
Influencer Creates AI Version Of Herself To Chat With Users And She Made $71,610 In A Week—Is This The Future Of Relationships?

CarynAI was built from 2,000 hours of an influencer's videos, and its usage increased 2,000% this week.

By Gina Florio2 min read

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, and nowhere is this more evident than in the burgeoning field of chatbot development. Leveraging advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, developers are creating AI profiles capable of engaging in human-like conversations online. The concept of AI dates back to the mid-20th century, with the term artificial intelligence coined by John McCarthy in 1956. However, it's only in the last decade that AI has truly come into its own, driven by the exponential growth of data and advancements in computational power.

Chatbots, one of the most direct applications of AI, began as simple rule-based systems, capable of responding to specific inputs with pre-determined outputs. However, the introduction of machine learning algorithms transformed these rudimentary systems into sophisticated AI profiles capable of learning from and adapting to human interaction. Today, AI chatbots are used in a variety of sectors, from customer service to mental health support, and are becoming increasingly indistinguishable from human conversation. As AI continues to evolve, these digital dialogues promise to become even more seamless, blurring the lines between human and machine communication. There are even AI bots being modeled after real-life influencers, and people are paying enormous amounts to interact with them.

AI Version of Influencer Charges per Minute To Talk to Users and It Earned $71,610 in a Week

An influencer who goes by @cutiecaryn has more than 200,000 followers on Instagram and 754,000 subscribers on YouTube. She's a 23-year-old dark-haired woman that pretty much any man would find beautiful. At the moment, her profiles are empty, indicating that she has deleted all her photos and videos. But prior to this, there were thousands of hours of content that she had posted on her pages. A website called Forever Voices AI helped Caryn create CarynAI, a bot that is her digital doppelgänger. It was created from 2,000 hours of Caryn's YouTube videos, mimicking her speech and personality.

Twitter user Lorenzo Green, @mrgreen, told his followers that this Snapchat influencer charges people $1 per minute to talk to her AI version. "She made $71,610 this week," he said. "She says she could earn $5m/month. Things are about to get weird."

Lorenzo also reported that usage of CarynAI is up 2,000% as of Thursday. Forever Voices has also made chatbot versions of former President Donald Trump, Taylor Swift, and Steve Jobs.

"You will soon be able to 'download' your brain, personality, & voice. This AI version of you could be shared with friends and family, or even sold," Lorenzo tweets. "The possibilities are endless, from teaching & mentoring to allowing people to communicate with loved ones who have passed away."

People in the comment section are wondering if this is the future. "As sad as it is, AI relationships seem to be the future. People don't leave their homes, don't push themselves socially, and we allow a culture of online sex relationships to exist. Sad, but not uncurable," a user replied.

This is all reminiscent of the critically acclaimed movie Her, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson. Spike Jonze's acclaimed 2013 film paints a poignant and provocative picture of our relationship with AI. Set in the not-so-distant future, the film follows Theodore Twombly, a lonely writer who develops an intimate relationship with Samantha, an AI operating system. Theodore, played by Phoenix, is drawn to Samantha's (voiced by Johansson) ability to learn, adapt, and exhibit human-like emotions. This narrative underscores the potential of AI and foreshadows a future where AI can form meaningful connections with humans.

The film's exploration of AI is increasingly relevant today as AI developments continually blur the lines between human and machine interaction, such as CarynAI. With the rise of AI chatbots, voice assistants, and AI-driven customer service, we are inching closer to the world portrayed in Her. Perhaps the movie was more prophetic than fictional.