I Tried Electrotherapy For My Ovarian Cyst—Here’s Why Wellness Celebrities Swear By This Healing Secret
When the body’s battery is low, circulation is poor, and healing isn’t happening, people should know what all their options are, instead of just being told that surgery or a drug is the obvious next step.

When I first got myself onto the pad and cord that was plugged into what looked like a thick, metal briefcase of a machine, I had no idea what to expect. I started feeling pressure, then quick, strong pulses which evened out to what seemed like the tempo of my heartbeat. The doctor only set it as high as I could comfortably bear. Over a few days of daily hour-long sessions, I worked up my pain tolerance to the highest level on the machine, and I couldn’t help but remember the torture scene from Princess Bride when Count Rugen asks Wesley: “I’ve just sucked one year of your life away… how do you feel?”

But this visual couldn’t be further from my experience with PEMF. I felt relaxed and calmly rejuvenated after my sessions. I first started the electrotherapy for an injured kneecap, but then I started putting it on my ovaries after the doctor told me a patient used it for an ovarian cyst.
Note: This article is intended only to share personal experience and research on an approved method of healing. I am not a doctor and am not making any medical claims or recommendations.
My Cyst
At one point last summer, I realized there was a notable mass in my lower right abdomen that felt like the size of a ball of steel wool. It was swollen and uncomfortable when I was on my stomach, and I started noticing that it made my already very difficult periods extra painful. Although I have a high pain tolerance—according to my chiropractor—sometimes the pain radiating from my abdomen was so excruciating that I couldn’t help but curl up and just cry. This happened several times even outside of my period.
Soon after this, I decided I’d had enough of guessing and I decided to get some tests done. Over a month period, I saw a chiropractor, a nurse practitioner and an OB, all confirming that it was most likely an ovarian cyst. I was told I have PCOS and most likely endometriosis (I just need surgery for final confirmation).
As mentioned above, I received PEMF treatment for a solid week at my chiropractor’s office and, that following weekend, I experienced the most horrendous, sharp pain which shot out from my right ovary, radiating down my torso and legs and almost paralyzing my body. If I moved, the pain intensified like I was being stabbed and electrocuted all at once. If I had been able to move, I would’ve driven myself to the ER.
This was a less invasive remedy for eliminating the cyst which would’ve kept growing and causing health problems.
The next morning, after borderline zero sleep from the pain, I felt and looked like a white-faced zombie. But as luck would have it, that horrific pain apparently signified that my cyst had burst, as two doctors confirmed that was most likely the case. A couple days later, I felt my stomach and the area of my right ovary wasn’t swollen anymore, no mass that I could feel, and I could press down without meeting restriction as I did beforehand. This meant, at least for this instance, that I didn’t require surgery to remove the mass.
Now, all of that might sound very negative, but in fact this was a less invasive remedy for eliminating the cyst which would’ve kept growing and causing health problems. As painful as it was, the PEMF helped my body to eradicate it and flush it from my system; whereas if this hadn’t happened, I would’ve had to undergo the surgical knife, which is a worse option in my opinion because it is extremely invasive and exposes the inside cells to potential infection.
My doctor said that as long as there were no signs of infection and my body was able to flush out any toxins, then there wasn’t any cause for concern. Thankfully, I had no symptoms of infection. Another doctor (who first told me about this therapy) said she had done extensive research on PEMF and she was a big advocate as it naturally helped boost the body’s defense system, especially in the case of eliminating cysts or tumors.
To put it into perspective, I'd compare it to a more intense version of gallstones. Sometimes they might need to be surgically removed, but it’s optimal if they pass on their own, even if it’s a painful experience.

What is PEMF?
In case you’re unfamiliar with the term, PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) is a non-radiation and noninvasive form of electrotherapy that has quietly been growing in popularity for its ability to give pain relief and promote healing and overall wellness. This therapy works by emitting electromagnetic pulses, or waves, that penetrate the body’s tissue, promoting circulation, reducing inflammation, and stimulating cellular repair. It actually matches the human body’s own electric current to stimulate that circulation and increased blood flow to those areas of trauma/injury for healing. So, it does not implement any foreign rhythm or toxic energy; it simply strengthens the body’s own circuit. Additionally, PEMF may help to improve sleep, support immune and cognitive function, and improve mood.
PEMF has been lauded for its capability to reach a wide range of health concerns, from chronic pain and arthritis to stress and fatigue, improving skeletal function, bone and tissue healing and repair, and even reducing pain post-surgery. With said ability to encourage the body’s own healing processes, PEMF is a holistic, drug-free approach to pain relief, healing, and wellness. It's quickly becoming a favorite for those seeking out natural, effective alternatives to traditional treatments, such as routine surgery or pharmaceutical drug prescription.
Why Celebrities Use PEMF
With all the wear and tear physically and mentally from being in the limelight, athletes and celebrities like Tony Robbins, Dr. OZ, Steve Harvey, and Dana White (UFC) all use PEMF for stress management, pain relief, energy recharge, muscle and tissue recovery, and for general wellness. Some of these figures believe so strongly in the natural healing benefits of this unique electrotherapy that they not only use it regularly, but also have invested in the industry.
In an interview, Tony Robbins shares that when he began PEMF for physical therapy after a snowboarding accident at 62 years old, he never went back and has continued the treatment “every single day” since. About the electrotherapy, Robbins says, “What it does is it charges up the cells so they communicate better, changes the circulation in the body, but it also destroys the weak cells so they’re replaced more quickly.”
Side Effects, Or Results
No, PEMF is not “just like” acupuncture—it’s 20x better! PEMF has the potential to revolutionize healing and wellness. Fun fact: NASA had its astronauts use it to stay healthy in space. The Earth itself exudes a form of pulse electromagnetic fields that stimulates cell repair and overall health in all living creatures. When our personal PEMF supply is dwindling, that’s when we can bring in some help for a refresh! The technological form of PEMF has been proven in multiple peer-reviewed studies to be effective in treating aches and pains, as it emits the same electromagnetic frequencies as those projected by the Earth, helping to speed up the body’s regeneration process.
PEMF has the potential to revolutionize healing and wellness.
As mentioned, it provides not only physical therapy for injuries but also decompression from stress and a mental and physical recharge, literally! I personally know a family friend who experienced severe post-concussive symptoms and had frequent migraines after a car accident. He wasn’t sleeping well and experienced multiple migraines throughout the day which affected his mood and energy. After just one treatment though, he already felt a massive improvement in his energy and mood and slept well that night.
PEMF & The C-Word
There are studies that show that cancer cells have very low frequency electromagnetic field action. It’s a known medical fact that cancer actually drains cellular energy levels due to mitochondrial dysfunction and distorted metabolic pathways. However, an interesting side effect of PEMF seems to be the ability to shrink tumors and cysts because it increases energy in the cells. PEMF cancer-related studies show that this electrotherapy inhibits abnormal or tumor cell proliferation and can repair DNA conformation, decrease cellular stress factors, and increase energy demand.
Inflammation is a known progressor in the process of cancer infection, and it’s a common side effect in toxic treatments often prescribed in the allopathic practice of medicine. In addition to stimulating circulation and blood flow, medical research confirms that PEMF actually reduces inflammation by suppressing inflammatory cytokines and inhibiting COX-2 activity—similar to NSAIDs but without the damaging side effects on the G.I. tract.
This revolutionary electrotherapy is in plain view now, so why aren’t medical facilities and publications talking about it more? Why are many doctors unfamiliar with it altogether? Why aren’t cancer centers recommending this en masse to those afflicted?
I can personally say that this electrotherapy is remarkable, and studies indicate just how remarkable. Now, I'd like to see it introduced to the rest of the world—not reserved solely for the wellness elites.