
Jeffrey Epstein Email Correspondence With Barclays Executive Shows Cryptic References To Disney Princesses: "Say Hi To Snow White"

Some of the emails were even exchanged when Epstein was already behind bars.

By Gina Florio3 min read
Getty/Stephanie Keith

Jeffrey Epstein, a financier turned criminal, is a name that continues to generate intense scrutiny and controversy. His high-profile associations, notorious legal battles, and most importantly, his penchant for child sex abuse have made him one of the most infamous figures of our time. Born in 1953 in Brooklyn, New York, Epstein began his career teaching physics and mathematics at the Dalton School, a prestigious Manhattan prep school. Eventually, he transitioned into finance, working at Bear Stearns before founding his own investment firm, J. Epstein & Co., which catered exclusively to billionaires. Epstein's considerable wealth and influential connections—including figures such as Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, and Prince Andrew—positioned him at the forefront of high society. However, beneath this façade of success and opulence lurked a disturbing reality.

Epstein's initial downfall came in 2008 when he pleaded guilty to procuring a minor for prostitution in a highly scrutinized plea deal in Florida. Despite credible accusations from multiple victims of running a sex trafficking ring and molesting dozens of underage girls, Epstein received an unusually lenient 18-month sentence, of which he served just 13 months—much of it on "work release." The deal, arranged with then-U.S. Attorney for Southern Florida, Alex Acosta, also granted immunity to Epstein's co-conspirators. The agreement's perceived leniency sparked public outrage and accusations of a miscarriage of justice, prompting further investigations.

A decade later, in 2019, Epstein was arrested again on federal sex trafficking charges relating to incidents from 2002 to 2005. Accusers came forward detailing a horrific pattern of abuse, alleging that Epstein had built a complex network dedicated to the exploitation and trafficking of underage girls. The gravity and scale of these charges indicated that Epstein might face significant prison time if convicted. But justice wasn't exactly served. In August 2019, a month after his arrest, Epstein was found dead in his jail cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York. The official cause of death was ruled as suicide by hanging by the New York City Medical Examiner's Office. However, inconsistencies surrounding his death—such as broken bones in his neck more typically associated with homicide, the malfunctioning of two cameras outside his cell, and the failure of guards to check on him—have pointed to many signs of foul play. Epstein's death effectively ended the criminal case against him, leaving many of his victims feeling they had been robbed of justice.

A recent lawsuit against JP Morgan revealed suspicious emails between Epstein and a Barclays executive, some of which were even exchanged while Epstein was in prison. They contain mysterious references to Disney princesses, such as Snow White.

Jeffrey Epstein's Email Correspondence with Barclays Executive Shows Cryptic References to Disney Princesses

Former Barclays chief executive Jes Staley's intriguing connection with convicted pedophile Epstein has been brought to light following the disclosure of around 1,200 emails exchanged between the two. The unearthed correspondence, a component of a lawsuit against JP Morgan by the government of the US Virgin Islands, provides further insight into the pair's connection, which Staley has characterized as a "profound" friendship.

Staley, 66, led JP Morgan's exclusive private bank, a role in which he dealt with Epstein as a client, until 2013. His ascendancy to Barclays' helm in 2015 ended abruptly in 2021 due to the Epstein scandal. The lawsuit alleges that JP Morgan enabled Epstein's sex trafficking operation by allowing him and his co-conspirators to maintain bank accounts, while consciously overlooking his illicit activities.

The email correspondence, primarily sent from Staley's JP Morgan account between 2008 and 2012, reveals a "close personal relationship" between the two. They imply that Staley may have played a part in Epstein's sex trafficking ring. Many of these emails have cryptic messages about Disney princesses. For example, in one email, Staley wrote, "Maybe they're tracking u? That was fun. Say hi to Snow White."

"What character would you like next?" Epstein replies, according to the lawsuit.

"Beauty and the Beast," Staley writes.

"Well, one side is available," Epstein says.

Yesterday, Elon Musk tweeted a parody poll showing four different actors with the question "Who should play Snow White?" Gal Gadot, Ana de Armas, Rachel Zegler, and Terry Crews were options, and Crews got 93% of the vote. Journalist and author Liz Crokin quote tweeted this with screenshots of Epstein's emails and the hashtag #SnowWhite.

Moreover, Epstein reportedly sent Staley photos of a young woman in a "seductive pose," reinforcing the impression of their nefarious connection. The emails confirm that Staley communicated with Epstein during his 15-month incarceration for soliciting an underage girl for prostitution and also visited Epstein's Virgin Islands residence multiple times.

One striking email from November 1, 2009, composed by Staley while he was staying on Epstein's island, reads, "So when all hell breaks loose, and the world is crumbling, I will come here, and be at peace... I owe you much. And I deeply appreciate our friendship. I have few so profound."

On December 4, 2009, despite acknowledging the risks, Staley sent an email to Epstein expressing gratitude for a "long heartfelt hug" in New York City. In another email, Staley responded to a photo of a young woman sent by Epstein with, "Don't tell me, a French wine." Many of these mysterious messages suggest there are disturbing things taking place between the two that involve underage girls. Staley's lawyers have defended the emails as "innocuous," dismissing any suggestion of coded language. His representatives continue to deny his involvement or awareness of Epstein's crimes. Nevertheless, these emails pose troubling questions about the nature of Staley's relationship with Epstein, requiring further examination in the pursuit of justice.

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