Have We Been Gaslit Into Believing Pizzagate Was A Hoax?
From suspicious emails to Comet Ping Pong's disturbing Instagram posts and art pieces depicting tied-up kids, this piece on pizzagate will have you questioning everything.

Look up pizzagate on Google, and you'll find these words on the front page: conspiracy theory, fake news, shooting, Donald Trump, and Alex Jones. Millions of Americans who relied on mainstream media as their only source of information all came to the same conclusion – that pizzagate was a conspiracy theory that defamed an innocent man and nearly ruined his small, independently-owned business and that politicians had no involvement in some secret child sex trafficking ring.
Were pizzagate "truthers" simply maniacal? Maybe. But if you witnessed someone post photos of toddlers and babies (one of them being taped to a table) with captions like #chickenlover (journalists discovered that "chicken" is used as a codeword for child by pedophiles), I would assume that you'd be as confused as they were. If most "normal" Americans had seen these pictures, read the leaked emails, and noticed the eyebrow-raising connections between the parties involved in said emails, would they think differently about all of this? Would they disregard all of the news reporters telling them that pizzagate had been "debunked"?
Elon Musk responded to tweets about pizzagate this week, and it prompted a revival. Now that everyone is talking about it again, I think it's high time we revisit the topic and ask ourselves if we've been lied to by the news.
Of course, mainstream media has gone back to dismissing the "theory," and they will never tell you the whole story about pizzagate. And while I can't either, I can at least give you the run-down as best as possible. I won't say what I believe, so come to your own conclusions. Let's start at the beginning.
How Pizzagate Started
In 2016, whistleblower publisher Wikileaks released the notorious Democratic National Committee (DNC) emails. Speculations ran amock that DNC staffer Seth Rich transferred 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments to a Wikileaks director before his death. His parents have denied these claims.
This entire article will mostly be sectioned by questionable individuals whose names were spotted in the DNC emails and how they are all connected. The conversations in these emails were strange, to say the least.
Allow me to introduce you to John Podesta, the former chairman for Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign, who had connections with "spirit cooker" Marina Abramovic, fueling theories that he and his brother Tony and Hillary Clinton were taking part in some “Illuminati-style” rituals. Abramovic would use congealed blood in some of her performances and host parties with cakes designed as bodies as if they were glorifying murder. One of her performances, "Spirit Cooking," was mentioned in an email between her and Tony Podesta, which was forwarded to John. You can read more about Abramovic here.
Is "spirit cooking" truly art? Or are they worshipping something and doing weird stuff under the guise of “art”?
Comet Ping Pong's Connections
Not long after this, an anonymous 4Chan user made a thread on /pol/ discussing the latest batch of Podesta emails in November 2016. A lot of the emails in this batch had conversations involving food, private parties, and a pizza joint in DC called Comet Ping Pong.

The owner of that pizza joint is James Alefantis. In 2012, GQ released a list of "The 50 Most Powerful People in Washington," including Alefantis. Naturally, people wondered what made him one of the most powerful people in Washington.
His boyfriend was none other than David Brock, founder of the liberal website Media Matters. He was dubbed by Time magazine to be "one of the most influential operatives in the Democratic Party." Brock has been instrumental in suppressing information on social media and other websites.
The couple seemed heavily involved in Clinton's presidential campaign and even held an event for her at Comet Ping Pong. Tony Podesta was also spotted at the joint.

An email was purportedly sent from Alefantis to Tony Podesta with the subject "Ha."
"My graphics guy sent this. Do not forward :)," it said. He forwarded it to his brother John anyway, writing, "Our pizza logo. Are you around this sunday?"

According to the FBI, pedophiles use codes when discussing kids. People believed that Comet Ping Pong's purported logo of two paddles mirrored the symbol used for "child lover." There was another pizza place (Besta Pizza) near Comet Ping Pong with a logo resembling the "boy lover" symbol.

Comet Ping Pong's Disturbing Instagram Photos
Curious sleuths took it upon themselves to look at Alefantis' Instagram. Allegedly under the handle of @jimmycomet, people found numerous images of toddlers and babies. One post showed a baby doll holding a sign that read, "German baby $1200. Please do not touch!"

There was a photo of an eerie room. "Oh yeah this looks fun," @jimmycomet wrote.

He shared numerous photos of kids while referencing pizza. In a post of a baby's face, he wrote "hotard."

Like the Podestas, he seemed to be a fan of Marina Abramovic.

He uploaded a picture of a man holding a toddler with the caption "#chickenlovers" and young people doing what looks like a ritual out of Eyes Wide Shut.

One of the guys allegedly caught by 4Chan users liking Alefantis's posts was Arun Rao. According to a screenshot of his LinkedIn page, it claims that Rao worked for the U.S. Department of Justice, specifically for the United States Attorney's Office for the District of Maryland. His office reportedly prosecutes an array of federal offenses, including child pornography.

Comet Ping Pong also had a house band called Heavy Breathing. "Majestic Ape" was the singer and keyboardist. In a video where they're performing, someone in the audience jokes about liking little boys, to which he or she responds, "We all have our preferences." In their weird music video "I No Luv," they make another pedophile reference around the 1:05 minute mark.

Users on X speculate that Majestic Ape may be Alefantis himself.
The murals at Comet Ping Pong were also creepy, displaying people holding heads of smaller people. Speaking of "art," let's go back to the Podestas.

The Podestas
Tony Podesta and his wife have rather demented taste in paintings and illustrations, in my opinion. Tony's home is full of art pieces, including some paintings by Biljana Djurdjevic, who frequently paints children in pool settings. The kids in these images have red shoes (which seem to mean something), and some are tied up. Another painting by Djurdjevic consists of children facing the wall on their knees. Tony also has a sculpture inspired by a Jeffrey Dahmer victim in his home.
The Washington Post paid a visit to Tony's house. "Folks attending a house tour in the Lake Barcroft neighborhood in Falls Church earlier this year got an eyeful when they walked into a bedroom at the Podesta residence hung with multiple color pictures by Katy Grannan, a photographer known for documentary-style pictures of naked teenagers in their parents' suburban homes," the article's author writes.
What is it with the pools? In one of the Podesta leaks, an email sent by Tamera Luzzatto, Clinton's chief of staff, read: "We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7), so you'll have further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure." Excuse me? What kind of entertainment is Luzzatto talking about?

It gets worse. Luzzatto purportedly had a website titled "Evie's Crib," with a headline that read, "Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A, right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now, as in the future she will have the power of life and death over you." She is photographed with four children.

Hillary Clinton's History with Children
It's odd that these people who appear to be into inappropriate depictions of babies and kids work with Hillary Clinton. She's smart enough not to be so blatant about any affinity toward graphic images, but she does have a long history of working with children. In the '70s, Clinton worked at Yale Child Study Center to learn about early childhood brain development and handled cases of child abuse at the Yale-New Haven Hospital, according to The Phoenix Enigma. Much later, she co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, initiated the Adoption and Safe Families Act (her husband added the Adoption 2002 Initiative as well), played a role in passing the Foster Care Independence Act, launched the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children with Lady Catherine Meye and Cherie Booth Blair, and worked with nurses and midwives to perform both deliveries and abortions in Zambia, Malawi, Haiti, Mexico, and Central America.
You're probably aware that the Clintons have done a lot of work with Haiti. There's a key person that's also done work with Haitian kids, and that's child trafficker Laura Silsby. In 2010, Silsby and other U.S. missionaries were arrested at the Haitian border for trying to kidnap 33 children out of Haiti following the earthquake that struck the island. This is not a conspiracy, and that was actually her second attempt. Silsby was also the former director of The New Life Children’s Refuge, and she and Clinton have emails dating back from 2001. Before Silsby's arrest, the two were discussing the nonprofit organization.
We obviously don't know how close the two were, but maybe they seemed to be in cahoots with each other. It's alleged that Clinton intervened to release Silsby after she was detained on charges of human trafficking. Her attorney was none other than Jorge Puello Torres, a convicted sex trafficker. Bill Clinton, who coordinated relief efforts in Haiti, struck a diplomatic deal over the missionaries who were jailed on child abduction charges. Why would anyone try to free people who attempted to kidnap children? Interestingly, Silsby changed her name to Laura Gayler, and she now works for the company that issues Amber Alerts.
On July 6, 2019, Jeffrey Epstein – a friend to many politicians, celebrities, and moguls – was arrested and charged with sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of women and girls as young as 14. Epstein would fly his friends on his private jet to his secluded island. His girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, was found guilty of child sex trafficking and other offenses in connection with Epstein. He had ties to Bill Clinton. Clinton's spokesperson confirmed that the two traveled to Europe, Asia, and twice to Africa on Epstein's private jet in 2002 and 2003. Clinton's staff and Secret Service also joined to "further the work of the Clinton Foundation," whatever that means.
If Epstein and Maxwell were known to traffick minors, is it really that far-fetched to think that there's a network of rich and influential people trafficking children?
Comet Ping Pong Shooting
Months after mainstream media attacked internet users for spreading pizzagate theories, a North Carolina man entered Comet Ping Pong and pointed a gun at an employee, according to the D.C. Metro Police Department. The gunman was Edgar Madison Welch. Welch had an IMDB page (surprise, surprise) and had appeared in a few films. The street cameras were purportedly turned on the day of the shooting, and Welch was said to have fired a shot in the restaurant and managed to hit their computer system. Convenient, right?

Welch told the police that "he had read online that the Comet restaurant was harboring child sex slaves and that he wanted to see for himself if they were there. He stated he was armed to help rescue them. He surrendered peacefully when "he found no evidence that underage children were being harbored in the restaurant."
But wait – the judge who ruled over Welch's case was Ketanji Brown, Biden's Supreme Court nomination. Last year, Brown was criticized by Senator Josh Hawley for her lax sentencing in several child pornography cases. “She’s had 10 that I’ve seen, that we’ve found, and I haven’t found a single case where she’s sentenced – for child porn offenders – where she’s sentenced with the guidelines. Always below, and almost always below the government’s recommendations – in some cases dramatically below,” he said.
Clinton Body Count
There’s a trend among celebrities or internet personalities who discuss child sex trafficking rings: They all die suddenly or under mysterious circumstances. You can read more about this in my article “Do The Strange Deaths Of Anne Heche, Anthony Bourdain, And Avicii Have Anything To Do With Child Trafficking?”
I suggest you also read our piece on the 57 individuals in the Clinton circle who all have died.
Closing Thoughts
Unfortunately, this article only scratches the surface. If you want to learn more about pizzagate, use search engines other than Google. Check out BitChute and remember to follow the money.
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