Influencer Hannah Barron Attacked On X For Not Being Feminine Enough
According to social media personalities, men who are attracted to tomboys are "homosexuals," and you're not feminine enough if you're not in makeup or heels or look like a Victoria's Secret model.

The latest gender discourse on X (formerly Twitter) is downright silly, but it’s something we need to talk about.
Recently, a news correspondent and commentator named Sameera Khan uploaded a video of influencer Hannah Barron on X. In the clip that Khan shared, Barron shows a building she is currently renovating. The first thing you’ll probably notice is her thick Southern accent. Khan then proceeds to diss her and makes claims like “American women are literally men.”
"This accent needs to be illegal, and women should be banned from doing manual labour like this," Khan wrote in the caption. "There is NOTHING feminine about American women. American women are literally men."
Before I get into Khan’s scathing post, I have to let you know that Barron is not your typical TikTok influencer. The 27-year-old from Alabama uploads videos of herself catching catfish with her bare hands, doing manual labor, riding horses, and hunting big game. People view Barron as the quintessential “tomboy” because she participates in a male-dominated field.
Barron has garnered anywhere from 7 to 8 million followers across social media platforms, and it's evident why: She's freaking cool. While my friends and I scream at the sight of bugs, Barron remains unafraid of the outdoors. She is in touch with her untamed wild woman nature, which is something that I admire greatly.
Khan’s tweet received responses from a few women who agreed with her.
"I wonder if it's because they believe feminine jobs are inferior that they attempt constantly to be men," said @meghaverma_art.
In another post, @meghaverma_art argued that “being a tomboy is a symptom of feminism or a massive discomfort with femininity” and that it’s a byproduct of young girls who haven’t “integrated their sexuality yet.” She added, “But in grown women, it’s a symptom of great psychic imbalance.”
What is this great psychic imbalance she’s speaking of, I wonder? @meghaverma_art even goes as far as to call being a tomboy a “state of mental illness,” but I’d say believing all women need to fit into a little box of what’s acceptably feminine or womanly is just as insane.
@isabellamoody_ commented, "The WORST accent. Some other terrible accents that are usually loved by people: British [and] Australian."
Some of the women who claimed Barron wasn't feminine enough also talked down on bombshell Sydney Sweeney. So whether you look like a Hollywood movie star or the gorgeous girl-next-door, they'll always find a reason to believe you're not measuring up to their standards. Their behavior screams insecurity.
A bald man said that if you're attracted to Barron, then you must be a homosexual. He's gone private after he got ratioed. I would hide, too, if people called me the "Mall Santa Andrew Tate."
An overwhelming majority disagreed with Khan’s take. One of the top comments came from @Dogtornico with 55,000 likes, who wrote, "Jealous lol most guys would rather have a girl like this then some girly whimpy princess." Khan distastefully hits back with, "Are you homosexual?"
Surprisingly, even Pearl Davis – notorious for misogynistic commentary – disagreed with Khan.
After the insane backlash, the controversial news correspondent explained that she had nothing against Barron but that she did not like the promotion of “tomboyism as the new ideal,” as if Barron is trying to psyop millions of women to follow in her footsteps. “For the longest time, the Victoria’s Secret ‘bombshell’ type was *the* beauty ideal that American women aspired to and the conservative right preserved,” Khan wrote.
“What we are seeing now is a societal shift from the ‘VS bombshell’ to the ‘tomboy’ as the new beauty ideal (spearheaded by the very same conservative right).” She later asked, “Why tomboys over VS bombshells? It just doesn’t make sense to me?”
It honestly doesn’t make sense to me either how Khan is confused about this. Some men prefer the Instagram baddie archetype, while others want the country girl who loves the outdoors. Who knew that men could be so multifaceted? I understand that some cultures place a great emphasis on dressing up compared to Americans, but it makes sense why a girl born and raised in the rural parts of Alabama may not be into that. But to answer Khan’s question, the reason why Barron is so attractive to men is because of her bubbly and adventurous personality, authenticity, and natural beauty. She radiates joy and confidence in her videos. She’s a breath of fresh air. And while Barron isn’t super thin, 6 feet tall, or walking the runway, she is still beautiful and incredibly fit.
Another argument that I saw is how Barron is more “masculine” because she does manual labor and hunts. Women have been working for thousands of years; the OG “tradwives” with exceptional homemaking skills were farmers before second-wave feminism. Barron has a connection to nature that the ancient women possessed. What’s more feminine than that? In a 2023 study published by PLOS ONE, women hunted in nearly 80% of surveyed forager societies, ending the long-standing myth that men hunted while women gathered. I can go on, but talking about what’s “feminine” versus “masculine” in terms of jobs is tiring and limiting; it’s all about your character – let’s talk about that instead. Let’s bring up the women who are actually inspiring and interesting while we ignore the bad apples whose sole hobby is to condemn girls on X for simply existing.
I don't know Barron, but her friends came out in full force on the platform to defend her, proving that her friends and family love her. "People who are threatened by 'tomboys' are boring AF," her friend shared on X. "Hannah is such a good human, and I’m so grateful to call her my friend."
Barron doesn’t have the time (or the bitterness) to tweet or judge other women because she’s out having a good time with the people who matter. She responded to the comments on X in a video on Instagram, saying she can't even remember who started the drama (Khan). "I would tell ya'll this girl's name, but I can't remember it because I don't have a clue who she is. That should tell you how irrelevant this person is," she says with a smile.
"The whole point of all this: Don’t be afraid to be your own person. Embrace your own individuality. Don’t try to fit into anyone else’s box. And most importantly, don’t let the opinions of others get you down!" Barron wrote in the caption.
Who Is More Feminine?
If there’s one thing that this silly little discourse on femininity has taught me, it’s that there are two groups of people.
The first group – which makes up most of the people in the gender discourse – reduces femininity to the widely held perception of the word: sex, dresses, flowers, heels, and makeup. It’s the modern version of “femininity,” if you will, the one dressed in frills, bows, pink, and hypersexuality. Corporations rely on this definition to sell products to women so they can be more “feminine.” Yet the essence of the word is not a costume; it is not something you grab from the closet and put on like a hat.
The second group acknowledges that femininity transcends the superficial. In their view, the term cannot be precisely defined because it describes the feminine energies, the yin, with qualities such as intuition, empathy, creation, fertility, chaos (yes, chaos), healing, kindness, receptivity, etcetera. Femininity is not about what you do or wear; it’s about who you are. The latter truly understands what it means to be in touch with the divine feminine.
The former has a very simplistic view of the word, with a heavy focus on the external rather than the internal. And because they are so focused on appearances, they forget to harness the spirit of femininity. Thus, they overcompensate by bringing other women down so that they can feel a little bit better about their own shortcomings. Their rigid perception of femininity is something that they’ve turned into a doctrine to keep themselves on a pedestal; they’re the self-appointed judge of womanhood. Ironically, that kind of assertion, objectivity, and the need to control and put things in order is associated with the masculine.
“Womanhood is not connected to actions, dress, personality, or any of the other superficial accouterments that people tend to confuse with their own identity,” @PhilosophiCat, a YouTuber who explores philosophy, says about the social media discord. “Those women who put others down for being different kinds of women than they are show their insecurity and lack of confidence in their own expression of womanhood. They need others to validate and confirm that their way of being a woman is the ‘right’ way or the ‘best’ way because they have only a tenuous connection to their own femininity.”
Some people have tweeted that Hannah is far more feminine than Khan because Khan has sought artificial enhancements, thereby rejecting and turning away from her nature. I cannot stand the "who is more feminine" discussions; it's vapid and limiting. So, I'm not going to say who's more feminine or not because, at the end of the day, they're both women from different walks of life.
However, Hannah’s love for the outdoors is not a rejection of femininity but the embracing of it. People call this being a “tomboy," but Clarissa Pinkola Estés, author and Jungian psychoanalyst, would go beyond that and say Barron is a wild woman. “Within every woman there is a wild and natural creature, a powerful force, filled with good instincts, passionate creativity, and ageless knowing,” Estés writes in Women Who Run With the Wolves.
Estés doesn’t mean "wild" as in being reckless, nor is she saying you have to run around barefoot in a forest (although that does sound therapeutic), but wild in a sense that captures the instinctive nature within us. The part that creates with passion and just goes for it, following those soul impulses. It's about being fearless and tapping into our strong intuition, whether that’s creating art, giving birth, getting intimate, spending time outdoors, or being ourselves – it's where we find joy and feel connected to life. In the process, we radiate beauty and love. Barron has embraced the wild woman archetype, something many of us have lost touch with in the modern era, but finding once again as we all learn what it truly means to be feminine.
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