How The "Orange Peel Theory" Shows If They Really Care About You Or Not
What's the "orange peel theory"? Here are some examples.

You're probably tired of hearing about all of the TikTok theories (I know I am), but I promise the "orange theory" is worth learning about.
It's more of a metaphorical framework than a theory, but let's get into it. Women on the social media platform recently began discussing the orange hypothesis and how it pertains to relationships. Chances are you've peeled your own orange many times. It's a simple act that anyone can do, including children – but moms usually peel the oranges for their kids, even though they know they're more than capable of doing it on their own. Moms do it because they care for their children and nurture them.
So, the orange peel theory is this: The idea that someone who cares for you might undertake mundane tasks, like peeling an orange, not because you're incapable but as a display of their affection and consideration. It shows how small, thoughtful actions can signify deep feelings toward someone.
Why It’s a Big Deal for Couples
A bid is an attempted connection from one person to another. Bids can be a wink, smile, touching, requests, etc. If you ask for an orange to be peeled, that counts as a bid. The bird test is the most famous example of a bid. Imagine you spot a red cardinal outside and try to tell your man or best friend to look at it: "Hey, come check out that bird on the tree," you say. Then, they can either "turn toward" you or "turn away," as relationship expert Dr. John Gottman puts it. Telling them to check out a bird may seem as miniscule as peeling an orange, but it shows a deeper significance – that someone is interested in your emotional needs and willing to do anything to ensure you're fulfilled.
By observing these bid interactions, Dr. Gottman can predict with up to 94% certainty whether or not couples will be together or separated years later. The couples in his six-year research that stayed together had "turn-toward bids" 87% of the time, while the ones that divorced only had "turn-toward" bids 33% of the time.
Examples of the Orange Peel Theory
A woman named Shelly on TikTok talked about the orange peel theory and detailed how her man is always doing the little things to take care of her. Shelly says he heats a towel for her before she gets in the shower because she gets cold easily, and that whenever it's muddy outside, he drives out so that Shelly can comfortably get in the car without worrying about the ground.
"I never touch doors around him," she added. "He's always opening my doors for me. I don't carry my bags when I'm with him."
Here are more examples of the orange peel theory that shows he truly cares about you:
He makes your coffee in the morning.
Giving up his jacket when you get cold.
Remembering small details, like your favorite snack.
Always gives you his attention when you ask for it.
Opening annoying jars and bottles for you.
Ensuring you're not walking next to the road on sidewalks.
Pulling out your chair so you can sit.
He checks in and asks how you're doing.
Carries the heavy bags after grocery shopping.
Opens your doors.
He waits until you get inside your house when he drops you off.
These actions may not seem like a big deal, but these small and considerate efforts reflect his attentiveness, thoughtfulness, and desire to improve your happiness. So, if you find someone always willing to peel your orange, you've got a keeper!
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