be compatible with ENTPs, ENFJs, ENTJs, and INFJs.

Tiana (ESTJ) – Extroverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging
ESTJs are loyal, driven, and reliable, and they enjoy spending quality time with others and connecting on a deeper level, especially with like-minded individuals and those who strive after goals they set for themselves. ESTJ strengths and weaknesses include organizational skills, efficiency, leadership skills, honesty and reliability, as well as workaholism, rigidity, perfectionism, and insensitivity. They are pragmatic when it comes to romantic relationships and take commitment very seriously. The most compatible personalities for ESTJs are ISTJs, ISTPs, ESTPs, and ESTJs, and compatible also are ESFJs, ISFPs, ESFPs, and ISFJs.

Ana (ESFJ) – Extroverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging
Known as Consuls, ESFJs are warm and supportive individuals with generally good communication and strong people skills, easily connecting well with people in most places. ESFJ personality strengths include good social skills, warmth and intuition, and good leadership skills. Meanwhile, their weaknesses include a need for approval and dependency on affirmation; they also tend to have social insecurity, are change-resistant and selfless to a fault. Oftentimes, they emphasize the desires of others over their own which can lead to burnout. Romantically, ESFJs are very engaging and value stability and commitment in their relationships. The best match for an ESFJ is the ISFJ, ESFP, ISFP, ESTJ, or ISTJ personalities, while ISTJ, ENFJ, ESFJ, ESTP types are also compatible.

Pocahontas (ENFJ) – Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging
Very people-oriented, ENFJs place great value on all their relationships and are warm-hearted individuals who can get along with almost anyone. That being said, they tend to only share their innermost feelings with their closest friends and crave deep, lasting friendships instead of shallow connections. ENFJ strengths include leadership skills, altruism, good organizational and communication skills (especially in persuasion and mediation), and reliability. Weaknesses include overcommitment, indecision, high sensitivity, idealism, selflessness to the fault of self-neglect and a struggle with control issues. In romance, ENFJs seek emotional connection, honesty, and loyal commitment. Best matches for the ENFJ are INFJs, INFPs, ENTJs, ISFPs, and ESFJs. Also compatible are ENTJs, INTJs, ENFPs, and fellow ENFJs.

Kida (ENTJ) – Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging
Efficient and ambitious leaders, ENTJs are direct communicators who value mental connection and aspirational goals; they don’t waste time or sugarcoat. They choose their friends carefully, aren’t interested in shallow connections, and enjoy competition and inspirational environments. ENTJ personality strengths include strategy, efficiency, ambition, responsibility, charisma and inspiring confidence. Their weaknesses include arrogance, impatience, emotional unawareness and rigidity. Romantically, they can be somewhat business-like and like to be in charge (as with other things in life). ENTJs are most compatible with INTPs, INTJs, ENTPs, ENTJs, and compatible also are ENFJs, INFJs, ENFPs, and INFPs.
As dating coach Matthew Hussey emphasizes, compatibility is just as important as chemistry. Of course, a person’s character is more important than their personality traits. Virtue is a choice, and love is not just an emotion. However, there are different personality differences that might affect compatibility, and introspectively discovering one’s own strengths and weaknesses and those of others may help us understand ourselves better and others and thus improve our communication skills. Finding the yin and the yang and discovering how you best connect with people can help you understand yourself and your potential future partner better.
Granted, there is not just one type of person for each personality, nor should personality attraction limit you to one type of person. Indeed, if you want, make your list of certain characteristics that are important to you, and certain traits that would balance out yours. That being said, keep in mind that there is no perfect person, so don’t wait for a man that embodies the full list you have of perfect qualities.
Who’s Your Princely Type?
According to ChatGPT, John Smith was an ENTP, which would typically be considered incompatible with an ENFJ (Pocahontas) due to differences in logical function and emotional communication, theoretically. But then, opposites sometimes do attract! Differences can be resolved, but this is where self-awareness and good communication are key.
If you desire a romance focused on the closeness of quality time and private conversations in sharing thoughts, ideas, and experiences, then you might bond best with an Advocate (INFJ), Mediator (INFP), or Adventurer (ISFP). These personalities greatly value quality relationships and once you earn their trust, they will love you deeply and open their heart and feelings to you. On the other hand, if you appreciate a leader who is very driven and brings order to your chaos, then you’d probably do well with a Commander (ENTJ) or Executive (ESTJ) personality who tends to be straight-forward with a no-drama approach to making things happen.
If you desire a man who is a stable protector, takes action, loves taking care of others and building community, you might be attracted to ISFJs, ENFJs, or ESFJs. If you love an open-minded and fun free spirit, then you might gravitate towards INTPs or ISTPs. If you love a bold and energetic adventurer who is driven to achieve great things, you might bond well with the ESFP, ENFP, ESTP, or ENTP personality.
Learning personality types should be a key to deeper understanding and introspective growth, not a lock into a closed box of limitations! Just because a man’s personality isn’t in your top five most compatible matches doesn’t necessarily merit a write-off. Everyone is different, and deciding factors come down to maturity, virtue, desire for growth and good communication.