How To Translate The Honeymoon Phase Into Lifelong Passion
Staying loved-up after the honeymoon phase is easier than you think. It just requires a bit of effort.

When you get married, life couldn’t be better. You feel happy, beautiful, and on top of the world. You have that bridal glow. It’s a wonderful time, and everything is perfect.
The honeymoon phase usually lasts for about two years, and then the relationship tends to settle down. You still feel happy, but real life starts to kick in. If you don’t already have children, you start thinking about family planning and what your future will look like together. You still want to hold onto the romantic parts no matter what comes, so what can you do to make the honeymoon phase last forever?
The Key Is To Keep Things Fresh
The honeymoon phase is exciting and full of passion because everything is brand new. You’re discovering new things about each other, you’re experiencing new things together, and you’re growing in intimacy.
When a couple experiences a decline in their marriage quality, it’s usually because they’ve become habituated and complacent. This has an apathy component, so you’re likely to take one another, and your relationship, for granted.
The secret to creating lifelong passion like it was during the honeymoon phase is to keep your marriage fresh and exciting. You want to stay curious about life and continue putting effort into the relationship.
Here are the top seven ways to do that:
1. Date Night
According to a study conducted by the University of Virginia, couples who dedicated a night each week to each other were 3.6 times more likely to feel “very happy” with their marriage, compared to those who spent less quality time with their spouse.
Date nights strengthen relationships in many ways, including improving communication, intimacy, and commitment. Planning to do new things together keeps the relationship fresh and alive. So get out of the house, make a reservation, and enjoy some one-on-one time together.
If you’re stuck for date night ideas, read our articles here and here for some great tips.
2. Learn His Love Language
The 5 Languages of Love, by Gary Chapman, is all about how we like to receive love, which is important to keep the romance alive. Does your husband feel more loved by words of affirmation, or does he prefer physical touch? What about quality time, receiving gifts, or acts of service? When you’re an effective communicator of love, it can greatly strengthen and enrich your marriage. You can take the quiz to find out what both your primary love languages are.

3. Book a Vacation
Vacations are not only important for your general wellbeing, but they can also spark fun and romance back into your relationship. They’re a great way to catch up on much-needed quality time. If budget permits, visit a romantic destination such as Venice, Santorini, or Bali. Or how about a cute staycation at an Airbnb? Discover a new town you’ve never visited and take in some of the local scenery.
4. Learn Something New Together
According to science, the key to staying young is to keep your mind sharp by being curious about the world around you. The desire to learn new things and having a sense of wonder and excitement can make you feel youthful.
Set yourselves a challenge to learn one new thing a year together.
This feeling is similar to the honeymoon phase when everything was still brand new, and you were curious about each other and the world around you. Why not embrace this outlook by setting yourselves a challenge to learn one new thing a year? You could learn a new language, or take dance classes, or watch a TEDTalk on subjects such as sex, cryptocurrency, or the evolution of music.
5. Dress Well
Many couples let themselves go after getting married or when the children arrive. Men get the Dad bod and women live in yoga pants because it’s easy and comfy.
Look, I get it. It’s hard to always look your best when you have a million responsibilities. You don’t have to look amazing every day, but making an effort as you did during the honeymoon phase can help boost your mood, self-esteem, and spark attraction for each other. Dressing well always has a positive impact, so wear a dress that makes you feel like a goddess or one that your husband likes.
6. Do Nice Things for Your Husband
You know your husband better than anyone else. You know how he likes his coffee in the morning, his favorite foods, and who his favorite sports team is.
Aim to do one nice thing for him a week and watch it have a knock-on effect.
Make an effort to do his favorite things for no other reason than to make him happy. When you give unconditionally without expecting anything in return, you leave room for him to reciprocate. Aim to do one nice thing for him a week and watch it have a knock-on effect. Don’t be surprised if he turns around and treats you like an absolute queen!
7. Passionate Sex
Finally, sex is an important aspect of marriage. But not your regular weekly sex; you want to aim for wild, passionate sex, like it was in the beginning. Sometimes multiple times a day!
Try initiating sex more and take time to really set the mood. You could wear seductive lingerie or try a new position in a different part of your house. The key is to have fun with it and mix things up. If you’re short on ideas for how to create intimacy and passion in the bedroom, check out our article here.
Closing Thoughts
Creating a lifelong love affair takes time and effort. The most enduring love comes from couples who have mutual respect and adoration for one another, and they help each other grow spiritually and emotionally. Do the work, be kind to each other, and cultivate fun and romance to keep the passion burning.
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