
Girl, 12, Ends Up In Wheelchair After Pfizer Vaccine Trials, CDC Claims The Covid-19 Vax Is Still "Safe" For Children

Maddie de Garay, 12, participated in Pfizer's vaccine study on kids. She began to suffer from a myriad of health complications, only for her parents to be told it was "anxiety."

By Nicole Dominique2 min read

FullMeasure released an unsurprising report about a young girl named Maddie de Garay in January of this year. According to journalist Sharyl Attkisson, 12-year-old Maddie received the Covid-19 vaccine as part of Pfizer's clinical trials on children.

Her mother, Stephanie de Garay, recalled the harrowing story that began in the summer of 2020. Stephanie and her family were firmly pro-vaccine, placing their three children in Pfizer's clinical trial for 12 to 15 year olds at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. All was fine until Maddie received her second dose on January 20, 2021.

Twelve hours later, Maddie was in her parents' bedroom. "I don't feel right. Can I sleep in your room?" she asked. The next day, she went to school, but by the time she got home, she experienced "electrical shocks going up and down her spine."

"She said she felt like her heart was being ripped out," Stephanie said. "So, chest pain. She had severe abdominal pain. She was hunched over when she walked through the door. Her toes and her fingers were white, and they were like, when you touched them, they were ice cold and painful."

Stephanie believes that it was a vaccine reaction, especially since Maddie had "nothing wrong" before receiving her second dose.

Then, the little girl lost feeling in her legs. She struggled to walk and had to use her hands to lift her bottom half. When her mom took her to the hospital, physicians insisted that Maddie's paralysis, seizures, and passing out, every symptom, were all due to anxiety. Stephanie believed them at the time, though she admits that she always knew deep down that what Maddie was going through wasn't psychological. Like many children who experienced negative effects from the vaccine, Maddie was treated like a "crazy" person by healthcare professionals.

Maddie was rushed to the emergency room nine times, as reported by FullMeasure. The third time, "the little girl had heart problems, seizures, was passing out, vomiting, unable to swallow, and was fed through a tube. She was in the hospital that time for a month and a half."

Remember, this was all during clinical trials – that means these symptoms should have been recorded and documented by Pfizer. These studies are put in place for the safety of vaccine recipients, and yet, the De Garays insist that "those involved" in the trials "seemed more interested in blaming Maddie's illnesses on anything but the obvious culprit."

Maddie was fighting for her life while Pfizer granted the emergency use of the mRNA vaccine for kids as young as 12, based on the same study the young girl took part in. Pfizer asserted their jab had "a favorable safety profile observed across 6 months of safety follow-up data after the second dose.”

No one has contacted the De Garays – not Pfizer, not the FDA, not the CDC. By November 2021, the Covid-19 vaccines had been administered to young people who experienced serious problems. 16-year-old Ernesto Ramirez died due to an enlarged heart five days after his Pfizer shot.

Daniel Hartman's 17-year-old son died 33 days after a single Pfizer shot. 6-year-old Carrie Pterson-Edberg was diagnosed with myocarditis after getting vaccinated. Tell me, do all of these sound like they're mere coincidences rather than side effects?

In July 2022, the De Garays met with a neurologist specializing in autoimmune reactions that cause neurological problems. Maddie was diagnosed with chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy. In an exclusive interview with Evie from 2022, a young woman named Julianna Mastrantonio revealed that she, too, had developed the same neurological condition. Like Maddie, she experienced paralysis after her second dose. The doctors claimed that it was all in her head.

In 2022, reports of children experiencing arrhythmias were blamed on video games. Again and again, mainstream news, the government, and Big Pharma have refused to notice a link between heart problems, paralysis, sudden deaths, or neurological issues and the vaccine. There may never be justice for the lives they have ruined.

Maddie is still using a wheelchair and a feeding tube. She can only swallow small amounts of water and food, though it "wreaks havoc with her stomach," according to FullMeasure. Luckily, her mom states she's "getting more feeling back" in her legs. She hopes that Maddie will eventually recover, but she no longer trusts the government or hospitals.

"It’s a story of opening up my eyes," she tells Attkisson. "Seeing things. I trusted the government, I trusted doctors, I trusted hospitals. What I thought they were is not what they are."

To this day, the CDC maintains that the Covid-19 vaccination "continues to be safe for children."

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