
How Blake Lively Embodies The Feminine Energy Our Culture Craves

It’s 2024, and let’s face it, American society is in dire need of some authentic feminine energy. Amidst the royal disappointment that was the Victoria’s Secret Tour ‘23 and the broader anti-beauty wasteland of pop culture, one woman remains a force of feminine energy, and we love her for it.

By Michelle Williams4 min read
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Shutterstock/Denis Makarenko

Blake Lively is a celebrated actress, fashion mogul, and successful entrepreneur. However, what sets Blake apart in the Hollywood landscape above all her accolades is that she’s a devoted wife and mother. Pop culture tells us that having children is a waste of potential and drains your youth – yet Blake, four kids in and open to more, remains the epitome of grace, class, and vibrance.

Womanly virtue begets feminine energy. By womanly virtue, I mean those virtues characteristic of women, such as being caring, kind-hearted, selfless, empathetic, nurturing, protecting innocent life, and so on. Authentic feminine energy manifests itself in the day-to-day; the words you say and the actions you take with those around you. With Blake Lively, there's no shortage of examples that show her femininity is more than skin-deep, but rather borne of hard-won womanly virtue.

Could it be that Blake’s strong devotion to her family may actually be the secret to her magnetic femininity? Let’s explore.

Blake Lively Makes Marriage Look Good 

True feminine energy cannot be divorced from a truly feminine lifestyle, which is centered around marriage and family. On more than one occasion, Blake has spoken of her husband and children in such a way that exposes her truly nurturing character and reveals how greatly she values marriage and family life. 

For example, even though both Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have successful careers in film, they’ve made a commitment to never work at the same time in order to prioritize being together as a family. In an interview with People magazine, Blake said, “If we’re away as a family, it’s never more than for a day. We stay together.” In the same interview, the actress revealed how she's even brought her kids to set to have them close by. 

Per Business Insider, Ryan once sang Blake’s praises to Humans of New York about her propensity for empathy. Empathy breathes life into compassion and graciousness, and is a particularly feminine virtue. “She always responds with empathy,” he said. “She meets anger with empathy. She meets hate with empathy. She'll take the time to imagine what happened to a person when they were 5 or 6 years old. And she's made me a more empathetic person.”

But it isn’t just Ryan who compliments his other half on-record. Blake often takes the opportunity to dote on her husband, too. Though a less thought-of virtue, publicly honoring your husband is something that goes against the grain these days. The toxic trend known as “husband-bashing” stands in direct contrast to a woman seeing and encouraging the best in her man, both in private and in public. 

Take, for example, this iconic clip of Blake speaking about how her husband “races home” from set to be with his family. “I am his home, and our girls are his home,” she says. “He is hardwired to get home. … Yes, he creates magic in his work, but man, oh man, does he create magic in his real life.” Of course, this speaks to Ryan’s character as a husband, but it also displays Blake’s admiration of that character, which is intrinsically powerful. By gracefully honoring him rather than tearing him down, she exudes femininity. 

Blake Loves Being a Mother

Blake Lively embraces motherhood as an essential part of herself. In an interview with Forbes, the star said, “I think having children, for me, made me feel so much more in my skin.” 

Blake went on to reveal how integral family is to the decisions she makes: “Family is at the root of everything that I do, and it’s also at the root of everything that I create. … Whenever I create something, I create something with family in mind, because that’s just how I live.”

That same motivation to put family first even influences what she wears, according to the actress, who said, “Even the gowns I wear – I just want my kids to be proud.”

Blake's love for children extends beyond her own family, though. Several years ago, Blake was honored for her support of the Child Rescue Coalition, a non-profit dedicated to eradicating child pornography. She took the opportunity to give one of the most powerful celebrity speeches in recent years. “I’m here today because I’m a mamma. I have two baby girls … and I would do anything to protect them. I would literally die for them.” The actress went on to describe how the love of her own children led her to ponder the intrinsic value of all children, including those being sexually exploited – which, according to Blake’s speech, amounts to 30-50 million known files being traded every single day.  

“I never really knew what child pornography was … and I was afraid to ask because as a mother I knew it would be very painful to hear,” the actress said. “I feel like I have to share it with you guys now, and it is disturbing, and I want to warn you, but I feel it’s my responsibility to tell you guys because it is the truth, and I believe if we all knew this, we would dedicate much more of ourselves to stopping it.” 

Blake went on to describe the devastating reality of what child pornography actually entails, not shying away from the painful details, and highlighting how pedophiles know no bounds. When speaking about newborn infant exploitation, the actress teared up but pressed on: “I’m really sorry to share this, but I’m grateful that you guys are listening. … if these kids are experiencing this, the least that they deserve is us hearing what is actually happening.”

Thanks to the actress's bravery and willingness to be a voice for the voiceless, millions of people around the world are now aware of this unconscionable tragedy that too often remains in the dark. 

While she’s never made a public statement on the topic of abortion, Blake casually mentioned in a Vogue video last year how protecting her children starts in the womb. She said, “I am very private, and I’m very protective of my children. … I feel like that starts when they’re in the womb.”

It’s a natural womanly virtue to care for and protect innocent life. Yet, more often than not, American celebrities are shouting their abortion. After the overturning of Roe, Paris Hilton, Chrissy Teigen, Phoebe Bridgers, Nicki Minaj, and many more celebrities got vocal about their own abortions in defense of the right to terminate.  

True Femininity Can’t Be Faked

At the end of the day, this is why some seemingly feminine women give off an entirely different energy than women like Blake. They may wear gorgeous gowns to fancy galas and even act the part at times, but society spots the difference a mile away. 

Femininity isn’t a costume that you wear, and it’s not something you can fake. While dress, presentation, and manners may all be external signs of a woman’s feminine energy, authentic feminine energy comes from within and radiates out.

Closing Thoughts

“Healing your feminine energy” is a popular concept right now, and while many of the tips for doing so are positive, it’s important to know that there is no shortcut. True feminine energy is a result of womanly virtue – and developing virtue takes time. It takes nourishment and intention. But if you strive for virtue, then at every phase of life – singleness, marriage, motherhood, and beyond – you will develop further into the woman you were created to be. And like Blake Lively, you’ll be a magnetic force to be reckoned with.

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