Having Kids Is Trendy Again, And We’re Here For It
When you browse through the “for you” page of TikTok and Instagram (because, come on, we all do once in a while), you may sense an overload of cute, chubby babies.

And while cute, chubby babies have always been a popular choice among our Catholic, Amish, and Mormon friends, it’s not until recently that having kids has been seen as admirable by the mainstream media. Now, celebrities, models, and influencers are having babies, putting their pregnancies on full display, and making motherhood aspirational again. Additionally, it's becoming less taboo (thank goodness) for women who want to have kids but are struggling with primary or secondary infertility to share their experiences and find community and support.
However shallow some people’s motives may be for creating “mini-mes,” there’s no denying that babies are bundles of joy and motherhood leaves a positive impact on our society as a whole. Rather than discrediting maternal desires, scaring new moms out of the joys of pregnancy, and placing being a "girl boss" on a pedestal above creating a genuine, fulfilling legacy through a balanced family life, it seems that the narrative is finally shifting. Here’s our breakdown of why having kids seems so trendy right now, and why we’re actually here for it.
1. Pregnancy Is Finally Getting an Accurate Portrayal
We’ve always known that pregnancy is beautiful, but with pregnant women popping up on all of our social feeds, it’s as clear as day. There’s something so magical about letting a new life grow inside you and witnessing the changes that coincide with it. And however flawed the body positivity movement is nowadays, the spectrum of pregnant bodies in media has given a more nuanced picture of pregnancy and childbirth. Not every mother “pops” within a month of conception, and carrying multiples looks a heck of a lot different than carrying a single pregnancy. All babies are blessings, and all pregnancies are beautiful, even and especially despite the blood, sweat, and tears that come with them.
2. Babies Light Up Everything
Think of the last time you had a terrible, awful day. Think hard.
All right. Now that you’ve got that awful day pictured, pray tell, did it involve spending time with an adorable baby? Not likely! That’s because babies are little bundles of joy that make life better. After a hellish day at the office or even at home, what’s more delightful than a chubby baby cuddle or two?
Covid-19 and its effects have taken quite a toll on our mental health as a nation. One positive that we've experienced since 2020 though is that the pause from the hustle and bustle has given people a chance to re-evaluate their lives and focus on what truly matters and brings them joy, and many people decided to have children. Some people who couldn’t work, like models Gigi Hadid and Elsa Hosk, had babies during this time when they weren’t constantly traveling.
As far as men go, recent studies state fatherhood decreases the number of unhappy men, so it’s pretty clear that the joy babies bring is totally worth the hard work they entail. And speaking of fathers…
3. Men Who Want Babies Are 100% Hotter
This statement’s not backed by any scientific facts – but, does it need to be? It’s just the truth. In both the animal kingdom and the human race, it’s the strong, protective males who the females receive in their embrace – a.k.a., those who she deems would be worthy potential fathers.
Now, the phrase, “I can’t wait to have kids,” is so much hotter than, “I don’t care if I have kids or not,” for a couple of reasons. First, it signals to us that a man is capable of sacrifice and lifelong commitment. Second, it signals that this man could see his partner with a child and find her just as attractive (if not more so) than before. Now, there are several more indicators women must be wary of before being open to the possibility of having a family with a man (which is why marriage is a great medium to decipher this), but it seems like at least some of pop-culture is getting it.
4. Kids Keep Us Younger Than Botox Ever Could
It’s no secret that many of us want to stay young for as long as possible. But instead of breaking the bank for a BBL or some lip fillers, why not invest in starting a family? Children have an innate sense of wonder and delight that we so often neglect as adults, and having a few kids could reignite our wonder for the world (and therefore, our youthful energy).
And the benefits don’t stop there – during pregnancy, women not only enjoy the healthiest hair they’ll ever have, but many also experience improved circulation (I'm talking about that gorgeous #pregnancyglow). Not to mention, when an expectant mother gets hurt, her unborn baby sends regenerating cells to help her recover more quickly. The high levels of progesterone during pregnancy can reduce the risk and expression of the auto-immune diseases lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Experiencing a full-term pregnancy, especially before the age of 25, also reduces your risk of breast cancer.
While the KarJenners still seem to promote unnecessary cosmetic surgeries by example, several of them, like Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian, also seem to embrace child-rearing as something joyous, something to look forward to.
Again, the whole courtship-engagement-marriage-baby sequence makes a lot more chronological sense, but the fact that we’ve got so many public figures touting their pregnancies and kids and looking great while doing it gives us hope that people are seeing all the wonderful things motherhood could bring.
5. Better Maternity Leave Is Something We Can All Get on Board with
Okay, now for the political portion. Ever since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, pro-abortion women have been going nuts! There’s a panic in the air as arguments like “what will you do after the baby is born?” fly.
The bitter irony here is that both pro-abortion and anti-abortion women alike agree: We need solid resources for mothers and babies. And part of that whole package is better maternity leave. And hey, I’m as pro-free-market as the next sane person, but if states like California boast a surplus of nearly $49 billion, with much of it going to abortions and birth control, why not funnel some of those funds into allocations for struggling mothers? Wanting to be with your newborn is only natural, and both Gen-Zers and Millennials can see the benefits of more generous maternity leave solutions. Despite those shady corporations that pay for abortion procedures for their employees, many companies are starting to see that supporting motherhood is a worthy cause.
Closing Thoughts
In a feminist world, pregnancy and child-rearing will always be stigmatized and ridiculed. But, from what we can see from social and mass media, bigger families, pregnancy, and prioritizing childhood over a corporate job are making a bit of a comeback. For several celebrities and public figures, having children is something they genuinely enjoy and celebrate. It’s time we gave ourselves and the mothers in our lives the same recognition we give to them.
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