I’m Pro-Life And I’m Still Voting For Donald Trump—Here's Why
Trump has compromised his position and can no longer be considered a 100% pro-life candidate. However, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t or can’t vote for him in 2024.

Countless pro-life people are (understandably) upset that Trump has changed his policies regarding abortion. In contrast to his former fully pro-life position, he now emphasizes leaving the matter to individual states, avoiding a national abortion ban, and has stated he supports exceptions for cases of sexual violence and threats to the life of the mother. Many former Trump supporters, including pro-life figures such as activist Lila Rose, are now urging others not to vote for Trump, saying they can’t in good conscience vote for Trump or indeed vote at all since there’s no current candidate who is 100% pro-life.
Granted, I don’t agree with or support Trump’s changed stance, either – because abortion exceptions are not ethically consistent and IVF also causes the loss of innocent life. As a Catholic Christian, I am, always have been, and always will be an advocate for the preborn (a.k.a. unborn), believing that a baby’s life is immeasurably precious and that it begins at the moment of conception, as science supports.
Personally, I think Trump is playing the market for more votes. Everyone knows that IVF has become increasingly popular due to the present infertility epidemic, but it’s also quite expensive. For many infertile couples, who desperately want to conceive but may not be able to afford IVF treatments, Trump’s free IVF plan might sound amazing. I can only imagine the painful longing for a child an infertile couple may have. But the fact remains that IVF does actually cause the loss of innocent life, so it is not a pro-life option, and those who support it cannot say they are fully pro-life. Hopefully, Trump is acting out of ignorance and with good intentions since he is quoted to have said, “we want more babies” and “we’re pro-family,” according to CNN. These words portray a pro-life perspective.
As for those who believe abortion should remain an option in the case of sexual violence, I understand and empathize as it is an extremely sensitive topic. Rape and incest are atrocious crimes that no one deserves to experience. Of course, every victim deserves justice, and the perpetrator should be punished accordingly. However, if a baby is conceived, that child remains an innocent third-party member who took no part in the crime against the mother and does not deserve to die. You should not punish the child for the crime of his father.
Trump Is Still the Better Option
Enthusiastically, I voted for Trump’s pro-life platform in 2016 and 2020. But this year, I’m not voting for Trump’s platform but against Kamala Harris. I will do my personal responsibility to prevent Kamala from getting into office with her nefarious socialist and pro-abortion agenda.
Firstly, Trump is still the first and only president in American history to ever attend the March for Life rally in Washington, D.C. To me, that action speaks volumes. Secondly, Trump nominated pro-life politicians to the Supreme Court, which provided the necessary votes to overturn Roe vs. Wade in 2022, a monumental event in modern history, which resulted in over 5,000 fewer abortions on average per month in the six months following, according to a statistics report. Thirdly, he is against late-term abortions.
Kamala Harris, on the other hand, supports abortion 100% and says she will “protect abortion rights,” according to Harper’s Bazaar. Abortion is against our basic human right to life. A position that supports ending the life of a living preborn child is against the principal foundations of bioethics. According to Article 2 of the Human Rights Act, every person has a right to life, and nobody, including the government, can try to end another’s life (save in the case of self-defense or lawful execution).
Kamala would make late-term abortion legal, up to the day before birth, and she’d make abortion legal in all the states with no restrictions (as it’s currently allowed in Alaska, Colorado, District of Columbia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, and Vermont). This makes her the greater evil, by far. So, in 2024 at the polls, I’m voting against the greater evil.
Kamala is not just unethical, she’s dishonest. When Kamala Harris was California's Attorney General, she covered up a Planned Parenthood scandal potentially involving the illegal and unethical selling of aborted baby body parts after late-term abortion. She refused to prosecute Planned Parenthood or determine further validity of the alleged crime, but she lost no time in prosecuting the journalist who uncovered it and even had his home raided, where officers took his laptop and several hard drives. According to the Washington Examiner, evidence later showed that Kamala had met with Planned Parenthood executives prior to the raid. This occurred during the time when Kamala was running for California’s open Senate seat and was endorsed by Planned Parenthood. Surprising? I don't think so.
I’m Voting for the Greater Good
We must do all in our power to fight for the greater good – or when given only two choices, for the lesser evil. Refusing to take action at all would be allowing the greater evil to gain more power.
Abortion is an evil, since it is the murder of innocent human beings. In a case such as this presidential election, when there is no 100% pro-life candidate and only two imperfect options, we still must vote for the lesser evil (i.e., the more pro-life but partially pro-choice candidacy) – to fight against the greater evil (i.e., the more pro-abortion candidacy) – for the sake of the greater good (i.e., millions of babies’ lives saved). If we do nothing, the evil of abortion will simply grow stronger following the election of a radically pro-choice president.
Yes, We Must Vote
In the words attributed to Edmund Burke, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” Not voting is simply allowing evil to grow stronger. I know of many people who are now refusing to vote for either Trump or Harris, and some don’t vote at all because of political (or lack thereof) or religious reasons, or they simply think their vote doesn’t matter.
I also know some people plan to vote for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to avoid voting for Trump while still fulfilling their civic duty. But RFK has removed himself as a serious contender, so a vote for him does nothing at all for our politics, economy, or the fight for the protection of life. Secondly, RFK is very much pro-choice. He’s not a better option for the pro-life voter than Trump, who has shown he is at least mostly pro-life, definitely more so than both Kamala and RFK.
I understand how past corruption might make voting seem pointless, but I still think everyone should exert their duty to vote because we are all citizens. We’re all also affected by the financial and ethical consequences of elections – both local and presidential – whether by how the economy’s inflation skyrockets gas and grocery prices, what our taxes are funding, what kind of teachers are hired for our schools, or whether homeschooling is allowed or banned.

For those who feel they cannot in good conscience vote for a candidate who is not fully pro-life, we cannot idealistically expect a perfect candidate. We must act with the cards we are dealt and vote for whoever is the better choice. This is not sending a message that it is acceptable to continue to make exceptions for the case of preborn life, but it is to weigh in against the greater evil because, at the end of the day, one out of the two running candidates will be elected president.