
Katy Perry Explains Why She "Stopped Googling Myself A Long Time Ago" And Shares Her Stress Management Routine

Katy Perry is one of the biggest names in pop music today and she divides her time between judging for American Idol, performing in Las Vegas, and being a mother to her daughter Daisy. Katy opens up about the daily habits she adopted in order to manage her mental health.

By Gina Florio2 min read
katy Perry

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom welcomed their first daughter into the world in 2020, and since then Katy has been dividing up her time between her career and her family life. In a recent interview with The Cut, Katy described the measures she takes to reduce stress and anxiety. From morning routines to meditation to therapy, Katy says she takes her mental health seriously and couldn't do it without her loyal team.

Katy Perry Explains Why She "Stopped Googling Myself a Long Time Ago" and Shares Her Stress Management Routine

She may be one of the most recognized faces in Hollywood, but Katy isn't interested to see what people have to say about her online. In fact, she spends as little time on social media as possible to set some healthy boundaries for herself. "I stopped Googling myself a long time ago, and I don’t read comments," she explains. "So if I’m on social media, I post and ghost." Katy says she doesn't want to "open the door and invite the whole world to comment about how they think I should live my life." She has her "good trusted-friend group" and she has her therapist (as well as a couple's therapist), so she's "very particular" about letting other people's opinions seep into her life.

Katy's schedule has changed a lot since she had her daughter. Daisy wakes up at 6 a.m. every morning no matter what time she goes to sleep, so Katy tries to be in bed by 10 p.m. every night. In the morning she wakes up and practices gratitude as soon as she opens her eyes. She's also consistent with transcendental meditation, "which has changed my life profoundly," she says.

"I learned it 14 or 15 years ago, and it gave me more of a compass, more of an anchor," she continues. "I can be too head-in-the-clouds, thinking too much about the future, and it helps me be more present. I’ve dealt with depression and anxiety in my life, and TM is a huge tool. I try to meditate in the morning if I didn’t get enough sleep or if my sleep was like an Imax movie — which, most of the time, it is."

She also uses TM for jet lag, hangovers, and a creativity boost. If she's having a particularly busy day, she sneaks away for 20 minutes to do her meditation and improve her mood, and then continues on with her day. Katy also points to hot yoga as a regular practice that helps her manage her stress.

Katy takes her daughter to mommy-and-me classes and at a ballet session recently, someone said, "Oh my God, you look so much like Katy Perry." She introduced herself and said, "Hi, nice to meet you. I care about my kid and take her to classes." Katy says she also takes her daughter to museums and zoos in their free time.

"The way I treat myself is just getting alone time, which is rare when you have young children and a career," she says. "Sometimes, I’ll go for a drive. I also love to ride my bicycle. Even when I’m doing tours all over the world, a lot of times, the way I get to the venue is by riding a bike."

Katy is starting her sixth season of American Idol as a judge while also juggling an on-again-off-again residency in Las Vegas. But she maintains her self-care routine as much as possible in order to give as much as she can to her family while keeping her career going.