Move Over, Barbie and Ken. Gender Neutral Barbies Are Here
In efforts to be “more inclusive,” Mattel Creatable World just introduced gender-neutral Barbies.

These barbies are for gender-neutral children who feel left out, Mattel says, and want a toy that they can identify with. They designed the dolls to “give kids a blank canvas to create their own characters.” Children can switch long hair for short hair, add pants, skirts, or both.
The dolls intentionally don’t resemble either men or women - they don’t have the typical large breasts of regular Barbie dolls or the broad shoulders of your typical Ken doll. They are created to look genderless - stripped of the human qualities that normally attract the opposite sex.
And Mattel advertises these Barbies in photos and video clips of “gender-neutral” children with dyed hair, shaved heads, and non-specific clothing.
So Gender Neutral Barbies Are “Inclusive.” So What?
It's commendable that Mattel wants all children to feel included - assuming that's really what they're going for, and not just jumping aboard the woke corporate ship. In fact, there is something to be said for a children’s Barbie doll that doesn’t have an unrealistically teeny tiny waist and large breasts. The problem is, children don't naturally choose to be gender-neutral.
The problem is, children don't naturally choose to be gender-neutral.
The vast majority of kids don't know what “gender-neutral” means (and by the way, it means “suitable for, applicable to, or common to both male and female gender). Adults and parents are the ones who will buy this gender-neutral Barbie for their children, and adults and parents are the ones who will introduce the term “gender-neutral” to their children.
Why Are Children Being Exposed To Adult Concepts At Such Early Ages?
Most parents who discuss sexual fluidity topics with their kids probably do so out of a desire to keep up with the times. Perhaps they feel pressured, since parents may know their children will encounter these topics in school, over the internet, or through their peers.
Many politicians and advocates believe children should learn as young as kindergarten that they can choose to identify as whatever gender they wish and that no hateful person should ever tell them otherwise. But who said that children need to be taught these things? Who said that children’s innocence was less valuable than being politically correct?
It’s An Ideological Ladder We Climb
The reality is that children’s innocence has been sacrificed for adult ideological gain. Genderless Barbies are being placed on store shelves, bought by parents, and will certainly be slipped down the chimney from Santa.
The reality is that children’s innocence has been sacrificed for adult ideological gain.
Public school systems have begun teaching graphically explicit sexual education material to children as young as kindergarten, encouraging teachers to help students get abortions regardless of parental consent, and allowing gender-neutral bathrooms where any young man can walk on in and see his female classmates dressing.
Drag Queen story hours take place in libraries where flamboyantly and provocatively dressed adults strip while young children watch - and politicians like New York Sen. Eric Swalwell call this “pretty freaking cool.”
Adults Are The Ones Responsible For A Child’s Innocence
Some people laugh off these concerns, saying they are the flighty worries of your typical sheltered mother. Yes, mothers across the globe worry about these things, but the reality is that children are exposed to explicit and adult content almost every day - before they are old enough to properly understand or process - and it is absolutely incumbent upon parents to actively gauge their children's’ surroundings, friends and occupations.
The reality is that children are exposed to explicit and adult content almost every day
Rachel Campos Duffy said it well in a recent op-ed. "If you're not having a conversation with your young kids at home, then somebody else is,” she wrote. Campos-Duffy was referring to the dangers of socialism, but I guarantee that the ambitious and successful mother of nine would not have stopped there if pushed.
Many who care about the healthy psychological development of our society's children are wary of accepting small things because they feel “inclusive” and seemingly harmless, like gender-neutral Barbies. But there is serious concern for the psychological effects that the gender fluidity movement will have on children's mental health and happiness, especially when the same movement advocating for tolerance and inclusivity dismisses religious freedom and puts political agenda over science.