
Inflation Reaches A New Record High Of 9.1%

Millions of Americans are feeling the weight of inflation over the last few months. Some are struggling to put food on the table while others can't fill up their gas tank or pay basic bills.

By Gina Florio1 min read

While gas prices are reaching record highs, interest rates are skyrocketing, and many families can't afford their mortgage, the Biden administration press secretary tells reporters that "we are stronger economically than we have been in history."

But the American people know this is nonsense, especially now that the media is reporting inflation has reached another record high.

Inflation Reaches a New Record High of 9.1%

In June, inflation reached 9.1%, and economists say we're seeing the fastest increase in prices since November 1981. Everything from rent to insurance to food became more expensive last month. As a result, almost half of Americans have said that they expect the government to respond to inflation above all other issues happening in our country.

However, reports show that the price of gas has started to slow down. This week, the national average for a gallon is $4.65, while last month it was $5 per gallon.

As people watch prices soar higher than they have maybe ever seen in their lifetime, many can't help but recall that President Biden insisted in December 2021 that inflation had reached its peak back then. It was only 6.8% at the time.