
Help! I Want To Date A Cute Rabbi Too!

Heartthrob professional rabbi Noah Roklov didn’t just steal the heart of atheist podcaster Joanne on “Nobody Wants This” – he’s been stealing our hearts too.

By Jillian Schroeder3 min read
Netflix/Nobody Wants This

The second Adam Brody stared lovingly into Joanne’s eyes and said, “I can handle you,” did anybody else’s knees buckle just a little bit? The story of star-crossed lovers navigating the labyrinth of romance in the modern world is a rom-com that will make you laugh, cry, and then wonder where all the cute rabbis of the world are hiding away. Nobody Wants This has struck a real chord because audiences are interested in mature love stories about developing healthy relationships.

So what about those of us who are single and ready to find a cute rabbi of our own? Let’s take a look at a few of the traits that make women love Noah Roklov so much, and how they can guide you to find your very own heartthrob.

He Walks You to Your Car

At the dinner party where they meet, Joanne’s scared of how attracted she is to the cute rabbi on her right at dinner, so she decides to make a swift early departure. Noah says he’ll walk with her, and when she asks where his own car is, he fibs, “At the bottom of the hill,” just so he can get the chance to talk to her a bit longer. Only after he’s walked her safely to her vehicle does Joanne see Noah make the long trek back to his car all the way at the top of the hill. 

Chivalry isn’t dead – we just don’t always know where we’re going to find it. It’s not just being walked to the car. Noah constantly finds ways to treat Joanne like a lady, from the moment they first meet. He opens a bottle of wine for her, and he adjusts his plans if it will help her to have a smoother day. Noah’s a consistent gentleman, and by treating Joanne like a lady, she begins to see how much she has deserved this treatment all along.

He’s Got Serious Rizz

Call it charisma or just good, old-fashioned charm, this quality never goes out of style. Whether it’s the way he flirts with Joanne when they first meet or the way he rocks a basketball jersey, Noah’s got rizz that lasts for days.

But the thing about Noah’s rizz that’s so endearing? It comes from a place of confidence in his masculinity and is completely genuine. Noah doesn’t put on a certain persona to impress Joanne. He knows exactly who he is and what he wants – which is the most charming thing a man can be in front of a woman.

He’s Not Put Off By Disagreements

Even though Noah and Joanne disagree on many things, including some pretty crucial things such as faith and the importance of privacy, Noah never seems put off by a disagreement with Joanne. They have plenty of fights – over his relationship with his ex and over the timeline of their own – but Noah never treats Joanne like the enemy when they disagree. 

Noah’s emotional maturity is one of the sexiest things about him, and these moments of conflict are when he really shines. Noah enters a disagreement with a desire to listen before he speaks, to understand the other side before he states his own. He doesn’t get nervous when he and Joanne bicker; instead, he uses it as an opportunity to evaluate himself and adjust his thinking if need be. 

He Takes His Convictions Seriously

As a professional rabbi, Noah’s job is to know the word of God and be an example to his congregation. But as we see at the dinner where he first meets Joanne, he doesn’t just take those convictions seriously for work – Noah’s convictions are heartfelt. He shares what he believes freely, even if he’s in the company of those who don’t share his beliefs. It’s ultimately one of the things Joanne finds most attractive about Noah.

As we see later in the show, men of strong convictions are good in relationships because they are accustomed to standing up for the things, and the people, they love. Men who know how to speak for and be unmoved from their deepest beliefs have practiced the virtue of faithfulness, and that spills over into the kind of relationship they have with you.

He’s Good to Your Family

Most guys want to make a good impression on their girlfriend’s family. The “first meeting” is a well-known and often stressful date where the girl figures out if the guy will fit into her family or not. When Joanne’s family comes to visit, he at first panics – wearing a sport coat over his hoodie and dashing out to buy flowers for Joanne’s mom. It gives Joanne the “ick” to see him so nervous, but eventually she’s able to move past it.

Noah doesn’t just want to impress Joanne’s family, though. Later, we see him speaking with Joanne’s mother, Lynn, who still loves the husband who left her for a man. Up until this point in the show, Lynn has been mocked as silly and emotional. But Noah is gentle with Lynn. He praises her for the way she puts her daughters first, and makes a point of seeing the woman who is suffering more than even her daughters knew.

Noah also gets very upset when Joanne and her sister Morgan have a huge fight and refuse to talk to each other. He repeatedly tries to get them back together, knowing that Joanne won’t be happy until she has mended their relationship. Noah values all of the relationships, including Morgan’s, which matter to Joanne, even when she loses sight of it herself. A man who really loves you will love the people in your life, like your family and your friends, just as much because they’re important to you.