LGBT-P? How Pedophilia Is Being Groomed For Sexual Orientation Status
It has been no secret that the recent wave of “Human Rights” campaigns are increasingly targeting our children. Now, pedophilia “awareness” is awakening in our country, making it next on the docket to potentially becoming a legitimate sexual orientation.

Recent publications and the media are hinting at this very real possibility, and we can help stop it by standing against it.
What Is a Pedophile, Exactly?
Pedophilia is defined as “sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object,” according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Sex crimes against children have been happening for years, yet it has been something that is gaining more attention in the media recently as sex trafficking and pedophilia crimes are popping up more and more.
Pedophilia is defined as sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object.
From a moral standpoint, this is outrageous and horrific for the general public, but from those who claim it's a mere biological tendency to be sexually attracted to children, it could mean another amendment added to the Equality Act, making it recognized as a legitimate sexual orientation.
The Dangers of Accepting Pedophilia As an Orientation
According to psychologist Madeleine Van Brugger, she claims that pedophilia should not be ruled out as a sexual preference and it's “something that we simply cannot change,” per her TedTalk. She endorses the fact that instead of separating those with pedophilic tendencies, we should embrace them and try to understand them.
With all this candor revolving around the increasing lost innocence of our children, it should come as no surprise that “Human Rights” proponents who claim to be serving the rights and desires of all humans, will soon be promoting the awareness of pedophilia as a legitimate sexual orientation due to the Equality Act which was just passed in 2019.
How the Equality Act Could Pose a Risk to Our Children
The Equality Act prohibits the discrimination of an individual’s sexual preference in a wide variety of general public settings, including education and after-school programs such as sports activities. This means that if politicians push for the acceptance of pedophilia as a real sexual orientation, these individuals would be free to work with our children in different settings. After-school programs and Little League could become huge targets for pedophiles to become employed at and ultimately seek their victims.
If politicians push for the acceptance of pedophilia as a real sexual orientation, these individuals would be free to work with our children in different settings.
Discriminating against individuals who identify as pedophiles would be eventually called “intolerance” and labeled as narrow-mindedness if we chose not to accept it as a sexual orientation.
Drawing the Line
This raises the question of what is right or wrong anymore? Does the definition of perversion change because we’ve simply become so politically correct and don't wish to “offend” anyone? Do personal responsibility and accountability mean anything, or have we resorted to calling human life no more than a highly-evolved pool of hormones, prone to succumb to our sexual urges whenever we “feel” like it? We're not only catering to the perversion, but we're ultimately choosing the path where our society will go.
Does the definition of perversion change because we’ve simply become so politically correct and do not wish to offend anyone?
While being a pedophile, serial killer, or thief are all things we wish we could control, or understand, these are simply wrong behaviors. The line becomes increasingly blurred when we go from shock to tolerance. If the mass shootings, molestation cases, and armed robberies were simple evolutionary by-products, wouldn’t that make our human species less likely to survive? If the after-effects of these horrible events induce psychological trauma and social isolation, perhaps this “genetic disposition” is much more than that. Perhaps it is a moral problem and needs to be addressed as such.
Closing Thoughts
A greater necessity arises to protect our children (and our future) and stop making excuses for wrong behavior, or labeling it as simply “tolerance” or “genetic disposition.” Pedophilia does not serve the perpetrator, nor the innocent children in terms of forward-thinking.
We may wish to know all the answers or solutions, but there's a criminal justice system for a reason—to punish wrong behavior and to protect the innocent. Just like those who rallied to pass the Equality Act in Congress, we must raise up our voices to oppose anything that would threaten our children and, ultimately, our future.