
How To Strengthen Your Feminine Intuition

In a world of constant noise and distractions, losing touch with our inner wisdom is easy. Yet, reconnecting with that intuitive voice is key to guiding us to our most authentic and fulfilling lives. Here are ways to strengthen your feminine intuition.

By Nicole Dominique3 min read
Pexels/Eugenia Remark

We all have a wise, guiding voice within us that’s innate and always ready to lead us to the right place and time. The problem is that too many of us are pulled away from that voice by external noise. Worse, it's our own ego that overshadows the guiding light seeking to illuminate our path. We let our worries about the future, our shame about the past, and other anxieties become paramount, and we get so distracted by them that we fail to listen. To listen to that gut feeling that’s kept us safe many times before, the heart flutters that led us to beautiful experiences, and the inner calm that steadied us during the chaos. Thus, it's easy to lose touch with our feminine intuition, but reconnecting with it is just as simple.

The good news is that it’s always there. We were born with it. "Practice listening to your intuition, your inner voice; ask questions; be curious; see what you see; hear what you hear; and then act upon what you know to be true,” writes Clarissa Pinkola Estés, author of one of my favorite books, Women Who Run with the Wolves. “These intuitive powers were given to your soul at birth.”

Hearing your inner voice – or God, the universe, your angel or soul, whatever resonates with you – can take time. It’s like working out a muscle. It’s difficult at first but gets easier with practice. We must all learn to cultivate our intuition, as it leads us to the right decisions and paths in life. Here are ways you can start to strengthen and listen to it.

Regulate Your Nervous System

Regulating your nervous system is key to listening to your intuition. There is a connection between our gut (enteric nervous system, ENS) and brain (central nervous system, CNS), which you can read more about here. Communication between the ENS and CNS flows smoothly when our nervous system is balanced, allowing intuitive signals from the gut to reach the brain. However, an imbalanced or stressed nervous system can disrupt this communication. Stress and anxiety can confuse our minds and bodies, dampening our ability to hear our inner voice.

By regulating your nervous system, the gut-brain connection can operate optimally. If you find that you're usually on edge, I recommend deep breathing exercises, meditation, stretching, or walking. Inflammation is another big factor that can lead to a dysregulated nervous system. Make sure you're eating foods that aren't heavily laced with chemicals or sugar, and try to stick to whole foods if possible. Remember to nourish your body with healthy meals.

Meditate, Pray, Walk, or Journal

As you've learned, listening to your intuition requires a sound mind, body, and soul. Engaging in practices such as meditation, prayer, journaling, and walking forces you to be present with your thoughts and feelings. Mindfulness can help you silence the chatter of everyday life and negative thinking, allowing you to tap into deeper levels of awareness. Turn off the TV, hide your phone, find some alone time, and simply sit with yourself. Breathe deeply. If you need stimulation and find it difficult to meditate, express your thoughts through writing or connect with a higher power through prayer. Spending time in nature or at the park is another great way to cultivate intuition. The green trees and blue skies have a soothing effect on the mind and spirit. Immersing yourself in nature can help you feel more grounded, centered, and open to receiving messages.

Test Your Intuition

Once you're in a state of relaxation, you can start putting your intuition to the test. Before doing anything, ask yourself what you should do. Everyday decisions can help you build confidence in your inner guidance. Begin by tuning in to how your body feels when choosing what route to take to work, which coffee shop to work at, what to eat for dinner, or who to see on the weekend. Sometimes, you'll get a visceral reaction that feels weird – to me, that's a "No." Other times, I get a warm feeling in my chest that feels soothing, as if my body is saying, "Yes, do that." These signals are different for everyone, so it's important to learn what yours are.

Intuitive nudges also could feel like a strong desire or aversion toward something. They can be more mental, like an idea you can't stop thinking about or a solution that gives you that "a-ha" moment. Uncertainty can be a message as well. Dating a new man, but you're not sure about him? Perhaps it's your body telling you to leave him on read.

Keep asking yourself what you should do and act accordingly, then notice how often your intuitive nudges prove to be right. Over time, you'll become attuned to when your inner voice is speaking to you and foster trust within yourself.

Express Yourself and Follow Your Curiosities

Expressing yourself creatively is another effective method to enhance your intuition. Engage in activities that allow you to express your thoughts, emotions, and ideas freely. Doing so also releases your inhibitions, allowing intuitive messages to flow through you. If you don't have a creative avenue at the moment, follow your curiosities. Have you been wondering about what it would be like to join a pottery class? Maybe you've been watching videos on how to sing or have binged thrifting videos. Don't just let yourself fall into the trap of wondering and watching others do it; try it yourself. Jump into the unknown.

Writing, knitting, painting, music, dance, and other creative expressions bypass the analytical mind and connect you directly with your intuition. When you express yourself creatively, you gain confidence and deepen your trust in your intuitive insights.

Trust and Act

When you receive a gut feeling or intuitive nudge, trust that it comes from a place of higher wisdom. How many times have you ignored your own feelings and thought, "I knew I was right!" Once you hear your inner voice telling you to go for something or avoid a situation, don't brush it off. Honor it – you know more than you think. Trusting yourself empowers you to navigate life with greater authenticity and alignment with your true purpose.

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