
I Drank Nothing But Raw Milk For 7 Days—Here’s What Happened

Despite the mainstream media portrayal of raw milk as a health risk, doctors have used it as a treatment for many serious diseases. Not just a glass, but an entire cleanse of only raw milk. It led me to question whether my chronic health issues could benefit from a raw milk cleanse, so I decided to give it a go. Here's how it went.

By Hannah Washington5 min read
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Shutterstock/Manuel Orts

Before you freak out, you should know this isn’t another modern fad diet. This goes back way further than vegan, keto, carnivore, or Ozempic. And I know it sounds like another Gwenyth Paltrow trend. But in the early 1900s, many doctors, including Dr. J.E. Crewe, founder of the Mayo Clinic, prescribed a diet of high-quality raw milk to treat various illnesses, from tuberculosis to diabetes and beyond. The work of Crewe and others, like Dr. Charles Sanford Porter, who helped over 18,000 patients with this treatment and wrote a medical book about his findings, was largely ignored. It’s most likely because it was not a profitable treatment for the medical industry; all the patient needed to purchase was high-quality milk from a farmer. The doctors who used this treatment have described it as miraculous. And honestly, I think it’s a shame that more people don’t know about it.

The History of the Raw Milk Cleanse

Patients would be instructed to consume nothing but raw milk for anywhere from three to eight weeks, depending on the severity of their illness. Some doctors would recommend an optional day of fasting prior to the cleanse. It was also advised that the patients be on bed rest, take hot baths, and get plenty of fresh air, preferably with outdoor sleeping arrangements if possible. The idea is to conserve as much of your body’s energy as possible while keeping all detox pathways working properly – this means regular bowel movements, urination, and sweating. 

The amount of milk consumed depended on the person’s body weight and what they could tolerate, but it was roughly a gallon a day, give or take a few cups. Typically, cow’s milk was used, but milk from other animals was also acceptable. This treatment was extremely versatile. Just between Crewe and Porter, it was used in cases of tuberculosis, heart disease, kidney disease, diseases of the nervous system, diabetes, anemia, obesity, digestive diseases, and many others. Porter’s book had 11 editions published, and if you read the preface of each edition, you can almost hear his excitement at how many successful trials he was witnessing.

More and more people today are turning to food as medicine as we trust our medical system less and less.

Most of the official records of these treatments are from the early 1900s. However, the benefits of raw milk are now regaining popularity. Thanks largely to social media, this natural and inexpensive treatment is being used for chronic illnesses and other conditions that modern conventional medicine has struggled to treat. In the age of wellness influencers, self-healing is becoming more mainstream. More and more people today are turning to food as medicine as we trust our medical system less and less. I’m definitely one of those people, so I decided to give it a test run and see if it would help relieve some of the many mold toxicity symptoms I’m dealing with.

But, Why Raw?

So, why raw milk? The media does a fair amount of fearmongering around raw milk, and there are a lot of messy political reasons behind why it may be banned in your state, but this is a food that our ancestors have consumed since the beginning of time. Pasteurization kills the beneficial bacteria and enzymes naturally present in milk. This makes it harder for people to digest. Raw milk also naturally boosts the body’s production of glutathione, one of the most powerful antioxidants known today. Plus, raw milk is a complete food, with a perfect balance of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, plus minerals, so a milk cleanse is not a restrictive diet. The body technically has everything it needs from a milk diet, and if you’re drinking enough, you shouldn’t be hungry.

Modern Day Popularity

I was introduced to the concept of raw milk through a podcast called Wise Traditions, which is produced by the Weston A. Price Foundation. I also found a Facebook group of over 2,000 people who have either completed a raw milk diet or are currently attempting one. The real-life testimonials are incredible. I’ve blogged about slowly adding raw milk to my diet, and I’ve seen so many other health influencers do the same. Even with having a few glasses a day, I saw improvements in my digestion and sleep.

Why I Needed a Cleanse

As I’m recovering from mold toxicity, I have a laundry list of chronic symptoms. The process of testing to confirm I had toxic mold in my system and purchasing a large amount of supplements was so expensive. Sadly, I saw no noticeable difference, and I was still desperate for relief.

After reading other stories of people using a raw milk cleanse to help recover from mold toxicity, I decided to dip my toes in (figuratively). Compared to what I had spent on supplements, buying a bunch of raw milk seemed like a steal. Though the cleanse works best when it’s done long-term, I’ve also read testimonials of people doing a shorter cleanse for a more simple detox. I’m always down to try a simple, low-risk remedy for my health. For logistical reasons, I attempted just a 7-day cleanse. I really just wanted to see how my body would react.

My Experience

Before I got started, I read The Miracle of Milk by Bernarr MacFadden because I personally found it a little easier to follow than Porter’s book, but any book on the subject is worth reading before attempting a raw milk cleanse (Porter’s book is free online). You’ll know what to expect and how to deal with certain symptoms, such as constipation or diarrhea. Goat’s milk can be easier to digest than cow’s milk, and because of my gut issues over the years, I decided to go that route. 

I made special arrangements with a local health food store that sold raw goat’s milk. I met with their supplier on the day of their store delivery and brought home eight gallons of milk. Because raw milk has a shorter shelf life than pasteurized milk, I had three gallons frozen and didn’t defrost them until I began to run low on the other gallons.

I went through a few days of loose bowel movements (I know, gross) as my body adjusted to a liquid diet. One recommendation for this is to allow the milk to naturally ferment, or “clabber,” by letting it sit at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours. Think of it as a kefir or liquid yogurt. I tried this, and halfway through the cleanse, I began to have more normal bowel movements. I also was peeing a lot, which is normal. I found my lips getting chapped very easily, as my body was pushing out a lot of fluids, so I stayed hydrated with water and unrefined mineral salt. I also had some minor nausea that went away after the first few days.

Around day five, I was surprised at how “normal” I felt. I work from home, and I was able to keep up with my normal workflow. It’s recommended to be on bed rest as much as possible, but I wasn’t able to do that because of my schedule. However, I took naps when I could, and I didn’t do any exercising, other than short walks when I had the energy. And I was able to manage my time better because I didn’t have to cook!

When I went back to solid foods, I made sure to follow the instructions in MacFadden’s book and focus on quality protein, healthy fats, complex carbs, and minimal fruit, with no processed sugar at all. I ate pasture-raised eggs, grass-fed beef, and organic vegetables and fruit. In the days following my cleanse, I had the smoothest bowel movements I’ve had in years!

What I Would Do in the Future

Because I only did a short cleanse, and I’m still working on correcting long-standing hormone and blood sugar imbalances, those perfect bowel movements didn’t last forever. But it did give me a glimpse of what’s possible with a longer cleanse, which is ideal for more lasting health benefits.

A cleanse of several weeks is something you have to plan out strategically. I’ve heard from other testimonials that once your energy levels feel normal and your daily bowel movements are consistent and firm, you can return to light exercising and your normal schedule. Because you have to drink roughly every two to three hours, you should bring milk with you in an insulated bottle if you’re going to be out long.

The best, safest raw milk to consume is always from pasture-raised animals that are well taken care of and are milked in a sanitary environment. Milk that is produced with the intention of being pasteurized is not suitable to consume raw; they don’t provide the necessary care and safety. But milk that is specifically produced to be sold raw will follow state guidelines to ensure safety and quality. To find raw milk in your area, you can visit sites like or You can even contact the farmers directly and see if they allow customers to visit and see the operation for themselves.

Closing Thoughts

You should always consult your physician if you have questions about any medical therapy. I’ve found that it’s best to slowly incorporate raw milk into your regular diet so your body can adjust to the enzymes and probiotics. If your body isn’t used to an abundance of healthy bacteria, you might experience an adjustment phase where your digestion gets thrown off for a bit. Once you’re comfortable with raw milk, consider a full cleanse if you think it could help you.

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