Men Say Botox Is Obvious And Hate It, But Can They Even Tell When Women Get It?
A fierce debate about Botox is raging on X with many men claiming they hate the tight, frozen look while women claim most men can't tell when a woman has it or not and that men actually like the effects of Botox when it's done properly.

The debate around Botox, particularly the "preventative botox" currently being pushed on women in their early twenties, has been contentious for a while, but things got even more heated when a video of women sharing how many "units" of Botox they use went viral.
These women all seemingly work at the same medical spa, and the video was apparently an attempt to help viewers better understand how much a Botox regimen can vary from person to person, but people across social media were mostly horrified by how much older many of the women looked compared to their actual age.

"I was shocked when the girls said they were in their 20’s - early 30’s," wrote one person. "Assumed they were all mid-40s."
Others argued that the women in their forties and fifties looked better while the younger women looked worse.
However, many women pushed back on the criticism against Botox, saying that too much filler (another popular "enhancement" among women) is actually what's causing the "overdone" look.
"Botox is undetectable," wrote Alex Clark. "Most women you know get Botox. It’s FILLER that you aren’t liking, but because they aren’t discussing that in this particular video, you are blaming Botox."
This claim was the most debated, with many men saying that Botox is absolutely detectable and they hate the way it makes women look "fake." Many men and women also claimed that "most women" do not get Botox.
Clark and other women responded by pointing out that the reason they think many women don't get is because they can't tell when they do.
They also argued that many men actually claim that some women are "naturally beautiful" when those women have had Botox and other cosmetic procedures.

"Men have no idea what the difference is between plastic surgery, Botox, or fillers," added one user. "Most of the time they're complaining about too many fillers and botched plastic surgery, they have no idea how to detect if someone has had Botox."
Another person said that a woman's makeup style also plays an important role in how natural a man thinks her beauty is.
"Girl has filler, Botox, full beat of makeup, hair extensions, no red lipstick. Guy: she’s so natural."
Clark concluded her argument by sharing an example of a woman Clark claims has clearly had some cosmetic enhancements done but most men don't notice or object to.
While many women insisted that men, in general, actually prefer the effects of "good" Botox rather than a completely natural look, some men and women still vehemently disagreed. Others added that there are other reasons they don't like Botox, such as the cost or potential side effects.
"My issue w/Botox/fillers isn’t how it looks," wrote one person. "It’s in knowing that those who get it are caving to profit-driven industry standards that prey upon women’s (primarily) insecurities."
This heated debate highlights a larger conversation that needs to be had about aging, beauty standards, and personal choices. While some see Botox as a vain attempt to defy aging that leaves women looking fake, others view it as a valid form of self-care and claim that both men and women enjoy the benefits.
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