
Gina Carano's Lawsuit Moves Forward, Disney's Appeal Rejected By 9th Circuit Court

Gina Carano's wrongful termination lawsuit against Disney is gaining momentum as the 9th Circuit Court recently denied Disney's appeal, allowing the case to proceed.

By Carmen Schober2 min read
Getty/Danielle Del Valle

Carano, an MMA icon and known for her beloved role in The Mandalorian, was dismissed from Lucasfilm after expressing "controversial" political opinions on social media. In response to the court's decision, Carano expressed her determination to continue the legal battle, emphasizing that while she did not seek this conflict, she refused to back down because the process was challenging.

"After the Judge DENIED Disneys request to DISMISS my case, Disney requested permission to immediately appeal that decision to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and delay all discovery while that appeal takes place," wrote Carano on X. "Yesterday, October 16th, 2024 we learned that the Judge DENIED Disney’s unusual request."

"I am obviously very pleased with the opportunity to keep moving forward with the judicial process and into discovery," she went on. "While I wish this was not necessary as it is not my desire to be in this battle in court. I will not shrink away from it because it is hard or uncomfortable.  Again, a huge thanks to ALL of you who have shown me support daily, to my incredible lawyers and to Elon Musk and the people at X for the opportunity in continuing this lawsuit and seeking justice. Onward."

Carano was dismissed in 2021 after posting content on social media comparing government mandates during the pandemic to historical propaganda tactics. Disney argued that her posts were offensive and harmful to its values, but Carano’s legal team asserts that her statements were mischaracterized, highlighting an inconsistency in how Disney handled political speech from its employees.

Carano's lawsuit also includes claims of sex discrimination, arguing that her male colleagues were treated more leniently despite making comparable public statements. While Carano faced severe repercussions, her co-star Pedro Pascal made similarly provocative posts with no such consequences, suggesting a bias in enforcement depending on political leanings.

As part of her legal strategy, Carano is seeking reinstatement in The Mandalorian and compensation for damages. The involvement of Elon Musk, who has supported her fight for free speech, adds another layer of high-profile attention to the case.

The lawsuit centers around Carano's claim of being unfairly terminated for exercising her free speech rights, while Disney and Lucasfilm have maintained that her dismissal was based on unacceptable public statements. Carano’s legal team argues that her termination violated her contractual rights and was part of a larger effort to silence viewpoints Disney found disagreeable.

By denying the appeal, the court has opened the path for Carano to gather more evidence through discovery, a phase that could bring significant details about the company's decision-making process to light.

For many, this case symbolizes a pushback against cancel culture, with many viewing her battle as a fight for fairness and accountability in Hollywood.

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