How To Transition Your Summer Clothing Into Fall
What do you wear in that weird transition period between summer and fall? We’ve got some ideas.

The weather and season are two of the most important things to keep in mind when you’re putting together a great outfit. Something too summery in the dead of winter or vice versa will make an otherwise great outfit feel completely out of place. But that leaves us with a dilemma: What on earth do you wear as you transition from summer to fall?
August and September are where my mind always starts to make the switch over to fall, and this goes for what I want to be wearing as well. The only problem is the weather doesn’t really match. In the height of summer, walking around in that turtleneck and jeans that I’m just dying to wear after months of shorts, airy blouses, and sundresses – no thanks. Not unless I want to look sweaty as all get out (which I don’t).
So that brings us back to the question: How do you dress for the summer to fall transition when the bright red sundress that felt perfect back on July 4th just doesn’t possess the same luster it once did but your chunky sweaters aren’t quite appropriate yet? Well, I’ve thought about it and have come up with a few solutions to help you (and myself) as we get closer to the fall months, but aren’t quite there yet.
Try an Earthy Color Scheme
One super easy way to transition from summer to fall is to dress in more earthy tones, like you would see in a fall color palette. Since you aren’t adding any unnecessary layers, this one is perfect for a hot day when you just don’t want to wear that sundress again.
Get a Summer Sweater
When you’re starting to feel the pull towards sweater season, but it isn’t quite time to fully embrace it, the summer sweater is the way to go. Look for one in white. You get bonus points if it has navy stripes. Embrace the fleeting days of summer in the coziest way possible (without dying of heat exhaustion).
Throw on a Blazer with Shorts
I typically think of blazers as more of a fall item than summer. But paired with shorts, I think a blazer makes a really versatile and chic transition piece during the dog days of summer when you feel like you need to change up your look a bit.
Add Boots to a Summer Look
One easy trick to quickly take a summer dress and make it look like it could be a fall outfit is to change your shoes. Instead of your usual sandals, try out a pair of boots for a change.
Incorporate Animal Print
I’m not sure what it is about leopard print, but it always felt like a fall and winter print to me. So if you’re ready for fall but the temperature just doesn’t agree, see if you have something in leopard print as a way to incorporate a common fall pattern without packing on the layers.
Add Sandals to a Fall Look
Okay, so remember what I said earlier about using boots to make a summer dress feel more like fall? Well, you can do the same thing the opposite way. Take any dress you have that you typically wear in the fall and pair it with sandals to make it fit the end of summer.
Layer with a Light Cardigan or Jacket
The great thing about the cardigan is that with the fluctuating temperatures, especially in the morning and at night, you can easily put it on and take it off as needed. No matter your style aesthetic, a cardigan is a staple you need.
Wear a Sweater over a Sundress
As summer nights start to become a bit chillier, throwing a sweater on is the perfect way to stay warm (and to change up the dress you’ve already worn multiple times this season). If you feel a little too warm, one super chic way to wear the sweater is draped over your shoulders.
Pick Neutral Shades
People tend to wear less color in the fall and winter, so if you’re someone who typically wears a lot of color and you need a change of pace, try putting together a more neutral outfit. It’s the perfect way to transition your wardrobe into the colder months.
Add Leather Accessories
I love a good straw bag as a summer accessory, but as we move into fall it’s time to break out more traditional leather handbags.
Get Some Fall Florals
Florals are normally seen as a spring and summer print, but if you choose warmer, darker colors it’s actually one of my favorite choices for fall. This option is especially great for those of us who have warm weather year-round and need to find ways to mix it up without sweating buckets.
Closing Thoughts
The beginning and end of each season can often be the hardest to dress for. Depending on the climate of your area, the weather could be changing drastically from day to day, or even within the same day. So whether it’s light layers, boots to give your look a more fall vibe, or changing your typical color palette with some thoughtful choices, you can make the most of the summer to fall transition period.
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